He is truly worthy of His Majesty, who has bloodbathed the dark forces of Belland several times. This attack is really ruthless.

If Yue Yue really wants to make any desperate move, then the entire Belland will now become a grasshopper on a rope, and those guys can't do it even if they don't work hard.

"But this is a good thing for me."

Mu En put the documents away: "Without the dog owner's leash, those domestic dogs are nothing compared to wild dogs."

"By the way, there's another thing I want. Are you ready?"

"Of course, Master."

An took out a box and opened it. A black dress and an exquisite human skin mask appeared in Mu En's sight.

"The dress is made of special fabric overnight. It can resist most cuts, flames, blunt blows, and even magic attacks below the third-order secret level. The most important thing is that it is very light, even weighing only half of ordinary clothing. .

And this human skin mask was also made by professional craftsmen, and is almost indistinguishable from the real thing..."


Looking at An's serious introduction to the contents of the box, Mu En couldn't help but feel warm in her heart.

His original requirement was just to be light enough and able to disguise himself.

But An was always able to prepare these things so perfectly.

Perfect beyond imagination.

"Thanks, Ann."

"Master, this is what I should do."

"Then help me get dressed, just like at home."

"Yeah." An smiled.

"Okay, Master."

A few minutes later, when Mu En stepped out of the carriage, his appearance had changed dramatically.

His height and body shape were all a circle bigger. His tall nose bridge and deep-set eye sockets made him look as cold and arrogant as the Lady Rath from the North.

The pure black close-fitting dress is like the shadow of a wild beast, and is full of violent beauty in its nobility. The hanging golden ornaments also highlight the wealth and extraordinaryness of the owner.

His short golden hair was hidden in a wide top hat. When he pressed down the brim of the hat slightly, all his emotions and eyes were rendered extremely cold by the darkness.

"Okay, gentlemen."

Mu En held the cane in his hand and looked at the silent streets of Lower City.

"Let's start the second round of the game."

110. General citizens

Belland, Lower Town.

A thin mist drifted from the ancient Rhine River and enveloped this ancient and silent city. The sky shrouded by dark clouds could not cast a trace of light, and the entire city looked like a reflection of hell.

This is the source of Belland's darkness, the shadow cast by the city's lush foliage on the earth.

Chaos is the eternal theme here.

Even though all the roads out of the city have been blocked, knights are stationed in the upper city, and a curfew has been issued, the light of swords, flames, and blood are still spreading in the corners of the city.


Roars and screams broke the dead silence in the secluded place. The excited thugs brandished sharp weapons and swords, chasing the thin figure not far away in the light of the fire.

"No... don't come here, let me go, please let me go."

The skinny man ran away in a panic. He was covered in injuries and seemed to have suffered a lot of inhuman torture.


There was a harsh sound of breaking wind, and the man suddenly stumbled to the ground. The sharp arrow was fired from the crossbow and pierced his calf directly.

Blood flowed.

"Let me go, please let me go. I didn't betray the Rat King. I just quit. I didn't betray him!"

The man's face was covered with blood and tears, and he humbly begged the thugs for forgiveness and mercy.

"Let you go?"

The thugs slowly approached, looking ferocious.

"Have you forgotten the rules of the Mouse Club? When everyone was making money, you were more active than anyone else. Now, just because there is a little bit of news that something is wrong, you want to leave?"

"No, I didn't, I didn't, I just don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to kill anyone anymore. I want to be a good person."

The man struggled to crawl in front of the thugs, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"We used to be colleagues, Swick. We often drank together. Let me go. Please let me go. I really just quit. I definitely didn't betray anyone!"

"Let you go? But if I let you go, who will let me go?"

The thug named Swick lowered his cold eyes, slowly raised the repeating crossbow in his hand, and pointed it at the man's forehead.

"If you want to be a good person in the next life, do it early. Don't wait until your hands are covered with blood before you talk about whether you have these things or not."

"No, I want to see the Rat King, I want to see the Rat King, I have done so much for him, he can't do this to me!"

The man roared in horror, but it had no effect. In his desperate look, the bowstring gradually tightened, and then... excited.

The man closed his eyes subconsciously, waiting for death to come.


The crisp sound echoed, and the expected death did not come.

The man's eyes widened in horror. In front of him, a simple black cane stood quietly, with faint marks left by arrows on it.


He actually held a cane and blocked the incoming arrows?

Everyone looked at this sudden appearance in astonishment.

He was wearing a pure black dress inlaid with gold, which not only showed his dignity, but at the same time, the tooth-shaped hem of his clothes vaguely revealed a hint of violence.

He was taller than a normal person, giving people a sense of oppression. Under the brim of the wide top hat, the unique stern face of the northern Slavs now outlined a strange smile.

"Good evening everyone."

He pressed his hat and greeted everyone politely.

"Did I just hear that...does anyone want to be a good person?"

"Who are you?"

Swick immediately moved the repeating crossbow in his hand and pointed it at this strange guy who suddenly appeared.

His thugs also raised their weapons and gradually surrounded him with fierce expressions.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, I'm just an ordinary citizen passing by."

The tall figure in formal dress touched the ground with his cane, signaling everyone to relax like a gentleman.

"You can call me...well, let me think about it, call me...Bruce Wayne."

The smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more transcendent, as if he had thought of some interesting and good idea.

"Well, regular citizen Bruce, Bruce without superpowers, sounds like a perfect fit for me."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Swick's finger gradually tightened on the trigger of the repeating crossbow and shouted sternly.

"Is it possible that you are in the same group with this coward?"

"No, no, didn't you say that? I was just passing by."

The man who calls himself Bruce...that is, Mu En, seems not to have seen the repeated crossbow that is on the verge of being excited. He still looks leisurely. Surrounded by thugs, he not only has no idea of ​​​​escape, but also pushes away the machete that is close to him and grabs it. The shoulders of a thug, as cordial as a long-lost friend.

"However, I do have a small question for this kind gentleman."


Swick frowned.

Under normal circumstances, he would not talk so much. If he dared to disturb the mouse, he would just kill him and throw him into the sewer.

But he really couldn't see through the sudden appearance of this man, so he still remained vigilant. It was best to solve the problem without violence.

"what is the problem?"

"I want to know, your boss, Rat King Sam, is now..."

call out--

The harsh sound of breaking wind interrupted Mu En's words.

He tilted his head slightly, held down the top hat on his head, looked sideways at the arrow that had grazed his cheek and was nailed to the wall behind him, and sighed regretfully.

"Why can't people just finish what they're saying?"

"Kill him!"

Swick opened his eyes and shouted, "The boss said that anyone who dares to ask about his whereabouts during this period will be killed!"

"As expected of the Rat King Sam, who is said to have more than a dozen shelters and even sleeps in three places a night. His vigilance is really admirable."

Mu En kindly patted the thug next to him on the shoulder and asked softly:

"Do you agree?"

"Fuck you, die!"

But the thug obviously couldn't feel Mu En's tenderness, so he directly grasped the machete and slashed towards his neck.

"So, I have always hated violence."

Mu En sighed again.

"But why do you all insist on forcing me to use violence?"

Fingers move slightly.


In the horrified sight of everyone, half of the thug closest to Mu En exploded and spread into a mist of blood.

And in the scarlet mist, a man who called himself Bruce, an ordinary citizen, whistled and picked up the machete on the ground.


"Sigh, Elizabeth is used to using it, and feels that other weapons are rubbish."

He shook his head in displeasure, then turned his wrist and stabbed it into the neck of the thug behind him who wanted to sneak attack.

It's as natural as taking a leisurely stroll.

"But let's make do with it."

"Kill him! Kill him! Come with me!"

Swick roared with red eyes, cocked the repeating crossbow in his hand, and took aim quickly.


Be calm.

He is just one person, and he can beat more than a dozen of me in seconds.

As long as he can be held back, with the power of the magic repeating crossbow, he can be shot into a hedgehog in an instant!

"Ah, by the way, can you answer me another question?"

At this moment, the ordinary citizen pulled the knife out of the man's neck, elegantly dodged the splatter of blood, and turned his attention to Swick again.

"What is ten seconds divided by ten?"

Ten seconds divided by ten?

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