Are you testing children?

"Of course equal to one." Swick replied subconsciously.


After getting the answer, Mr. Bruce, an ordinary citizen, suddenly stopped, pressed his hat tightly, and murmured softly, ignoring the thugs rushing behind him, as if counting down.


In an instant, as the words fell, in Swick's constant sight, the man suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

Then, accompanied by screams that sounded almost at the same time, countless blood mist rose in the field, like a gorgeous flower from the other side, slowly blooming in the endless night.

111. Gambling

"Now, can you tell me where the Rat King is?"

A second later.

The scarlet flowers bloomed, and then disappeared into the mist of the night with the breeze.

The "ordinary citizen" who seemed to have done nothing, stood in the blood on the ground, still holding down his hat, politely, elegantly and calmly, smiling and asking Swick.

Like a lost gentleman, just asking where to go next.

But at this moment, Mu En's smiling face looked like a demon from hell in Swick's eyes. His face was pale, and he tremblingly raised the repeating crossbow in his hand and aimed it at Mu En's eyebrows.

However, the trigger that would easily take someone else's life with a single pull was now as if it had been welded to death by molten iron, motionless.

"You...who are you?"

"Oh, how many times do I need to introduce you? I'm just an ordinary citizen passing by."

Mu En approached calmly, opened the repeating crossbow, and looked down at Swick's horrified eyes.

"Sir, I am patient, so this is the last time I ask."

His smile gradually faded, and a hint of coldness appeared on his deep face.

"...Rat King Sam, where is he now?"


Swick pursed his pale lips.

Can't say, Swick, can't say.

You are the Rat King’s confidant!

You are his right-hand man and his most loyal subordinate!

The more this time comes, the more your loyalty will be reflected!

With a click, the string of the crossbow suddenly broke. Mu En flicked her fingers, a chill flashing in her eyes.


"Casino, he's in the casino!"

Swick screamed in horror:

"Sam has a gambling habit and he can't help but gamble every night, so he must be in the casino now."

"Oh, which casino?"

"I can lead the way to the underground casino on Mink Street. As long as you don't kill me, I can take you there..."

"very good."

Mu En nodded with satisfaction and politely thanked

"Then I'll trouble you."

"It's my honor to help you." Swick forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, imitating Mu En's look, and responded comically.

Sure enough, the more cultivated a person like this looks, the more perverted he is secretly!

Just like those aristocratic gentlemen from uptown!

After solving this trivial trouble, Mu En turned around and looked at the skinny man on the other side who was still in a daze.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

After noticing Mu En's gaze, the man begged for mercy in fear. In his opinion, the person who could easily kill so many Mouse Society thugs must be a more vicious villain than the Mouse Society.

Just like the urban legends hiding in the shadows of this city.

However, the expected death did not come. He only felt a warm hand gently placed on his shoulder.

Looking up in shock, he did not feel the violence and ferocity he expected, but instead he ran into a pair of blue eyes as deep and calm as lake water.

"You just said you want to be a good person?"


The man nodded blankly,

"I'm already being a good person."

"That's fine."

The man felt a heavy tap on his shoulder.

"very good."

In the distance, the searchlight of the sentry on Tower Bridge occasionally reflected a dazzling light.

In the man's dull gaze, the "ordinary citizen" who was more vicious than the thugs walked around him, waved to him, and then walked towards the depths of darkness.

Swick hunched over and cautiously followed him, as humble as a dog.

"Damn...who said good people don't get rewarded."

The man suddenly burst into tears and kowtowed vigorously in the direction of Mu En's disappearance.

"Bruce Wayne..."

In his mouth, he chanted the name devoutly.

"you lose."

In the drunken casino, Rat King Sam put down the cards in his hand and looked at the sweaty middle-aged man in front of him with a look of disdain.

" is it possible?"

The middle-aged man slumped down in his chair and looked at his hand of cards in disbelief.

"This is my three-pointer. Why did my three-pointer lose?"

"You have three, but I have four."

Sam tapped the four identical numbers in his hand and sneered:

"Winner takes all, this is the casino's rule. Boy, you don't want to default on your bill, do you?"


The middle-aged man's face turned pale, and he wanted to say something else, but at this time, a beautiful dealer in a low-cut short skirt had already pushed all the chips in front of him to the rat king Sam.

Just now, confident in his own hand, he chose to play all-in in order to make a profit.

Therefore, now, all his chips, a total of one million, will belong to the man across the long table, who is as short as a dwarf, but no one dares to look down on him.

His idea of ​​making a profit in one go, or even getting rich overnight, fell through, and now he has nothing.


In desperation, the middle-aged man held down the last few chips, trembling his lips and said:

"I'm not done yet, please give me another chance, let me play again, I will definitely... I will definitely be able to win back all the money I lost, please give me another chance."

"The chance is not given by me."

Sam played with the exquisitely made chips, which were far more charming than paper money, and laughed:

"One chip for one thousand Emile, everyone is equal, if you want to make a comeback, bring more money."

"Money... But where do I have money now? I have already mortgaged all the real estate and land in my family to get the money tonight. Where can I get it? There is still money..."

"Really? You have no money anymore."

Sam sighed regretfully, and then his expression suddenly became cold:

"You have no money and you still come to waste my time? Come on, throw him out!"

"Wait... Don't drag me away, don't drag me away, I can still get money, I can still get money, Sam, Sam, I can mortgage my daughter to you, and my wife, I can mortgage them to you, lend me some more money, lend me some more, I feel my luck has come up, I will definitely win next time!"

The middle-aged man's eyes were red, and he kept struggling in the hands of the casino guards, trying his best to return to the place where he lost everything.

But Sam was not moved at all. He took a deep breath of the cigar handed by his subordinates, and said disdainfully in the smoke:

"Damn, everyone knows that the two female dinosaurs in your family are even uglier than the mud under my feet. What am I here for? To treat low blood pressure?"

In the heart-wrenching wailing, the man with nothing was thrown out of the casino, and he didn't know where to go.

But almost everyone knew that he would most likely come back again, taking the money he didn't know where to get from, and continue to step into this bottomless abyss.

"Boss, are you still playing tonight?"

The confidant came over and asked in a low voice.


Sam glanced at the entire casino.

According to his previous practice, it would not end so early.

But recently, the wind in the whole of Belrand was not quite right, which caused the casino's business to be much worse. At a glance, there was no big fish at all.

"Forget it."

Sam touched the white and tender breasts of the dealer next to him and said with a lewd smile:

"Didn't Swick offer his sister to me? I'll go play someone else tonight."


The confidant responded and prepared to go down to make arrangements.

But at this moment, a black figure appeared behind the empty gambling table.

"Huh? Is it over?"

The figure took off his dress coat and placed the quaint cane and a silver box on the gambling table.

He adjusted his high-top, wide-brimmed hat and smiled at Sam in a harmless and kind manner.

"The night is still long, Mr. Sam, do you want to play a few more games?"

112. The Con Man

"You are..."

Sam, the Rat King, who was about to leave, stopped and looked at the man across the gambling table.

The black dress has been taken off and held in his hands, revealing a close-fitting gray vest and white shirt. The clothes are obviously cut by top tailors, and they fit the body curves very well, highlighting the man's height.

The face under the hat is three-dimensional and deep, with obvious northern Slavic features, but Slavs rarely have such clear light blue eyes.

But under the shadow of the hat, Sam can hardly see what is hidden in those eyes.

"Bruce Wayne."

The man pressed the hat and nodded politely.

"Good evening, Mr. Sam."

"Bruce Wayne?"

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