"Oh my God, I just drew ten consecutive five yellows once. Even if I drew Yang Shou, I wouldn't be like this now."

"Yes, these are for the protagonist, but I'm just a supporting character."

Mu En has become clearer about his positioning, and it seems that Huang Mao's supporting role is basically destined.

However, it is absolutely impossible to drug Celecia according to the original plot. No matter how stupid he is, there is no way he would be stupid enough to actually light that powder keg.

In short, the only solution to this matter is probably one word: Gou.

"I don't know if I can bury the hatchet by apologizing to the protagonist in person tomorrow. At worst, I have to make some sacrifices. I just hope she doesn't make any excessive demands."

Mu En gritted her teeth and decided that even if the protagonist had to lick her feet tomorrow to forgive herself, she would just... do it.

Anyway, the feet of a beautiful girl are not something difficult to lick.

I just hope I can wear black silk stockings by then.

"Yes, just do it!"

Mu En clenched his fists and made up his mind.

Now that the decision has been made, all that's left to do is...


Mu En, who was full of fighting spirit, suddenly let out a scream.

Because he didn't know what suddenly flew up and hit him on the back of the head.

"What the hell?"

Mu En cursed in a low voice, covered his head with one hand, and looked at the thing that smashed him.

That's a book.

A black book.

"What's this?"

Mu En frowned.

I always feel that this book has an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

It's like...something important.

But in his memory, he had never seen this black book.

And...he looked up and saw that he was in a room with the doors and windows closed. Where did this book come from?

"Could it be that……"

Mu En's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Has the plug-in arrived?"

The book is pure black, and the cover does not have any patterns or patterns, but it seems that because the black is too pure, if you look at it for too long, you will feel that your soul has been swallowed up by it.

"It seems God has not given up on me yet."

Mu En was so excited that she almost burst into tears.

Plug-ins are good, plug-ins are wonderful.

As long as there are plug-ins, even if I am just an ordinary worker, why don't I kick Feng Aotian and punch the son of destiny?

Destiny, what is that?

Have you ever heard that my destiny is up to me?


How to use this thing?

Looking at the wordless cover, Mu En was confused.

There isn't even a novice tutorial.

Could it be that it contains a unique skill that can make you invincible in the world?

Mu En swallowed nervously, then slowly opened the pages of the book with excitement.



"What are you doing?"

"Wordless Heavenly Book?"

"Or does it require some special stimulation method?"

Mu En took the black book and looked left and right, holding the cover and shaking it again and again, but there was no reaction.

"Haha, it's not like you have to shed blood to recognize your master, right?"

Just as he was thinking this, Mu En suddenly felt a warmth pass through his forehead.

A drop of bright red blood flowed down from the place where the black book had just been hit.

It's like everything has been perfectly calculated.

Just right, right in the center of the page.

In an instant.


Like a beast that wakes up after smelling blood, the black book turned violently.

A terrible suction force came from it.

Mu En's blood suddenly spurted out from the wound on his head like a fountain, continuously gathering into the black book.

"Fuck, what happened?"

Before she could react to this horrifying scene, Mu En felt her vision go dark and she lost consciousness.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

Dark space.

flowing liquid.

Bitingly cold air.


who is it?

[Ah, you finally woke up. I have been waiting for you for a long time. 】

The sound was like two pieces of rusty iron rubbing against each other, mixed with noise, and even the male and female could not be distinguished.

[Then let’s continue. 】


Continue with what?

A blurry shadow emerged from the darkness.

The light from an unknown source shone on the black shadow's face, but it seemed to be mosaic, and nothing could be seen clearly.

[Already four hundred and seventy-two, I am truly worthy of being you. 】

Four hundred and seventy-two?

What four hundred and seventy-two?

The black shadow continued to walk towards her, and she raised her hand, a cold light flashing in her hand.

It was a delicate knife as thin as a cicada's wing.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

What is flowing?

is blood.

Lots of blood.

From the four hundred and seventy-two wounds, it flows continuously.

With a sharp pain that goes deep into the bone marrow.

[Ah, how sad I feel at this moment]

The shadow lowered her head, and crystal liquid flowed down from her face, mixing with the blood.

[I love you so much, so much, but why...why...should...]

[You shouldn't be like this, how evil, how cruel, and how selfish you are. You should give others pain instead of tolerance. You should make everyone hate you...]

【That way, you can belong to me alone. 】

[But you have changed, you have changed your mind. 】

【It's not okay to change your mind... 】

The sharp blade moved on the skin.

Every time, there would be a bright red mark that would never fade.

The whispers filled with endless love and hatred echoed wildly in the ears, like the sound of a bee.

The black shadow slowly approached, with indistinguishable blood and flower fragrance.

[So, I can only use my love to completely purify you. ]

[Don't worry, my love, there is still a lot. ]


"What is that...?"

Mu En suddenly opened his eyes, gasping for air, his face pale, his whole body soaked with sweat, as if he had just escaped from hell.


He was still in his room, and it was even more impossible for a strange black shadow to appear and cut him into pieces.

It could only be explained by a dream.

"But why did I suddenly have that kind of dream? I was just..."

Mu En looked at the black book in his hand and fell into confusion.

He stroked the black book and murmured thoughtfully:

"And... this dream is too real."

3. Since you can't resist, just enjoy it

"Is it some kind of precognitive dream?"

Mu En knocked on the cover of the black book and thought carefully.

Thinking over and over again, this inexplicable but extremely real dream seems to be best explained by the three words "precognitive dream".

Of course, this is just one of the guesses.

"If it is a precognitive dream, what is the result? Did I do something wrong?"

Mu En murmured with a pale face.

The painful touch just now is still wandering on the skin.

No matter who it is, it is impossible to remain completely calm after knowing that his future may be cut into pieces.

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