"But who hates me so much that he is so cruel?"

Although the figure in the precognitive dream claimed to be love, Mu En didn't think it was love at all.

How can there be love that cuts the one you love to pieces into pieces? Not even a perverted murderer is so outrageous!

If you want to have any perverted gameplay, you have to leave a whole corpse!

"The safest way is to find that black figure..."

Mu En quickly confirmed the strategy. As long as he found the murderer before he was carried out, as the son of a duke, it should be very simple to avoid this outcome.


"It seems...impossible."

Cold sweat dripped from Mu En's forehead.

If you want to find that dark shadow, you must have enough clues.

However, the precognitive dream did not reveal anything useful. The voice and appearance of the black figure were completely indistinguishable, and I could only barely tell that it was a woman.

And it is impossible to guess the answer based on this alone. Moon Campbell usually offends too many people. Even the maid of the Duke's family may not be able to bear his consistent evil behavior and take revenge on him.

"In the final analysis, you have done too many wrong things."

Mu En let out a long sigh, as if he was going to personally beat the original owner.

But this is no longer possible because he is now the original owner.

The evil that Moon Campbell did must be borne by him, Moon.

"No, I have to think of a solution. Although it's just a guess, I don't want to be cut into pieces."

"Ah, by the way, that black book!"

Mu En finally remembered the culprit who made him experience the feeling of being cut into pieces with a thousand knives.


Mu En was just trying to find the missing black book, but as soon as his mind moved, the black book appeared in front of him again.

"Is this...entering my body?"

Mu En thought again, and sure enough, the black book turned into a faint light and entered Mu En's body.

Mu En could clearly sense that it was waiting quietly somewhere in his consciousness.

"So magical?"

Mu En was delighted: "Am I saved?"

Full of excitement, Mu En summoned the black book, then clasped his hands together and muttered sincerely:

"Heishu, Heishu, whether I can make a comeback this time depends on you."


Mu En shouted loudly and opened the black book.

[Mu En shouted loudly and opened the black book]

Mu En:?

After opening it, nothing happened, except that the above words appeared on the pure white first page of the book.

It's like a diary, recording Mu En's every move at this moment.

"What the hell? That's it?"

[Mu En swings the black book back and forth, but nothing happens]

"No way."

Mu En twitched the corner of his mouth. He looked at the words on the book, raised his hand, and tentatively picked up the mirror beside him.

[Mu En picked up the mirror. 】

lay down.

[Mu En puts down the mirror. 】

Look in the mirror.

[Mu En looked at herself in the mirror and felt that she was as handsome as ever. 】

"You're cheating me!"

Mu En slammed the black book.

It's useless, it makes me happy in vain.

[Mu En becomes helpless and furious. 】


Mu En covered her face and burst into tears, speechless and choked.

"What on earth was I expecting?"

A yellow-haired villain is a yellow-haired villain.

Those who play a small role are those who play a small role.

Do you still want to become the protagonist of a shabby book with unknown origins?


"Sure enough, this world is not friendly to a yellow-haired person like me?"

The black book that can play a small role and see a corner of the tragic future is probably God's only mercy to him.

"But won't you be a little more useful? If you are a little more useful, at least let me know whether that dream is a prediction or something else!"

Mu En shook the black book, which had an unknown origin but made him feel very familiar, and gritted his teeth.

"I will die as a clear ghost!"

The black book remains unchanged.

【well. 】

But just when Mu En was about to give up.

He heard a vague sigh.

Then, on the white title page, fonts suddenly appeared.

Bright red font.

【Don't change. 】


Mu En's pupils narrowed:

"Don't change...what does that mean."

"Are you warning me that you can't change the plot, otherwise that kind of ending will happen?"

"But why, wouldn't my end be very miserable?"



The above font appeared, like an invisible big hand holding Mu En's heart.

But no matter how he asked again, there would be no movement in the black book.

It just silently became a simple and unpretentious text repeater.

"So, in the end, all my thoughts are just extravagant hopes?"

After being stunned for a long time, Mu En finally showed a wry smile.

"In order to survive, we have no choice but to take the initiative to go to destruction?"

Before traveling through time, he was just an ordinary migrant worker and had no ambition to go against fate.

Not to mention, this is a situation where there is no chance of victory at all.

He was scared.

I can only be cowardly.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, the ending in the original book is not that bad."

At least in the original book, Moon Campbell did not lose his life, but was deprived of his noble status and became a commoner.

"Huh? Wait."

Thinking of this, Moon suddenly had a flash of light in his mind and found the point.

"Speaking of which, why did I become a beggar in the original book?"

It was not mentioned.

But it is not difficult to guess.

Moon Campbell, the son of a duke, was suddenly deprived of his noble status, became a commoner, and was expelled from the duke's house. Moreover, because it was the emperor who personally ordered it and sent people to supervise it, the duke and his wife could not secretly help him.

Such a spoiled young man who grew up arrogant and domineering, although due to the plea of ​​the duke and his wife, the king issued an order to write off his previous mistakes and no one could pursue revenge, but suddenly became a commoner, what means did he have to survive?


Can he support himself independently?

It's very difficult!

You know he doesn't have that ability!

Maybe he couldn't stand the poor life the next day and went to the underworld to borrow usury.

Then because he couldn't pay back the debt, his limbs were broken, and he could only become a poor beggar.

"But I'm different!"

Mu En slapped his knees and said in a shocking voice.

Who is he, Mu En?

Not Mu En Campbell, the aristocratic waste who only knows how to do whatever he wants by relying on his family background.

But a worker warrior who has been tempered by modern society!

Not to mention becoming a civilian, even if he becomes a rat in the underground ditch, he can live well! And live well!

"And the most important thing is that I can get rid of the influence of the protagonist and live freely!"

Hope burst out in Mu En's eyes again.

He had died inexplicably once in his previous life. In this life, he wanted to cherish his life.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the so-called aristocratic identity is nothing worth lingering on.

"It's just a privileged class that has gained it by squeezing the hard-working people. I, a socialist proletarian fighter with a red family background, can only express disdain!"

4. Doing more good deeds will bring good luck, right

"Woo, woo, the evil privileged class, this is too cool."

While Mu En cursed the luxury and corruption of the aristocracy in his heart, he followed the muscle memory of the original owner and enjoyed today's dinner in an elegant posture.

Dinner was just steak, paired with red wine that was unknown how many years old.


It was so delicious!

Mu En swore that he had never eaten such a delicious steak in his life.

The meat was fragrant, the fat was thick, and it melted in his mouth.

The so-called top-grade steak he bought in the Western restaurant that he went to for the only time in his last life was not even worthy of wiping the plate compared to what he was eating now!

Woo, how could it be so delicious.

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