I suddenly feel reluctant to give up this identity. What should I do?

"What's wrong? Little Mu En seems very happy today."

Across the table, the elegant woman wiped her mouth with a white napkin and asked with a smile:

"Did you encounter something happy?"

"Haha, I must be looking forward to tomorrow's coming-of-age ceremony banquet."

Beside the woman, sitting at the top, the man with a beard like a lion's mane and a majestic look smiled:

"After all, that is one of the most important banquets in Mu En's life."

"...Yes, father, mother, I am looking forward to it."

Mu En responded with a standard sunny smile, and at the same time, he was secretly alert in his heart.

The two in front of him are the biological father and mother of Mu En Campbell.

One of the four dukes of the Leopold Empire, Duke Long Campbell, and his wife, the daughter of the former marquis, Noyace Campbell.

Although the Campbell family is of noble status, the male lineage in the family has always been a single lineage, and the Duke and Duchess of Campbell only have one son, Mu En.

Naturally, they dote on him very much.

It can be said that the excessive love between the couple is largely responsible for the tragic end of Mu En Campbell.

But it is precisely because of this that Mu En must be cautious to prevent his cheap parents from finding out something is wrong.

After all, he still needs to rely on the Duke and Duchess who love their children very much to plead for him. If there is no order from the king to write off the matter and not to pursue it, he will probably be hacked to death by his enemies on the street the next day after he becomes a civilian.

But the facts prove that Mu En is just too cautious. The memory of the original owner who merged with him, plus the instincts that still remain in this body for more than ten years, make his every move not reveal any flaws at all.

"My son will definitely be the most eye-catching existence at the banquet tomorrow. I don't know how many young girls from noble families will be fascinated by him."

The gentle and virtuous Noyas clenched her hands and said expectantly. In her eyes, her little Mu En is the most perfect existence.

"Haha, that's not possible. He has a fiancée. Princess Celia will be jealous if she sees him." The usually serious Duke Campbell couldn't help but tease after drinking a little wine.

"Humph, I don't like that Princess Celia. She's cold and how can she be worthy of our little Mu En."

"Hey, if Princess Celia is not worthy, then no one can be worthy. But there is one thing I agree with. Mu En, you can bring back a few more girls to expand the Campbell family. As for His Majesty, I will help you. Gudonggudong, I think with my son's ability, it should be easy to get it hahahaha..."


Seeing the two cheap parents bragging about themselves, Mu En, who is as thick-skinned as he is, can't help but feel ashamed.

Sure enough, too heavy love will cover people's eyes and make people see only what they want to see.

Who is Princess Celia? The third princess of the empire, the pure white son blessed by God, is also known as the Ice Witch, one of the candidates for the most beautiful woman in Ireland.

In the original text, Celia has won a large number of fans with her perfect appearance, cold temperament, and the contrast between cold outside and warm inside. She is also Mu En's favorite character, which is not suitable for him, a rotten fish and shrimp.

"Don't force what you can't ask for."

"I will let everything go on the original track."

"Celia will also know and fall in love with the protagonist and get real happiness."

"Even if I am a humble yellow-haired villain, I will live!"

Mu En secretly made up his mind again.


After finishing the meal, he said goodbye to the Duke and Duchess, and prepared to go out.

But he just bumped into the maid who came out of the corner.

"Ah, sorry, Master Mu En... I was careless..."

The tea spilled on Mu En's luxurious clothes, leaving a large red mark. The maid was horrified when she saw this. She took out a handkerchief in panic and wanted to help Mu En wipe it, but the marks soaked by the tea became more obvious.

The maid looked even uglier, and she actually knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Please spare my life, Master Mu En. I... I... was careless for a moment... I won't do it again next time... Please don't hit me, and don't strip me and throw me on the street..."


Facing the maid who was shaking like a sieve, Mu En was a little speechless.

In your eyes, am I such a cold, evil and unreasonable guy?

Well, it's true. If it was the original Mu En Campbell, those things might really be done.

"It's just a small problem. Don't worry about it. You get up first." Mu En leaned down and helped the maid who was kneeling on the ground up.

"I won't punish you."


The maid was stunned in shock, as if she couldn't understand why Master Mu En, who would beat and scold servants at any time, would be so kind and merciful today.

Mu En smiled slightly, and his handsome smile made the maid a little absent-minded.

Of course he would be so kind and merciful, he was not the evil young man Mu En before!

And he was about to become a civilian, so Mu En thought it would be better to avoid some hatred at this time.

Especially when he knew that he might be cut into pieces.

Maybe it was because of his evil deeds that the maid who was closest to him secretly hated him and finally took action!

"By the way, are you okay?"

Mu En looked at the maid and felt something was wrong with her.

He was obviously frightened, but his cheeks were still red.

"Maybe he's sick."

Mu En suddenly put his hand on the maid's forehead. This move was so sudden that the maid didn't react at all and could only freeze in place like a stone.


My forehead feels so hot.

The maids in the Duke's Palace have always been well-trained, and being able to make such stupid mistakes may be the reason for their illness.

Mu En stared at the bewildered maid and said seriously:

"You're so sick, why don't you rest?"

"Because...because tomorrow is the young master's coming-of-age ceremony banquet, and the house is short of manpower..."

“Then you can’t work while sick!”

Mu En scolded her sternly, but in the face of Mu En's scolding, the fear on the maid's face disappeared. Her big eyes blinked, leaving only the confusion of "Am I dreaming?"



"Arrange her...by the way, what's your name?"

"I...my name is Noel."

"Well, arrange for Noel to rest."


An accepted the order respectfully.

"It's just Master Mu En. What Noel just said is not false. Your coming-of-age ceremony banquet tomorrow will be severely understaffed. Every maid in the house has her own responsibilities. If she takes a rest, it may make the work of other maids much heavier."

"Then we'll recruit people from outside the palace. Isn't it possible that the Duke's Palace is so big that it can't even hire people?"

"...Yes, I will convey this order to the head maid."

Ann turned and left. She needed to tell the head maid this order as soon as possible.

The arrangements for the banquet are all coordinated by the head maid. The banquet is tomorrow, so it is best to communicate this personnel change as soon as possible.

"Ah, yes, Ann."

"Is there anything else? Master Mu En."

"...Forget it, it's okay, just go and do your work."


An showed a trace of doubt, but quickly restrained himself.

"Yes, then I'll excuse you."


Looking at An Li's back, Mu En let out a sigh of relief.

He had just stopped her, originally asking her to buy the important prop for this incident - the drug.

After all, in the original book, it was An who did this.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

Although it is not mentioned in the original book, as an accomplice in framing the princess, An will definitely be angered and then executed.

But this time, it was a shattering ending that only belonged to him, Mu En.

There is no need to take another unrelated life.


Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but laugh at herself:

"I didn't expect that I, who had never killed a chicken since I was a child, would actually do the evil thing of drugging an innocent girl."

"But fortunately, this is an operation destined to fail."

5. The mysterious shop may always have good things.

Mu En left the Duke's Palace and rode the palace's carriage to a luxury store where he usually visited. After ordering the accompanying guards to guard the door of the store, Mu En secretly left through the back door of the store.

Mu En, who was slightly disguised, shuttled through the complicated urban area according to the route in his memory, and came to the river at the junction of the upper city and lower city. Then he jumped down from a pipe by the river while there was no one around.

A faint smell of corruption lingered on the tip of his nose. Mu En frowned, put on a mask, put on a black robe that was large enough to completely cover his body, and quickly passed through the pipe.


At the end of the pipe, a tall figure stood guard there.


Mu En thought for a while: "Rat in the sewer."

"do what?"

"Looking for carrion."

"Where's the stuff?"

Mu En raised his hand and showed the tall figure the black token in his hand, which depicted a lifelike mouse.

"Well, you can go in."

The tall figure stepped aside, revealing what seemed to be an even narrower passage behind him.

Mu En nodded, put away the token, and quickly passed by the tall figure.

At the moment when the figures intertwined, Mu En just caught a glimpse of a corner of the tall figure through the glimmer of light coming from the top of his head.

It was a carrion-like body with countless maggots squirming on it. Just by passing by, you could smell the suffocating rotten smell.

"Ugh, it's indeed a magical world view."

Suppressing the feeling of nausea, Mu En did not dare to stay any longer. She quickened her pace and left the place quickly.

After passing through the narrow passage, the view suddenly became clear.

A huge underground space appeared in Mu En's field of vision. The four walls of the underground space were inlaid with stones that emitted soft light, illuminating the place. It was surrounded by pedestrians, all of whom shrouded themselves in mysterious black robes. .

This is the underground black market located in the lower part of Belland. It is said that as long as you have money, you can buy anything here, even "anyone".

"Fortunately, I still remember the way I got here."

Mu En couldn't help but think with some joy.

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