25. Dangerous worldview

"No, now is not the time to rest."

After An left, Mu En suddenly turned over, sat up from the bed, and went to the table beside him despite his weak body.

According to his memory, he took out a blank piece of paper from the drawer of the desk, picked up the quill pen, and dipped it in ink.

"The current plot has completely deviated from the original plot, that is to say, all the future plots are unknown to me."

"The original book has no reference value anymore, I have to rely on myself."

"First, we have to set a goal."

Mu En pinched his chin and thought for a while, then began to write on the paper in a fairly regular handwriting.

One, survive.

Two, avoid the "thousands of cuts" ending.

Three, become stronger.

"These are the three goals at present."

It goes without saying that he has to survive. After all, he is a man who has died twice, and he still has lingering fears about death.

Even if this is a world that is not friendly to him, a yellow-haired villain, he wants to live seriously.

"The second is the ending predicted by the precognitive dream..."

Now that the ending of destruction has been completely blown, I am afraid that the world line has inevitably headed towards the ending of being cut into pieces.


After a brief thought, Mu En picked up the pen again and added a few more sentences after the second line.

→Not apologizing to the protagonist may not lead to this ending.

→Apologizing to the protagonist is just a speculation from the words of the mysterious person in the precognitive dream, which may not be a necessary condition. The world line may still be deviating from the ending of "cut into pieces".

→The Black Book is not credible.


Mu En thought about it and crossed out the last one.

He didn't dare to gamble.

"In other words, the current state is Schrödinger's cut into pieces?"

The more Mu En thought about it, the more headache he had.

"Ah, no, there is too little information, and no matter how much I think, I am blind."

The reason is that the precognitive dream given by the Black Book is too vague, and there are no other clues.

Mu En didn't even know whether this kind of foreknowledge was a foreknowledge that would be achieved no matter what he did, or a foreknowledge that would change with his actions.

"Forget it, don't think about it. What we should do now is to complete the most important goal at present."

Mu En's sight stayed on the third item.

Become stronger.

This is the most important point at present.

Even if this world is not friendly to him, a yellow-haired villain, it is still a magical world where strength is supreme.

Strength is the foundation of life.

Without strength, he will only face death like before, and there is no other way except to exchange his life for his life.

"The most important thing is..."

Mu En gritted his teeth and looked unhappy:

"I don't want to be ridden and ravaged by a woman again!"

Mu En recalled the painful experience of being pressed down by Cecilia and doing whatever he wanted. Although it was indeed very pleasant from a sensory point of view, his self-esteem as a man would never allow it!

Even if the other party was Cecilia!

"As for how to become stronger, as the son of the Duke, there are so many ways to become stronger, but unfortunately those are too conventional and can hardly make up for the gap with the protagonists."

The original owner wasted too much time. He had studied at the St. Mary Magic Academy for a whole year, but now Mu En can only think of one lighting technique in his mind!

"It's outrageous. Does that guy sleep in class every day?"

How can you sleep at this time!

Mu En wanted to travel back and slap Mu En Campbell at that time, so that he could experience the beating of society in advance.

"Fortunately, the physical fitness seems to be good, with the level of the late first stage."

In this world, the division of power system is a bit complicated.

But it can be roughly divided into:

Warriors who follow the force system and practice fighting spirit.

Magicians who follow the magic system and practice magic.

Clergy who follow the belief system and exchange power from the gods through faith.

And the gods who are born with the favor of the gods and receive the gifts of the gods.

Apart from the innately determined God's favored ones, the above are the three most basic paths at present. In fact, there are many side paths, but those are not within Mu En's choice range.

For example, the assassin offered sacrifices to the evil god in the form of prayer to gain temporary power, and was called an evil priest.

This is one of the side paths, which can quickly gain power, but after all, it is a deal with the evil god, and the end of the evil priest... is often not very good.

In fact, the evil priest is a branch of the clergy, but they believe in the evil evil god.


If it is only now, the power system is not very complicated. At least for the convenience of memory and distinction, before becoming a coronation-level strongman, almost all power systems are divided into one to five levels, but each power system will have a different nickname.

For example, the first level of the force system is called body forging, and the first level of the magic system is called mercury.

But in fact, the difference is not big, it is just a nickname.

There are two real reasons why it is complicated:

First, in this world, no one stipulates that a clergy girl who looks soft and cute and uses holy light magic to save lives every day cannot be an ultimate macho man who secretly pushes his strength to the extreme and can kill a dragon with the church.

No one has stipulated that the skinny magician who has been casting spells at you from a distance can't take out a stick bigger than you and beat you to a pulp when you get close.

That's right, there is not only one way, but also more than one way to go at the same time.

For example, the assassin before not only showed at least third-level martial arts, but also used gravity magic, and even pulled out the evil priest as a trump card at the end!

It can be said that to a certain extent, a single realm cannot explain a person's strength at all, because you don't know how far he has gone on another road.

And the second reason... can be called an external factor.

In this world, there are gods.

There are righteous gods, evil gods, demon gods, and so on.

In addition to exchanging power through stable faith, what these gods like to do most is to give gifts to those they like.

That is, the gods' favored ones.

In other words, the official wholesale plug-in set up by the dog author.

For example, Celia has the gift of the ice and snow goddess.

For example, the protagonist, in the late period of the original book, has received a frightening double-digit number of gifts from various gods. It can be said that all gods have some relationship with her. She is simply a gender-reversed version of Sun Wukong, who can always ask for help from various gods.

Having many gods is nothing, because for some reason, they cannot directly interfere with the human world, and can only project a little power at most.

But the real problem is that no one knows what kind of people the gods favor, and there is no external manifestation before the gift is used, so the beggar on the roadside who you accidentally provoke may suddenly rub a nuclear bomb to send you to heaven!

26. The real role of the black book

The strength of a warrior in the late stage of the first stage cannot bring enough sense of security to Mu En, because just like when facing the assassin before, except for letting him run fast enough to block the knife for Celia, there is no egg.

"The protagonist's current warrior strength should only be at the late stage of the first level."

"But she knows magic! She has the blessing of the gods! And all kinds of props!"

"Now, if she meets a pure magician or a pure warrior, it may not be a problem to fight two levels higher!"

Thinking like this, Mu En felt more and more that the gap between him and the protagonist Ariel was huge.

——In the original book, the twenty chapters in which Mu En Campbell was alive were able to bully the protagonist just because of his noble status!


Thinking for a while, Mu En added another sentence after the last line on the paper, "Become stronger".

→Be able to protect yourself when facing the protagonist Ariel.

"This is my ultimate goal for the time being."

Mu En didn't think he could surpass Ariel, so he had to settle for the next best thing. Since the conflict between him and the protagonist could not be reconciled for the time being, he had to at least face the protagonist's revenge, at least not lose his life.

But this alone was very difficult to achieve.

Because he had read the original book, he knew what kind of a cheater the protagonist Ariel was.

After all, he is the protagonist of Feng Aotian's novel. How can he be arrogant if he is not awesome?

"Ordinary methods will definitely not work. I must have other means!"



Mu En took out the black book again.

Because after thinking about it, the only thing that could become his "plug-in" is this black book that usually writes a diary for him automatically and suddenly makes him have unreliable precognitive dreams.

And Mu En also discovered some unusual things about it again.

"The evil god flame that the assassin obtained through sacrifice before, even if that dress is a powerful defensive magic device, it can't be blocked! You must have done something!"

Mu En stroked the mysterious black book and murmured in a low voice.

"And, at that time, I did feel your unusual movements."

"If you have other functions, please show them!"

Mu En opened the black book again.

The black book is no longer like the first time he opened it, a wordless book, but a dense record of Mu En's experience.

Since he got the black book, everything has been recorded in detail, even the incident with Cecilia.

"Damn it, why is it like reading a pornographic book, or a pornographic book with me as the protagonist."

Mu En cursed inwardly and skipped this plot.

Then he finally found something different.

"The words here are red."

The font of the entire black book is black, except for the word "assassin" that records the assassin of Cecilia, which is blood red.

"Why, is there any difference?"

Mu En thought, and then subconsciously put his fingers on the two bright red fonts.

Suddenly, the bright red font released a huge attraction, as if pulling Mu En's soul.

Before Mu En even had time to scream, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.


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