"What's going on? Where am I?"

Mu En stood up from the ground, looking confused.

He was clearly still in his room just now, but now he was in a strange place.

It was dark all around and nothing could be seen.

"No, not dark."

Mu En lowered his head and looked at his hands.

Being able to see yourself means that the surroundings are not dark.

The illusion of darkness is created because the background here is black.

Black walls, black floor, black ceiling.

You can't even tell the boundaries between them, it's like standing in a fog.

"Could it be that this is the space in the black book?"

"But what's the use of this place? Is it a storage room?"

While Mu En was wondering about this, he suddenly heard a strange sound.


It was like the footsteps of a Duke's maid walking on the marble floor with leather shoes.

Mu En raised her head.

His eyes widened unconsciously, showing a look of horror.

Because not far from him, a person was walking towards him.

Someone dressed as a maid.

It was obviously the uniform of the Duke's maid that he was very familiar with, so even the footsteps were exactly the same.

But the problem is, this maid's face...

It's the assassin.

"How could that happen? Aren't you dead?"

And why is it here?

The assassin didn't answer.

He just raised his face, revealing his eyes as cold as a machine.

A chill suddenly flashed through Mu En's heart.

But before he could do anything, he felt his eyes blurry.

The assassin disappeared.

The assassin appears.

Just like when he assassinated Celecia, in an instant, the distance between the two people was bizarrely bridged.

Then...a cold light flashed.

Mu En felt a chill on her neck.

The world is spinning.

The last thing Mu En saw was the bloody dagger in the assassin's hand, and... a headless corpse.

"What the hell!"

Mu En woke up from her desk.

Because the movement was too big, he accidentally knocked over the chair, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

But he didn't pay attention to the little pain at all, but kept groping around his neck with both hands.

"It's okay, it's okay, my head is still there."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

I almost thought I had actually burped again.

"Then what just happened...was my dream again?"

No, no, that wasn't a dream.

The touch of death still remained on the skin of Mu En's neck. It was impossible for a dream to be so real.

Mu En stood up and looked at the black book again.

The black book is still in place, and the bright red word "Assassin" on it is extremely eye-catching, with an inexplicable sense of attraction.

"Could it be that……"

Mu En suddenly had a guess.

But confirming this conjecture requires practice.

So he stretched out his hand again, wanting to touch the scarlet letter.

It's just that my hands are shaking a little.

Even if it was too fast and there was no pain, the taste of death is not that easy to bear.

"Damn it, I've died more than once and twice, what are you still afraid of?"

Mu En suddenly became violent and pressed down her trembling hand.

The black space was the same as that time, and the assassin in maid uniform still stood there.

The appearance, movements, expressions, and even strength are no different from what Mu En remembers.

But his expression was cold, not like a living person.

"Sure enough, she is not the assassin himself, but a record constructed by the Black Book, just like the records for me."

"This is a record that is more detailed and more real. It can even be said that... it is no different from the person I am!"

Looking at the assassin, Mu En seemed to understand everything, and his face couldn't help showing some morbid excitement.

"I seem to understand the true function of the black book."

27. After this fight, I will...

The so-called diary is a record of one's own experiences.

If the ability of the black book is to "keep a diary", then is the assassin who appears in front of him also a kind of record?

If assassins can be recorded in the Black Book, what about other things? Or what about others?

The more Mu En thought about it, the more excited she became.

"In this case, isn't it equivalent to having the ultimate hard-working version of the Sharingan? I only need to record other people's moves, and I can do it for free this way, and I don't have to pay the tuition!"

"And with such a realistic environment and opponents, you can definitely learn skills faster!"

"With such a powerful plug-in, are you still afraid of the protagonist?"

Mu En's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he saw the future of kicking the protagonist, punching the villain, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life right in front of him!


Unfortunately, before she could decide whether to marry Bai Fumei, a gentle elder sister, or Bai Fumei, a sinister and vicious elder sister, Mu En saw the assassin flash in front of her again.

Then he raised his dagger.


Mu En had no chance to respond, so she could only spit out a curse word in a rage.

So heads fell to the ground again.

"Come again!"

When his consciousness returned to reality, Mu En slapped her hand directly on the page of the black book before she could truly appreciate the aftertaste of death.

"I don't believe it!"

In the dark space, Mu En opened her eyes.

The assassin was still standing not far away, about ten meters away, and the position was no different from the first and second time he came in.

But Mu En knew that this distance was basically nothing for the assassin.

"So, my current goal is to learn her step?"

The skill that could instantly flash more than ten meters really made Mu En envious. With it, if nothing else, escaping can definitely be greatly increased!

"You have to give me a weapon."

Mu En looked at the empty surroundings.

"How can I fight her with bare hands?"

As soon as the voice fell, Mu En found that there was something cold in his hand.

Looking down, it was a dagger.

The same dagger as the assassin's.

"Sure enough, you can only reproduce what is recorded?"

Mu En is not good at daggers.

But it doesn't matter, the assassin's dagger skills are also worth learning.

Mu En raised his head and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although Mu En is just a straw bag compared to the bunch of cheaters in the protagonist group, he is still the son of a duke after all. The foundation he laid since childhood is outstanding among his peers.

It can be seen from the fact that his martial arts realm is almost the same as the protagonist who has just started to exert his strength.

There is certainly no chance of winning when facing the assassin in front of him, but...

"Now you are just a shadow recorded in the black book."

Mu En reversed his grip on the dagger and took a stance.

"So, obediently show all your skills!"


The assassin is just a shadow of the record constructed by the black book, so naturally she will not respond to Mu En. She can only attack Mu En silently as she did when she was alive.

"Here it comes!"

Mu En's eyes fixed.

The assassin, as usual, stomped his feet in small leather shoes on the ground!

The figure disappeared instantly, but it was not really disappeared, but because of the excessive speed, it got rid of Mu En's sight in an instant.

So when she appeared, she was already in front of Mu En.

"Do you think the same move can still work on me?"

Even a pig would react if it was killed twice by the same move, not to mention a human!

So Mu En anticipated the moment the assassin attacked, her target was definitely the neck!

The realm strength was very different, and it was definitely impossible to compete with reaction, but I could predict it!

So the moment the assassin disappeared from his sight, Mu En immediately turned his head to the left, avoiding the fatal blow from the right, which was accurately stabbed at the aorta.

In fact, it didn't matter whether the assassin aimed at the aorta or not, because every time her sharp dagger would directly cut off Mu En's neck.

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