However, no matter how sharp the dagger is, it must be in contact with the target to be lethal!

What's the difference between a dagger that can't hit and a toy?

Looking at the assassin who seemed to pause because the dagger missed his neck, Mu En couldn't help but smile arrogantly.

"What, even if the strength gap is huge, I only need to use my brain to..."

Mu En didn't finish her words.

Because he heard the howling wind.

That was the sound of a sharp weapon cutting through the air.

The dagger was indeed missed, but the assassin did not change his moves or retreat to reorganize the attack.

She just loosened her fingers.

The dagger spun in her hand, like a butterfly flying.

She tightened her grip on the dagger again, but it had changed position.

From forward thrust, to reverse grip.

As a result, the sharp blade that crossed Mu En's neck came back again after spinning in a circle.


Before Mu En could say a greeting, the dagger had accurately penetrated his aorta.

Blood splattered.

Consciousness disappears.

"Damn it."

Mu En suddenly opened her eyes.

There was still lingering fear of sudden death in his eyes.

"Even the reaction on the spot is the same as mine?"

When the real assassin assassinated Celecia three days ago, there was no trick.

In other words, the behavior of the maid in the dark space just now was completely constructed by the black book to "record" one's own on-the-spot response.

"The reproduction of the records in the Black Book is so terrifying?"

After thinking about it, Mu En was not only not upset, but also had a hint of excitement in her eyes.

The more authentic the record, the greater its effect on him!

Mu En looked up at the clock on the wall.

"The flow rate of time is the same, tsk, that means I only lasted three seconds?"

"Come again!"

Mu En slapped the black book hard again.

"Five seconds this time, it feels good, keep up the good work!"

"Come again!"

"Ten seconds!"

"Come again!"

"Damn it, you should block that sweeping move, not dodge it!"

"Come again!"

"Mom, she's going to push her on her knees!"

"Come again!"

"Fuck, tease your vagina and legs, it's so shameless! You're so much better than me and you're still playing like this?"

"Come again!"

"Master, it's time for dinner."

In order to take care of Mu En, An, who came here specially with food, knocked on the door.


"It's strange, why is there no response? Are you asleep?"

An did not continue shouting, but opened the door very naturally.

His eyes scanned the surroundings.

The desk showed signs of use. It seemed that the young master had not been sleeping.

After placing the food on the table, An turned her head and looked towards the bed.

You can see that Mu En is wrapping herself tightly in the quilt, wrapping herself into a ball.

"Oh, you are so old and you still sleep like a child."

"I should just go to bed, so I won't disturb him."

After thinking about it, An left the food on the table, cast a little magic to keep it warm, and then left carefully without making a sound.

After An left, a head suddenly appeared on top of the ball wrapped in quilt.

Mu En opened her bloody eyes, looked at the fragrant dinner, and murmured to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

"Once, again, this time I will get out of bed and eat after the beating!"

28. Initial growth

"The one hundred and eighty-fifth time!"

Mu En stared at the clock on the wall with red eyes, and a hint of joy appeared on her tired face.

"I was finally able to stand in front of the assassin for more than thirty seconds!"

In any case, he is a strong man who is at least the third level of the warrior realm, and Mu En is just a late-level first-level newcomer who relied on krypton gold. The difference between the two realms is too big, and he can persist for thirty years with back and forth. In just a few seconds, Mu En had already endured a lot of hardships that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

At least those nearly two hundred death experiences were extremely real.

"It seems that we can't continue training without restrictions in the future."

Mu En rubbed her temples to relieve the pain in her brain caused by being squeezed to the extreme.

"Otherwise, I will have to collapse before I can become stronger."

"Using the Black Book is not completely cost-effective. Although you won't really die, the mental consumption is too great."

"Fortunately, it's all worth it!"

Mu En excitedly pulled out the black book.

I saw that in the column where his personal information was recorded, there were two more records that did not originally exist.

[Dagger Fighting Technique LV2]

【Shadow Step LV1】

"Finally getting started."

After dying nearly two hundred times, Mu En was finally able to cross the chasm of the realm, get a glimpse of the assassin's attack method, and use it to his own advantage amid the great fear of life and death.

"Although it's just the beginning, it's far from as good as that assassin, but once you get started, it will be much easier in the future."

As long as enough time is needed, Mu En is completely confident that he can turn all the assassin's moves into his own power!

"Hey, I can't wait, let's try it first."

Mu En got off the bed, moved the table and chairs to leave enough space, and then rubbed her hands nervously.

Although he had used it many times in the battle with the assassin, it was in the space constructed by the black book after all, and he could not be sure that he could still use it so smoothly under real conditions.

"No matter, we will know if it works after trying it."

Mu En sank into his dantian.

Then, as he had realized in two hundred actual battles, he focused all his attention on his soles, heels, and ankles.

He felt a stream of heat gathering at the bottom of his feet, as if something was about to burst out in the next moment.


A gleam of light flashed in Mu En's eyes, and all the power gathered in his feet burst out like a volcano at this moment.

In an instant.

The things in Mu En's sight changed rapidly, and the table that was seven or eight meters away from him appeared in front of him in an instant.

He succeeded!

"I succeeded..."

Mu En first murmured in disbelief, and then the excitement in his eyes also erupted like a volcano.

"I succeeded!"

He was so happy that he could not control himself.

Inexplicably, he traveled to this dangerous magical world, and he traveled to this useless yellow-haired villain who could be defeated at any time.

Mu En has always felt extremely uneasy, especially when the plot completely deviated from the original book and his identity as a traveler was no longer useful. He was even inexplicably uneasy to the point of fear.

But fortunately, everything has not been concluded yet. With the Black Book, he, a playboy and a waste, can also become stronger through his own efforts!

This is just the beginning!

Mu En couldn't help but clench his fists excitedly.

"As long as I work hard, even my fate can be changed!"



"But my feet can't hurt..."

"It hurts... Damn it, no one told me that using this trick would hurt my feet."

Just a few seconds after he made his lofty ambitions, Mu En fell to the ground and started crying violently.

He didn't expect that using Shadow Step would have such a big side effect. It made his feet hurt as if they were broken after just using it once.

"No, it shouldn't be a side effect."

"It hurts so much, I don't believe that even an assassin who has killed countless people can remain expressionless and not care."

Mu En immediately reacted:

"My realm is too low. This is not what the first level should learn at all. It should be the kind of martial arts that can be used at will with fighting spirit!"

The first level of a warrior is also called body forging. As it is described, it is to constantly exercise one's body in order to become stronger.

Therefore, the threshold for this stage is extremely low, and it can be said that there is no threshold.

Rich nobles can easily reach the peak through precious medicinal materials and proper training.

Ordinary people can continue to become stronger at this stage by lifting weights, doing push-ups, and eating meat.

The watershed is at the second level.

After the body forging reaches its peak, an energy called fighting spirit will be derived from the body. Learning how to purify, quench and use fighting spirit is the second level of a warrior, practicing qi.

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