Battle Qi wrapped around weapons can increase their power, and contained in the body, it can greatly enhance the strength of the body.

For warriors, there is a world of difference between having or not having battle Qi.

"Shadow Step, in simple terms, is to gather all the power in the footsteps in an instant, and then explode, so it is not surprising that it will cause a great burden on the feet at this moment."

"You must rely on battle Qi to strengthen the body in order to bear this burden."

"Before in the dark space, it was only consciousness, so you don't have to care, but once you get to reality, physical strength will become very important."

"Sure enough, I'm still too weak now."

Mu En sighed a little lowly.

However, this time, he didn't stay depressed for long.

Although he confirmed his weakness again, it was still a good start.

At least it was confirmed that what he learned through the black book can be truly reflected in reality.

"Reformulate the policy!"

After feeling that his feet were not so painful, Mu En staggered to his feet and came to the desk.

He took out the "general outline" he had just drawn up from the drawer, thought about it, and burned it directly on the candle flame.

"Don't think about things that are too far away, it will only cause trouble. For now, we should focus on the present."

Mu En took out a new piece of paper and began to formulate a new route and plan based on the current situation.

"First of all, I must have a teacher."

Mu En picked up a quill pen and wrote on the paper:

1. Teacher.

The nearly two hundred battles with the assassins before made Mu En not only realize his own weakness, but also realize the limitations of this simple masochistic training.

This kind of actual combat did make him progress rapidly in other aspects, but the shadow step that he wanted to learn the most, before he could see the assassin's movements clearly, there was no progress.

If there was a teacher who could guide him hand in hand, perhaps he would not have to go through so much pain.

"Speaking of which, it seems that St. Mary's College will start school soon."

Mu En suddenly remembered this important thing.

What St. Mary's College lacks the least is various excellent teachers.

But within a few seconds, he kicked the matter out of his mind.

"Why go to school? Isn't it better to be a stay-at-home?"

"I don't want to meet the protagonist now!"

"Not to mention, Cecilia is there too."

And speaking of martial arts teachers, don't I have better choices here?

Mu En smiled evilly, and then added a name after the word "teacher".

Ron Campbell.

His cheap father.

29. New plans and brewing darkness

Ron Campbell.

One of the four duke families of the empire, the current head of the Campbell family.

He is also a crowned strongman who has been honored as the [Lion King]!

Who is more suitable to be a teacher than such a father who is close at hand, experienced, powerful, and can selflessly give all knowledge to you without paying any price?


"Moon Campbell, Campbell, you deserve such a miserable end. You really have a mountain of treasure but don't know it."

Moon looked at the name on the paper happily, and felt that his future was full of light again.

With the personal guidance of his cheap father, a top-level strong man, and the black book that can be practiced at any time, isn't his strength rising?

"Then there is the second point."

Moon picked up the pen and continued to write on the paper:

1. Safety.

Compared to a good teacher, safety is actually the top priority, because it concerns Mu En's life.

But the reason why it is placed in the second point is that Mu En suddenly found that this problem is not so urgent.


"Of course it's because of my father!"

For a long time, Mu En has fallen into a blind spot, thinking that the so-called safety depends on his own strength, so he was so anxious to become stronger before.

But just now when he remembered his father's reassuring name, he suddenly realized...

Why should he be so anxious? Father is so strong, as long as I hide behind him, who can hurt me?

This assassination of Cecilia almost cost Mu En his life, but that's why the Duke's Mansion is so heavily guarded that even a mosquito can't fly in!

Humph, you want to cut me into pieces? Father broke your knife!

"I've decided. From now on, I'll be a stay-at-home!"

The more Mu En thought about it, the more excited he became, just like a ** who had been driven to the end of his rope by debt, and suddenly found that his long-dead father had left him a set of five apartments in the third ring of the imperial capital. He couldn't help but sigh that life is full of surprises.

"Well, according to these two foundations, it should be right to make a plan like this."

Mu En looked at his newly drafted plan on the paper and nodded with satisfaction.

→Be a stay-at-home. (School? What school? Are there cute maids in the school?)

→Learn martial arts from my father.

→Practice, and then hone yourself through the black book.

→At least become a fifth-level strongman before going out, and surprise everyone!

"With this plan, no matter how cruel and unpredictable your fate is, I will respond with the word Gou!"

"Hahahaha, I can't help but want to see how frightened the protagonist looks when he finds me in the Duke's Mansion a few years later and suddenly realizes that I am no longer the good-for-nothing Huangmao who would let them rape me!"

Just when Mu En was too excited about her perfect plan, An's voice came from outside the door.

"Master, are you awake?"

"Um, ah, I'm awake. Is something okay?"

"The master is looking for you."

"Huh? Father, are you looking for me at this time?"

Mu En glanced at the time and found that it was just early morning and she hadn't even eaten breakfast.

"Is there anything important that you came to see me so early?"

"No matter, even if it's important, it's probably not a big deal. It's probably because of Celcia's assassination before."

Mu En responded to An without thinking too much, then quickly washed up and walked out of the room.

An Zao was already waiting outside the room.

"Let's go."


After saying hello to An, Mu En walked towards the study in his memory. According to past habits, his father would always read the latest empire times there in the morning.

But this time An suddenly pulled out Mu En: "Master, I'm not in the study."

"Huh? Where is that?"

"At the mansion gate."

"The gate, what are you doing there so early in the morning?"

Mu En was a little confused, but still followed An towards the gate of the mansion.

"Hello, Master Mu En, hello, Chief Maid."

Along the way, a maid bowed respectfully to Mu En, and Mu En nodded in response.

But I immediately felt something was wrong.

"Maid maid?"

Mu En looked at An in surprise: "Are they calling you?"

"Yes, Master."

An bowed and said:

"Not long ago, I was appointed as the new head maid by the master."

"The new head maid...where is the old head maid?"

"She has taken the blame and resigned."

"I see."

Mu En suddenly woke up.

The head maid made the manpower arrangements for the coming-of-age ceremony, so after something like that happened, the former head maid naturally couldn't escape responsibility.

"I'm so sorry. It was obviously because of my order."

"Master, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

An comforted softly:

"And even without this incident, the head maid is already old and had planned to retire in two years. This incident is just to let her rest early."

"Father must be very sad."

Mu En sighed softly.

Just like the current head maid is his personal maid An, the previous head maid was naturally his father's personal maid, and unlike An, who was raised from a young age and is almost the same age as Mu En, the previous head maid was older than his father. More than ten years older, she plays a mother-like role to her father, who lost his parents early in his life.

My father must be very reluctant to let go.

"But I still have to congratulate you, An." Mu En smiled.

"Nothing to congratulate."

An seemed very low-key and seemed not as happy as Mu En imagined:

"Being a head maid is too busy. I usually spend a lot less time with the young master."

"This is a good thing. We are not children anymore. We always have to grow up alone, don't we?"

"Growing up alone?"

An suddenly lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly.

For some reason, Mu En suddenly felt that An's tone seemed a bit cold.

But he didn't pay too much attention.

"Master, do you mean that we will be separated one day?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Mu En turned around, held the back of her head, and looked up at the clear blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

the weather is nice today.

"We always have to have our own lives, Ann, and you shouldn't be bound by your identity as a maid."

As a good young man of the new era who has been influenced by socialism, Mu En feels that even being a maid can only be regarded as a profession. An should not call herself a master, nor should she compare her destiny with her who will burp at some point. The yellow-haired villains of Fart are bound together.

Just like in the original book, he ended up being hanged.

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