Once again, he lost again, and this time, because of his greed, he lost a full five million!

Most of the mountain of chips beside him had already gone, and now only a bare hill remained.

Even the girls who had thrown themselves at him just now had left him, not to mention the spectators who were watching the excitement around him, who had already booed.

"What's wrong, Mr. Bruce?"

Sam enjoyed the massage of the beautiful dealer and asked with a worried look:

"Are you feeling unwell? If you are not feeling well, we can pause..."


Mu En's eyes were red, like a beast who had lost his mind: "Next time, next time, I will definitely be able to turn the tables."


Sam licked his dry lips, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

This kid looks like he still has a lot of money, but there is no need to come slowly, now is the time to harvest.

Everything is in the plan.

Give him a little sweetness first, let him feel that he can easily win money, so that at any time, he will have the fluke of a comeback.

Then gradually push him into the abyss, and then, in that despair, give him a little hope.

It would be best if it was the kind of hope that was shining and incomparable.

At this time, he would...

"All, I bet all!"

Accompanied by an excited roar, Mu En pushed all the chips in front of him out.

He stared at his hand, his body began to tremble uncontrollably, his eyes were shining, as if he saw the future of winning everything.

—— This is of course, because the hand he had at the moment was four of a kind.

Four of a kind is one of the biggest cards in this game. Ordinary people may play until they are bankrupt, and they can't draw a four of a kind.

And now, when he is about to lose everything, he draws a four of a kind...

Naturally, he will bet everything.

This is the psychology of gamblers. As a senior gambler, Sam understands this better than anyone else.

Everything, from the beginning, is under control.

"Not only these chips, I also have deposits in the Imperial Bank, and I also have several properties in Belland, which should be worth 10 million. I'll bet all of them!"

Crystal cards, deeds, and even his own gold pocket watch. The man who called himself Bruce seemed to have gone crazy. He put everything on the gambling table.

According to the rules, the bets must be equal.

"You won't fold your cards, will you?" The man who realized his crazy behavior suddenly looked up and looked at Sam nervously.

"No, of course not."

Looking at the wealth that was easily worth tens of millions, Sam's mouth curled up exaggeratedly.

"To be honest, my hand is also very big, how could I fold my cards, Mr. Bruce."

"Then your bet..."

Sam's current chips of about 10 million are not enough.

"Casino, I'll bet this casino on you." Sam clapped his hands, as if he had been prepared for a long time, and his subordinates put the casino's deeds on the gambling table.


The man's eyes swept around, and his expression became more and more excited.

He seemed to see the future of owning this casino that made a lot of money every day.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to throw out his hand.

"Four of a kind, I have four of a kind, Sam, you lose!"

Seeing this, Sam's smile became more and more abundant, and his eyes became more and more sarcastic.

What a fool.

Generally speaking, of course you will win, after all, I deliberately let the dealer give you four of a kind.

But that's the general situation.

The Rat King lowered his eyes and looked at his hand.

Maybe the dealer made a mistake, this hand is very bad, not even a pair.

But it's harmless.

He stretched out his fingers and gently rubbed one of the cards.

The number on the card changed immediately, and with the change of this card, this hand of cards also changed drastically.

It became the biggest hand in the rules of the game!

This is not magic, it's just a trick.

Magic is too easy to be perceived by people. In contrast, this kind of trick like a street magic trick is more difficult to detect as long as it is skilled enough.

As for... cheating?

Haha, this is certainly not cheating.

How can a cheater who has not been discovered be called a cheater?

Boy, let me show you the cruelty of the downtown area.

You can't even shuffle cards, what can you bet with me?

"Mr. Bruce, I'm so sorry."

Sam gently put down his cards, revealing the biggest cards that are harder to touch than four of a kind, which some people may never have seen in their lives, and smiled confidently:

"It seems that I am still better."


At this moment, the whole casino fell into a dead silence.

It seemed that they were all shocked by the cards Sam showed.

This gave Sam great satisfaction, and he cast a leisurely look at the "Mr. Bruce" in front of him.

Appreciating the despair of others is his favorite thing to do.


But he did not see despair in those light blue eyes.

Instead, it was... teasing.

Unparalleled teasing.

As if he had just performed a grand performance, the man who called himself Bruce put his hat back on his head, as if he had become a different person in an instant. All the exaggerated emotions that were exposed were covered by the shadow cast by the wide brim of the hat, becoming elusive again.

But only the sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth was so clear.

"Mr. Sam, what are you talking about? The winner...is me."

"You? How is it possible? I am..."

Sam lowered his head, and then his expression suddenly became dull.

In the eyes of disbelief, the hand that was supposed to kill everyone in the copy became humble and weak again. Let alone four of them, even the smallest pair of cards was difficult to match.


The card that was supposed to be changed away by his magic, for some reason, changed back again.

It was inserted crookedly in the hand, so eye-catching.

"How... is this possible?" Sam screamed in horror.

came back?

God is back?

Hasn't that card been changed?

Don't you think you've grown your own legs?

"Your biggest card is just an ace, but mine is four cards. I think it should be clear to everyone who wins and who loses."

Mu En took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Although the atmosphere was warm, the casino was not very hot, but he was sweating profusely as if he had experienced a strenuous exercise.

"Then these belong to me."


The cold winding sound echoed in the silent casino.

Mu En retracted her hand, raised her head calmly, and looked at the magic repeating crossbow in Sam's hand. Her light blue eyes, covered by shadows, remained calm.

"Mr. Sam, what do you mean?"

"No, this is very wrong!"

Seeing that the assets worth nearly five thousand in front of him were about to fall into Mu En's pocket, Sam waved his repeating crossbow and screamed desperately: "I am the winner! I have obviously changed that card. The cards in your hand are the biggest!”

"Change away?"

Mu En raised her eyebrows, as if hearing this statement for the first time, tilted her head and asked softly:

"That is to say...Mr. Sam, are you cheating?"

"Fuck you! It's you who cheated!"

Sam's eyes were red and he stared at Mu En:

"You must have done something, otherwise I wouldn't have missed it. I have never failed!"

"Haha, Mr. Sam, if you say someone else is cheating, you have to provide evidence. And if you said you changed your hand, isn't that just admitting that you are cheating?"

Mu En smiled, as if she had finally seen the little white rabbit jumping into her trap, smiling brightly...and coldly.

"That means, not only the casino and the money, but now your life... is also mine."


"It's not just the casino and money, but now your life is also mine?"

The extremely cold and joking words that accompanied him sounded, and the originally lively atmosphere of the casino suddenly fell silent.

The elegant and soft music stopped without knowing when, and a cold humming sounded instead. Sharp weapons were pulled out from the sleeves, from the walls, and from under the table. The originally polite waiter suddenly turned into a man with a weapon in his hand. thug.

Even the beauties of the dealers, who were wearing scantily clad clothes, picked up small repeating crossbows that they had taken out from nowhere and pointed them at Mu En.

Murder is everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, the man who had just won everything was behind bars.

"Boy, who do you think I am?"

Sam stared at Mu En, veins bulging on his forehead:

"I am the Rat King Sam. The last person who dared to cause trouble in my casino has now been chewed to the bone by the rats in the sewers!"

"Making trouble? How can I be considered troublesome? Mr. Sam, you are the one who agreed to play a few games with me, you are the one who determines the gameplay, you are the one who loses everything, and you are even the one who cheats. But now, even the one who takes the lead It’s you who flipped the table.”

Mu En's eyes jokingly said:

"Who is the troublemaker?"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Sam was furious, his ugly face full of ferocity.

When had he ever been teased like this?


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