Since I started on this path, I have always been the only one who can tease others!


Sam's eyes swept over Mu En's face, and his anger became even more difficult to suppress.

The one who teased him was actually a nouveau riche from the Northern Territory?

Rat King Sam was actually teased by a Northern Territory man who was recognized to be stupid and rich. If this matter spreads, it will become a laughing stock in the entire Lower City within a day!

He will never allow such a thing!

"Boy, I admit that I failed this time."

Sam sneered:

"But you are a newcomer and don't seem to understand...

In the Lower City, winning or losing has never been related to luck and skills. What determines winning or losing... is always strength!"

Sam put his finger on the trigger of the crossbow. This military magic crossbow that can penetrate even the scales of monsters finally calmed him down. He looked at Mu En carefully, trying to find a trace of pleasant fear on his face.

But this man surrounded by many thugs and aimed at by more than a dozen crossbows still looked calm.

He even had time to turn his head to look at the beautiful dealers holding up the crossbows, as if wondering where they could get such a big thing as a crossbow when they were wearing such cool clothes.

"Mr. Sam, I advise you not to do this."

Mu En turned his eyes away, as if he didn't see the crossbow in his hand that could take his life with one blow, but instead advised seriously:

"This kind of dangerous thing can easily hurt people."

"Fuck you, I'm going to get you!"

Mu En's calmness made it difficult for Sam to suppress his anger. He didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger directly.


The arrow pierced the air, making a harsh buzzing sound.

The arrow pierced the forehead accurately, and under the blessing of powerful magic, it instantly blew up the big head, and red and white things splashed everywhere.

The smell of blood filled the air.

The atmosphere in the field fell into a stagnant atmosphere again, and only a helpless sigh could be heard.

"Why didn't you listen to me, Mr. Sam?"

Mu En dodged the arrows by slightly sideways, adjusted his tilted hat, and glanced at the headless body behind him with regret.

That was a thug who wanted to block his escape, but he is dead now.

Killed by the Rat King's Crossbow

"Look, as long as I dodge, he will be the one in trouble. I told you it's dangerous, why don't you believe me?"

"Fuck you!"

The Rat King's face suddenly became extremely ferocious. He didn't need to give any orders at all. More than a dozen crossbows around were ready to go.

You can dodge one, can you dodge more than ten?

I'll shoot you...

"Wait...wait, stop, stop!"

But at the moment when more than a dozen crossbows were about to fire, the Rat King's ferocious face seemed to change, and he became extremely frightened in an instant.

He stared at Mu En's hand, as if he saw something unbelievable, and his tone became a little voiceless.

"Everyone, stop it, put down your weapons for now, quick!"

The thugs looked at each other, not understanding why their boss, who could kill the other side with just one sentence, suddenly went crazy at this moment.

But since it was the boss's order, they could only do it.

The stagnant atmosphere thawed, the murderous intent dissipated, but it was filled with an inexplicable weirdness.

Seeing this, Mu En couldn't help but smile playfully, and his fingertips turned flexibly, "It seems that you have noticed it, Mr. Sam."


Sam stared at Mu En's turning fingertips, his expression was extremely ugly.

But at this moment, Mu En had no weapons in his hand, nor any large-scale killing magic guides. In his hand, there was only a poker card.

A poker card that Rat King Sam was very familiar with.

Because that poker card should have appeared in the hand he threw down, helping him win the gamble.

But now, it appeared in the hands of the man who called himself Bruce in front of him.

And he himself was unaware.

Subconsciously touching his empty sleeves, and thinking of the sudden change in his hand cards, the Rat King suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Since this man could replace his cards without him noticing, that means...

"I can also kill you the moment you don't even react."

Mu En helped the Rat King finish the second half of the sentence, and then smiled and spun the poker cards in his hand, letting them fall in front of the Rat King.

"Just as Mr. Sam said just now, this gambling game is actually not important at all. What bets and cheats are just a little bit of the game.

The important thing is that you sat in front of me, where I can reach it with just one hand, that's enough, isn't it?"

Sam lowered his head and stared at the poker card that still carried his breath, and his face instantly lost all the blood color and became paler than the poker card.

"I thought it was just some kind of eye candy." He said tremblingly.

"Ha, a trick? In a place like a casino, tricks will be quickly exposed."

"Who are you?"

The Rat King raised his head and stared at the strange man.

He finally realized that this was not a nouveau riche with a lot of money, but a monster from the shadows.

And he naively wanted to win the bet from the monster, what difference would this make from putting himself on his plate?

"Bruce Wayne."

The man introduced himself again:

"An ordinary citizen passing by."

"Ordinary citizen? Ha, what an ordinary citizen."

Sam lay dejectedly on the chair, and smiled miserably:

"Just assume you are... Then, Mr. Bruce, what do you want from me?"

"Don't worry."

Moon crossed his fingers and smiled warmly like a gentleman:

"I just want Mr. Sam to do me a small favor."

114. Dark Emperor

Shu Erzi woke up from a nightmare. He turned his head and looked out the window. Thick dark clouds covered the sky. Under the dark night, this ancient and prosperous city was so peaceful.

The unhealed old wounds were still in pain. Even if there was a high-priced healing magician hired for treatment, under the influence of banned drugs, the injuries that night would be difficult to heal in such a short time.

But compared with the physical pain, he was more concerned about the inner uneasiness.

In the room, the fireplace was burning with fine pine wood, the warm fire dispelled the chill of the autumn night, and the faint incense lingered, exuding a musk that was enough to calm an elephant in heat.

But he still couldn't calm down the uneasiness in his heart. From that day, after the failure to snatch the ancient dragon's blood, it was as if something bad had been turned on, and the entire Lower City was suddenly shrouded in an invisible shadow.

Something was going to happen.

As the most notorious hyena in the Lower City, Shultz was extremely keen on this matter. He had used this keenness and intuition to escape countless threats of death.

"Gulson! Gulson!"


The voice of the confidant sounded outside the door.

"What do you want?"

"Has the person above not responded yet?"

"... No, we have contacted unilaterally many times, but those letters have fallen into the sea."

"Damn it!"

Shultz cursed angrily, his eyes were gloomy and terrible.

"Those damn nobles, they are really not trustworthy at the critical moment!"

In order to maintain the current status and gain enough support, most of the Hyena Gang's monthly income is used to please those nobles who are high above, but at this critical moment, he did not get the promised help.

Not even a response!

Has he been abandoned?

A trace of panic flashed in Shulzi's eyes.

No, that's not right.

As long as the Hyena Gang is still one of the largest gangs in the lower city, it will never be abandoned so easily.

For those greedy nobles, it is absolutely not worthwhile to discard everything they have and support a force again.

It should be just delayed by something, it should be...

Calm down.

Must be calm.

In any case, I have to let myself rest first. I haven't closed my eyes for several days. If this continues, my body may collapse before the real crisis comes.

With a slightly trembling hand, Shulzi opened the drawer beside the bed, and from the medicine bottle that almost filled the entire drawer, he familiarly took out a bottle of medicine and shook out two small white pills.

But before he could swallow the pills, he heard the voice of his confidant who was guarding outside the door, coming back:

"Boss, the Rat King has sent a message."

"Go ahead."

"He asked you to meet him."

"Now?" Shulzi's eyes showed a trace of surprise, and his eyes subconsciously glanced out the window.

In the middle of the night, are you going to have a lover's rendezvous?


"But the person sent by the Rat King said that you must think about it."

"Consider his grandmother's leg. I haven't settled accounts with him for what happened a few days ago!" Shulzi punched the wall, and the precious gem ring on his finger instantly cracked and became worthless.

Although bloody fights between gangs happen from time to time, and there are occasional winners and losers, when he thinks of what happened a few days ago, he feels as if his brain is drowned in anger and almost explodes on the spot.

He has never been so embarrassed before. At that time, if he hadn't hidden in the dirty sewer, he, the boss of the Hyena Gang, might really fall into the hands of those good-for-nothings in the guard team!

So he swore that if the Rat King appeared in front of him, he would not hit the wall, but his ugly face!

And those guys...


The confidant outside the door seemed a little hesitant,

"The person sent by the Rat King said that he invited more than just you this time."

"Not just me?"

Shu Erzi frowned and quickly reacted:

"He also invited other gang leaders?"

"That's what the man said."

The confidant paused, "From the fact that I pulled out the nails of all ten of his fingers and he still didn't change his words, he should not be lying."

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