"Inviting the leaders of many gangs in the lower city at this time..."

Shuerzi knocked on the edge of the bed subconsciously, thinking to herself, "Rat King, what are you doing? Could it be that you also noticed something is wrong?"

"Then boss, are we still going?"

"Go? Why not go!"

Shuerzi's eyes flashed and she quickly made up her mind.

Although I don’t know what kind of medicine the Rat King sells in his gourd, since he has invited so many people, being excluded in this situation is fatal.

A smart person never misses an opportunity to gain information.

"Gulson, prepare the carriage, let's go meet the Rat King for a while."


The breath of his confidant disappeared outside the door, and in the courtyard, he soon remembered the low sound of horse hooves.

Schulzi casually crushed the pills in his hand into powder, got up and reached for the cane placed on the corner of the table, but accidentally knocked over the kettle and extinguished the fire in the fireplace.

Schulzi stared at the smoking fireplace, and the ominous atmosphere in his heart became stronger. At this time, he kicked the table in front of him, and his old face suddenly became ferocious.

"I want to see who can do anything to me, Shuerzi, who has been in the lower city for decades!"

"I've done what you said."

In the lonely night, Rat King Sam looked at the pure black figure not far away.

He stood on the narrow bridge and looked at the entire city. Although his entire face was covered in the shadow of the top hat and his expression could not be seen clearly, as his eyes moved, Sam could occasionally feel a wave of fear that made his heart beat. Sense of fear.

It was as if what he saw in front of him was not a gentleman in a formal dress, but a ferocious beast that for some reason could not suppress his inner anxiety.


Mu En suddenly turned around, habitually lowered the brim of his hat, and showed a peaceful smile.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sam."

After removing the suffix of "Mr.", Mu En's words sounded like greetings between friends.

But Sam still had no reaction to this and said with a straight face:

"As we agreed before, I am only responsible for calling those guys over and providing the venue. The rest has nothing to do with my Rat Club."

"No, there's one more thing I need from you."

"You want to break the contract?"

A chill flashed in Sam's eyes, even if you are indeed unfathomable, neither can I, the Mouse Society...

"of course not."

Mu En patted Sam's shoulder vigorously and said sincerely:

"Audience, audience, how can such an important occasion be without you as an audience? Come with me to watch this drama through, my friend."


Sam was silent for a moment, "I want to know, what exactly are you going to do?"

"do what?"

Mu En blinked and said:

"Of course it's to bring salvation to you lost little lambs. You're almost doomed, you know?"


Sam still stared at Mu En coldly:

"I don't think you are such a kind-hearted person. You definitely have other motives."

"Alas, good people are always easily misunderstood."

Mu En shook his head and sighed, walking towards the inconspicuous building hidden deep in the darkness.

In the deserted streets, several lines of sight from different origins intertwined with each other, colliding with Ling Ran's murderous intent.

Mu En didn't seem to feel it, and walked into the crisis-ridden shadow.

Sam's cheek twitched, he hesitated for a moment, and finally followed the man.

The journey was smooth.

But in front of the building, Mu En suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Sam tilted his head and looked at Moon.

"I'm still a little... not used to it." Mu En looked down at his hands and suddenly sighed.

"Not used to it?"

Sam looked suspicious and thought to himself, what is this crazy guy doing?

"However, although I am very uncomfortable with this pretentious self, isn't there an old saying?

——One look at it will make your legs weak, but it is a necessary quality for Huang Mao.

So I have to try hard, right? There is someone waiting for me. "

Mu En laughed self-deprecatingly, held up her hat again, pushed the door open, and walked into the stage that had been prepared.

Only Sam the Rat King was left behind, looking confused.

What yellow hair? Isn’t your hair white?

And what the hell is this essential quality that makes one’s legs weak just by looking at it! Is this really an old saying?

Why doesn't it sound like a good thing?

Reknos Speakeasy.

As a little-known ordinary underground bar in Xiacheng District, it is not like those famous gold-selling caves, with hot strippers, dynamic music that makes the blood rush, and banned drugs at your fingertips.

Even for a bar, it is too quiet.

It was eerily quiet.

When Mu En walked into it, what caught his eye was the white smoke rising in the dim light, and the gloomy faces behind the smoke.

Hyena Gang, Shulzi.

Brotherhood, Locke and Dolan.

Three-headed dog, Frangi.

Trading House, Tykel Brothers.

The faces gradually matched up with the information given by An, and at this point, most of the leaders or those in power of the big gangs in the lower city had gathered in this small bar.

"It seems that without the leash, these domestic dogs feel uneasy."

Mu En smiled sarcastically.

At this time, he might have to thank Silent Moon for the big things he did secretly. If he hadn't forced those nobles to accept the recruitment of the palace and made these domestic dogs lose their masters one by one, otherwise, even if he took advantage of the Rat King, , I’m afraid it’s impossible for these guys to gather here in such a short period of time.

But now that the actor has expired, it's up to him...

"Everyone, please introduce yourselves. I am..."


A crisp sound interrupted Mu En's opening remarks.

So suddenly.

He held down the top hat, tilted his head, and turned his gaze away to look at the... wine bottle that was wiping his cheek.

The wine bottle had been smashed, and bright red wine splashed everywhere, like blood.

But this did not prevent the fact that the bottle was aimed at his head.

This is……

Mu En raised her eyebrows slightly, turned around and looked at the man who threw the bottle.

"Hyena Gang, Shuerzi..."

"what are you……"

Staring at this inexplicable appearance in front of him, a completely unknown guy, Shuerzi felt that the anger in his mind became increasingly difficult to suppress.

"Get the Rat King out!"

"Rat King..."

Glancing at the Rat King who was hiding in the shadows and watching the excitement happily without any intention of showing up, Mu En looked at Shuerzi again and showed an elegant smile.

"Mr. Schulze, the one who invites you tonight is not the Rat King, but..."


A second wine bottle was thrown over.

This time Shuerzi cleverly did not aim at Mu En's head, but let the wine bottle explode at Mu En's feet.

As a result, the wine splashed up along with the bottle fragments, grazing the pure black dress and leaving clear marks on it.

Mu En did not hide away. He lowered his head and looked at the mark on his dress. He said nothing for a long time.

"Stop talking nonsense and let the Rat King come out in person. Hurry up! I'm not interested in talking to you!"

Shuerzi continued to roar with red eyes.

In fact, Schulzi is not that manic. The image he has always wanted to create is that of a polite old gentleman.

But the throbbing pain in his brain caused by not sleeping for a long time, and the growing uneasiness in his heart, made it really difficult for him to control his emotions.

And, he finally found the source of his uneasiness.

From the moment he walked into this bar and saw the same deep uneasiness in other people's eyes, he understood what the Rat King was thinking.

——Huddle together for warmth.

Now I'm afraid not only him, but the entire lower town gang has been abandoned by the higher ups.

This is a terrible message, proving that a storm is coming.

In the face of a storm, the best way is to stick together for warmth. Although the entire gang in Xiacheng District has never been integrated, facing this unknown threat that no one has faced before and who doesn't even know where it comes from, this kind of It is not impossible for something that has never been experienced before to happen.

However, as long as there is a group, it means that a real leader will emerge.

One who might truly rule the Lower City and all their gangs...the Dark Emperor.

Then the reason why the Rat King suddenly summoned them tonight is obvious!

He wants to be that dark emperor...

He even felt that he had a great chance of success, so he sent a strange kid who didn't even know his name to intimidate people like him!

But how is that possible!

With the relationship he had formed with him, he became the dark emperor who ruled the lower city, and he decided that he would not get any good results!

Therefore, no matter what, we must disrupt the Rat King's plan and force him to show up in person!

"Haha, the hyena went crazy again."

Behind him, someone jeered.

But Schulzi just smiled coldly.

A bunch of idiots.

The knife was already placed on his neck without even realizing it.

At this rate, I'm afraid you won't live long!

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