Thinking of this, Shultz's eyes couldn't help but get a little hot.

Sure enough, his premonition was extremely accurate. As long as he eliminated the source of the uneasiness of the Rat King, the so-called Dark Emperor, it was not impossible for him to...

"My name is Bruce Wayne."


Shultz looked at the stranger who was pushed out by the Rat King in confusion.

He finally raised his head, wiped the wine on his cheek with a handkerchief, and introduced himself politely with a calm and elegant smile:

"Bruce Wayne, Mr. Shultz."

"I don't care what you call me, just call the Rat King out!"

Where did you come from?

No wonder you were pushed out by the Rat King.

In this case...

Shultz's eyes had already shown a trace of impatience, and he silently grasped his weapon...

"What a pity."

But at this moment, he heard the man who called himself Bruce sighing with regret.

Such pity, as if lamenting the withering of flowers, the falling of leaves, and the passing of life.

In a moment.

The anxiety in Shultz's heart swelled up like an inflated balloon, constantly oppressing his beating nerves.

I'm going to die!

I'm going to die!

I'm going to die!

What's going on?

The object of the anxiety... isn't it the Rat King?

There was no time to think.

Shultz heard the second half of the man's sentence:

"Tonight is so beautiful, but Mr. Shultz, you don't respect me at all. You don't even want to call me Mr. Bruce Wayne."

In confusion, fear, and incomprehension, Shultz opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But he couldn't say anything anymore.

The world suddenly spun, and in the gradually dissipating anxiety and anger, he saw the ceiling emitting dim lights, the terrified and unbelievable eyes of others, and... a headless corpse.

His own corpse.

His head rolled on the ground, looking at everyone blankly, with a trace of pride at the corner of his mouth.

The hyena gang Shultz, who had been sleepless for three days and two nights, finally fell into a permanent sleep here.

“Madman! Madman! Madman! This is a fucking madman!”

In the darkness, the Rat King Sam, who saw the whole scene, roared in disbelief.

What did he see?

That guy chopped off Shultz’s head so casually and easily in front of everyone?

Who did he think that was?

Although Shultz has always been annoying, the Hyena Gang is at least one of the big gangs in the downtown area.

Is he doing this to provoke a war in the downtown area?

And, he worked hard to gather people together, how will this end? Shultz didn’t come alone!

Just thinking about this, Sam saw Muen suddenly turned his head and looked at him, smiling strangely.

“Sam, my dear friend, those Hyena Gang guys outside are left to you.”


Sam immediately felt uneasy, because the guy’s voice at this moment was obviously much louder than usual, so that people outside the room could hear it clearly.

Sam's roar was too late, and the sound of arrows piercing the air suddenly rang out.

The Rat Club elites that Sam had arranged outside to protect his safety, under Mu En's deliberate words, did not hesitate to pull the trigger at the Hyena Gang.

"Rat King, you——"

Outside the door, Shulzi's confidant roared angrily, but the roar soon turned into a wail.

Screams rang out one after another.

And soon subsided.

Everything returned to calm.

And in the sight of Sam, who understood what the so-called audience was, and was already trembling with anger, blood gradually flowed in from outside the door.

Like an invisible sharp blade, it stung everyone's eyes.

Under this incomprehensible situation, an almost suffocating silence enveloped the place.

And this silence was soon broken by someone.

As if he didn't care what happened outside the door, Mu En raised his eyes, swept his sight across everyone's stunned faces, and smiled with satisfaction:

"Very good, no one should interrupt me to talk now.

In this case, since time is tight, I will just tell you what I am here for."

At this moment, in this unknown bar, the man who called himself Bruce said to many bigwigs in the Lower Town of Belland, the famous saying that would be widely circulated in the future:

"Everyone, please be my dog."

115. Mediator

The cold silence of death enveloped this bar that suddenly seemed a little narrow.

Behind the thin white smoke and dim lights, everyone stared at the man on the bar with a horrified expression of "Am I dreaming?"

What did he say just now?


Let us be his dog?

Who does he think we are?

We are the gangster bosses who rule the Lower Town. What qualifications does he, a guy who came out of nowhere, have?


In the silence, someone angrily crushed the wine glass in his hand, wishing he could kill this ignorant guy with a knife.

But the atmosphere was silent for a long time, and no one dared to jump out and spit at him.

- Shulzi was still staring at them, with his eyes wide open.

No one knows if this lunatic will suddenly murder someone after they say something against them.

In Xiacheng District, the madman who acts without any taboos is the most feared, especially when the madman's strength is extremely terrifying.

Until now, no one has seen how this man chopped off Shuerzi's head, and they didn't even see his weapon!

"Why aren't you talking? I'm not a man-eating beast."

It was completely impossible to tell that he had just killed the boss of a big gang. There was not even a trace of blood on the man who called himself Bruce. He leisurely took out a bottle of the best wine from the bar and poured himself a glass. .

He shook the wine glass and looked at the extremely ugly faces through the crystal clear liquid in the wine glass, but there was a kind smile on the corner of his mouth, like a warm host entertaining his distinguished guests.

"Come on, everyone can speak freely. If you have any questions, you can ask them. Although time is tight, I will still be happy to answer your questions."

"You want to rule the entire lower city?"

In the darkness, someone finally couldn't help but ask.

In a place like this, asking about the true identity and appearance is meaningless, so his question goes to the core.

"You want to be the Dark Emperor?"

"Hey, Dark Emperor, what a great title."

Mu En smiled and said, "But if you really want to think so, then just think of me."


"Well... isn't it enough to kill Shuerzi?"

"not enough."

"Then what guys are included."

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Mu En's mouth, and her tone was as relaxed as if she was about to crush a few insignificant ants.

"Plus your it enough?"

"Are you... threatening us?"

Someone said with a trembling voice, not sure if it was because of fear or anger.

"It depends on your understanding. You can think that I am threatening you, or you can think that I... am showing strength."

Outside the door, guards brought by various gang leaders have surrounded the bar and blocked the roads from all exits. Indistinct chants echoed, and the magicians they hired at a high price were ready to attack at any time. Prepare.

Even with the elites brought by the Rat King, it is impossible to deal with everyone.

As long as anyone in the bar issues an order, that man will be turned into a pile of meat scraps by the angry swords and magic in an instant.

But he still shrugged indifferently, seemingly not paying attention to the thugs outside at all, and continued to pour himself a glass of wine, sipping it gently:

"Actually, I think this is a good choice. Since you domestic dogs need an owner, why can't that owner be me?"


Anyway, you need a master.

Why can't the master be me?

Mu En used such plain language to tell this truth that made everyone furious.


Suddenly, an old woman with a majestic face sitting in the corner slapped the table and stood up, roaring:

"You have humiliated us over and over again. Do you really think we have a good temper?"


Mu En stared at the old woman with a strange look on her face.

"When did I humiliate you?"

"You keep saying we are..."

"Say you are domestic dogs? No, no, no, I'm not humiliating you, I'm just telling the truth."

Mu En glanced across the angry faces and said sarcastically:

"Look at you, gentlemen, you look so frightened that you can't even sleep well as long as there is no owner holding your neck. What is it if it's not a domestic dog?

I think those wild dogs digging in the garbage on the roadside have more backbone than you. "

Before he finished speaking, Mu En felt more than one wave of murderous intent spreading out, hiding among the people in front of him.

But in the end, no one dared to draw a weapon against him or give orders to his subordinates outside the door.

Just because Shuerzi died in front of him.

Perhaps these people were once the most ferocious and terrifying beasts in the Lower City, but when they stayed in high positions for a long time, and even took the initiative to put dog leashes on their necks in order to stabilize their positions, they no longer had any backbone. Said.

They fear death more than anyone else, just like Lorenzo before him.

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