So pathetic.

"According to your way of thinking, I have a better way." The old woman suddenly said.


Mu En narrowed his eyes and looked at the old woman who spoke again.

This person is...

Recalling the information given by An in his mind, Mu En quickly recognized the identity of this person.


When she was young, she was the mistress of a great noble, so she had a lot of connections in all aspects. After she mixed in the Lower City District, she did not join any party's neutral identity, but instead played the role of a lubricant to ease the friction between many forces.

Many times, some big gangs' disputes would let her be the middleman.

Therefore, she was called a mediator and had great prestige in the entire Lower City District.

"I know that everyone is uneasy in their hearts. In this case, why don't we take this opportunity to unite."

The old woman stood up, knocked the ground with her cane, and swept her cold eyes over everyone. When she glanced at Mu En, her eyes were full of disdain.

"As long as we unite, the entire Lower Town unites, I believe that no storm can knock us down. Even this guy, this guy of unknown origin, is just a paper tiger! I don't believe that with so many of us, we are still not his opponent!"

"Who will be the leader? Who will lead the entire Lower Town?"

"No one leads the entire Lower Town, and there is no Dark Emperor!"

The old woman raised her voice: "We can follow the practice of the Noble Council and set up a fair joint meeting. All gang leaders can attend the meeting, and all matters will be decided through discussion and voting!

Through this, we will become the largest force in the entire Belrand, and even those high-ranking nobles will not be able to dictate to us. We will get rid of their shadows and make the Lower Town of Belrand truly become our Lower Town!"

116. The Most Valuable Head

The old woman waved her skinny arms and issued a sonorous and powerful declaration that was completely inconsistent with her body shape.

At her words, the eyes of many gang leaders who had been forced into a desperate situation lit up, as if they had seen the beautiful picture described by the woman.




The lower city that belongs only to us!

How beautiful, how exciting...


The sudden sneer interrupted this beautiful fantasy.

"What the hell? Parliament? Hahahaha... Parliament... Union? Am I hallucinating?"

In front of the bar, Mu En held his stomach and laughed.

It was like hearing the funniest joke in the world.

"This... Ms. Mediator, you don't know that the current parliament is just a place where a group of swollen, cerebral palsy nobles curse each other like children. It's useless. You actually want to imitate the parliament?

Or do you think these guys next to you who are always slashing each other with knives can sit together obediently and discuss things calmly?"

"I think this kind of problem can be solved." The old woman nodded seriously, believing in her words.

She is the mediator of the Lower City. Under her prestige, everyone can sit together calmly and plan the future of the Lower City together.

"Ah, is that so?"

After staring at the old woman for a long time, Mu En picked up a handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I thought she was really a powerful character, but it turned out that she was just a fool who did whatever she wanted by relying on her status as a 'mistress'?"

If they really built the so-called Lower City that belonged to them, I am afraid that before they could wait for fair and peaceful autonomy, they would first wait for the iron cavalry of the Royal Knights.

Playing the parliamentary game under the emperor's nose, don't you know how to write the two words beheading?


The old woman's face suddenly became ferocious, as if Mu En had provoked some sensitive nerves.

But then her eyes became vicious, and she sneered:

"Boy, just laugh, I don't think you can be arrogant for long, as long as all of us unite, you are just a lamb to be slaughtered.

When the time comes, I will tear off your whole face and decorate my collection room, so that you will know the consequences of angering me!"

"But you don't have that chance."


"I said you don't have that chance."

Mu En put down his hand, his face returned to calm, but the light blue eyes under the shadow of the hat revealed full of sarcasm.

"It's just right, I will use you to show my other strength to those who are still hesitating, and verify whether the unity you mentioned is feasible."

"What do you mean?"

Are you going to kill again?

The old woman suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart. She subconsciously retreated and sought shelter from the people behind her, but those guys who were obviously moved by what she said just now, at this moment, unexpectedly chose to retreat at the same time.

The old woman's eyes twitched, and she cursed these rubbish in her heart.

But then, she suddenly straightened her chest, stiffened her neck, glared at Mu En, and said sternly:

"If you want to kill, then kill! Let everyone see clearly that you are just a madman who kills indiscriminately, and madmen will not be recognized by anyone!"

It seems that she is ready to die.


Glancing at the old woman's trembling legs, the mockery in Mu En's eyes became stronger. He lowered his eyes and asked softly:

"Do you know why I'm called Bruce Wayne?"

"Why... why?"

"Because although I don't have any superpowers, I have another very powerful ability."

In the old woman's gradually frightened eyes, Mu En slowly stretched out his finger and pointed at her.

Is it... coming?

The old woman, knowing that she had no ability to resist, closed her eyes and prepared to face death.

But after a short wait, death did not come.

But a mellow voice, in a voice that everyone could hear, spoke clearly.

"Now, Ms. Mediator, your head is worth 100 million."


The old woman was stunned.

She opened her eyes and frowned in confusion, unable to understand what Mu En meant.

One hundred million?

My head is worth 100 million?

What does this mean?

Can you kill me with just one sentence?


But at this moment, she heard breathing.

Heavy, beast-like breathing.

And the greedy eyes that hurt people's skin, all focused on her.

She woke up with a start, feeling a bone-chilling chill enveloping her body. She turned around and shouted in fear to everyone:

"Don't be fooled! This is his conspiracy! Conspiracy!"

"This is not a conspiracy, this is a promise."

Moon habitually adjusted his hat and looked at everyone, with a playful smile on his face like a clown at the end of a performance:

"You are also people who have climbed to this step step by step, and you should know better than anyone else. At this time, I will definitely not tell lies. If I say it is 100 million, then there will be no less than one Emile.

Not only that, those who successfully obtain the head of dear mediator can walk out of here safely, and I will not take any revenge after that."

Moon stretched out three fingers to the sky: "Swear to the goddess."

Swear to the goddess.

These words are like a spell, and those gang leaders who were originally on the sidelines also became restless.

One hundred million.

Plus the promise of safety.

For them, it is also a temptation that is hard to refuse.

And the price they need to pay is to kill the mistress of a great nobleman.

Haha, mistress.

She is so old now, how could the noble still remember her?

Those so-called relationships have long lost their deterrent power.

As for prestige... can that thing be eaten?

It is simply a business that can only make money.

But, for the time being, no one has made a move.

Everyone is still hesitating. They are not stupid. It is impossible for them to be so blinded by 100 million.

Now, taking action for this 100 million means... recognizing the status of this man, recognizing him, and surpassing the status of the gang leaders like them.

"Don't be fooled, don't be fooled, think about what I said just now, unity, only unity can work at this time, don't be divided by that man, are you willing to be inferior to others?"

The old woman was pale and kept persuading with a trembling voice.

No matter how stupid she was, she knew that this was her only way to survive.

But in fact, no one was listening to her at this time, because just by looking at the other person's eyes, they would know that the so-called equal unity was just a fantasy.

Everyone was thinking secretly and weighing the pros and cons.

One hundred million is not enough?

Mu En's eyes flickered.

Then add more...

But before he could say anything to add more, a sharp buzzing sound interrupted his thoughts.

The old woman suddenly screamed, and then fell to the ground and wailed in pain.

Blood mist filled the air, and an arrow with magic directly turned one of her calves into meat residue and blood foam.

Everyone turned their heads in astonishment and looked at the person who pulled the trigger.

Rat King, Sam.


Mu En also raised his eyebrows in surprise and turned his head to look at the dwarf-like figure:

"I didn't expect that the first one to make a move would be you?"

"What's so surprising, I just made the choice I thought was right." Sam still had no expression on his face, as if no one could figure out what he was thinking at the moment.

He slowly approached the old woman and raised the crossbow in his hand again.

"Sam! You, you are really in cahoots with him?"

The old woman screamed with red eyes in severe pain, but then the arrow that cut through the air turned her scream into a scream.

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