Sam shot through her other foot and said lightly:

"Don't get me wrong, no one hates this guy more than me. He put a knife to my neck and lied to me."

"Then why... you!"

"But there is something he said that I agree with."

Sam continued to wind the gun and took aim. This time it was still not a critical point.

"——Since everyone needs a master, why not him, at least, unlike those stingy and cowardly nobles...

He is really willing to pay 100 million. "

117. Medicine and sugar


In the quiet bar, Rat King Sam slowly raised the bloody head in front of Moon.

The woman's old face still showed anger and despair, and her dry skin was stained with blood, looking like old tree bark shedding blood and tears.

It is no longer possible to picture her beauty from this old face when she was young, which would have attracted the attention of even the great nobles. We can only see her unwillingness and hatred before her death.

The Rat King bent his waist, his expression solemn and respectful.

"I've got what you asked for."

"You're doing great, Sam, doing great."

Mu En patted the rat king Sam on the shoulder, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

As he flipped his fingers, he flicked a crystal card towards Sam.

"Imperial Bank bearer account, 100 million yuan. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to the bank to confirm."

"No, Mr. Bruce, of course I believe you."

After taking the crystal card, Sam's eyes flashed with fire.

Without saying anything else, Sam straightened up and stood silently behind Mu En.

Just like before, he hid his dwarf-like figure in the darkness.

"Okay everyone, my presentation session is over, now it's your turn to give your answers."

Mu En pressed her hat as usual and looked at the silent gang leaders with a smile.

His words were still so calm and mellow, but the meaning at this moment was completely different.

The doors and windows were closed, but a cold wind blew from nowhere, making people shiver.

The leaders glanced at Mu En, and then at the Rat King hiding in the darkness behind Mu En. Their eyes flickered and their faces were as pale as paper.

The balance has been upset.

If the scary guy in front of him was still alone, they still had the strength to fight together.

But when the Rat King definitely fell towards him, everything became different.

A terrifying strong man whose strength is still unknown, coupled with the Rat King who is known as sinister and vicious throughout the lower city, and an unknown number of crossbowmen under him...

Once they break up, none of them will be able to walk out of this room alive.

Therefore, if they want to save their lives, there is only one so-called answer.

——Damn it, if I had known I would have taken action just now, it would have ended like this anyway. I might as well have made a net profit of 100 million and let the Rat King take advantage of it.

There were varying degrees of annoyance on everyone's faces.

But in the end, after a brief silence, the leaders who commanded the Lower City silently lowered their noble heads that they had not lowered for a long time.

"Mr. Bruce." His tone was respectful.

"Good, it seems you both made the right choice."

Mu En's eyes swept over these people. In the dim light, he couldn't see their eyes clearly, and he couldn't tell whether they were truly surrendering or whether they were hiding other thoughts.

But none of that matters.

Mu En picked up the bottle of good wine he had just drank, and took out some small wine glasses from the bar.

In person, full on.

"bring it on."

Mu En took the lead and raised a wine glass, "Let us celebrate this extraordinary moment."

No one moved immediately.

It was obviously just a crystal clear wine glass and mellow wine, but these people seemed to have seen something terrifying, with fear on their faces.

Because, they clearly saw that Mu En added a white pill to each glass of wine.

Except for the glass of wine given to the Rat King.

"Mr. Bruce, what was added to the wine?" someone asked in a trembling voice.


Mu En said nonchalantly:

"It's just a precious potion that will make you rot and die if you betray me. I bought it at a huge price. How do you feel about it? Are you impressed?"


Don't dare to move at all!

The leaders stared at the wine glasses in horror, hesitating to get the wine glasses.

Because once you drink this glass of wine, doesn't it mean that you have completely become this man's puppet?

They will lose their precious freedom...

But if they don't drink, they will lose their precious lives.

Freedom or life, that is a choice.

So everyone hesitated...


But just then, they heard the man laughing.

"Don't be so nervous. I was just making a joke to lighten the atmosphere. This is fake."

Mu En shook the wine glass and chuckled:

"It's just mint that's added. I heard that adding mint to this wine can make the taste much softer, so I'll give it a try."

As he spoke, he also threw a white pill into his wine glass. After it melted, he drank it without hesitation.

After drinking, smash your mouth:

"It tastes much better."


It was a joke, but no one laughed.

After a brief silence, Mu En looked at the still hesitant leaders, raised his eyebrows, and his expression became cold:

"Why don't you drink? Are you looking down on me?"

"Drink...let's drink..."

The leaders looked at each other and finally picked up the wine glasses.

But at the last moment, they couldn't help but ask in trembling voices:

"Mr. Bruce, is the stuff in it really peppermint candies?"


Mu En smiled a little enigmatically:

"you guess."

In the end, in the face of the threat of death, everyone drank the glass of wine.

Well, the wine does have a mint flavor.

But once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will only continue to take root and sprout.


Still sugar.

It all depends on their inner thoughts.

But no one is willing to gamble on the 1/2 chance unless they are cornered.

Therefore, everyone understands that at this moment, they really have an additional master named Bruce Wayne.

This time, they did not take the initiative to hand over their dog leashes, but the man used strong force to put the dog leash around each of their necks.

"Mr. Bruce has a good idea."

In the darkness, the Rat King drank the wine in the wine glass without hesitation and praised.

At this moment, he already felt someone's hateful eyes falling on him.

From now on, he automatically becomes Bruce Wayne's confidant. At the same time, as the only person who did not eat the "candy", he is hostile to everyone.

Once he "falls out of favor", he is likely to be torn to pieces by these guys.

"Miscellaneous praise."

Mu En smiled.

"Watching too many TV series is beneficial."

"TV drama?"

"Please don't worry."

Mu En raised her head and looked into the distance.


In the distance, the bells of the big clock tower rang, announcing the arrival of midnight.

The long night is not over yet, or rather, it has just begun.

"So now, what are you going to do?"

The Rat King asked respectfully.

"Do something?"

Mu En tapped her fingers and thought intently.

Then, he withdrew his gaze from a distance and looked in front of him.

In the dim bar, a total of nine gang leaders stood in two rows, standing respectfully.

Outside the bar, on both sides of the seemingly deserted street, thugs from various gangs gathered in the darkness, and the crowds were crowded, but no noise was made.

They were all waiting for this man to give the order.

"First of all, help me check something."

Mu En straightened her dress and slowly walked into the dark city under everyone's gaze.


Mu En looked in a certain direction with a cold smile on her lips:

"First of all, let me give you some benefits."

118. Let you die first...

Under the dark night, a blazing fire suddenly lit up, illuminating half of the city.

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