The deafening explosions and the roars of the thugs woke up the sleeping people, but ordinary people did not even dare to take a look at it at this time. They just wrapped themselves in quilts and shivered, praying to the goddess for peace.

But the goddess will not favor everyone.

"Asshole, what are you doing!"

The new leader of the Red Fire Gang, Lei Long, who just took office yesterday, led his subordinates who had just woken up from their beds. With red eyes, they faced many figures in the ruins and dust in front of them, gnashing their teeth:

"How dare you suddenly attack our Red Fire Gang? Do you want to provoke a war between gangs?"

"War? No, this is not a war. You think too highly of yourself."

On the half wall that was blasted to pieces by the magic, a figure as short as a dwarf appeared. His eyes swept across the courtyard surrounded by fire, and a hint of sarcasm and ferocity appeared on his ugly, mouse-like face:

"It's going to be a massacre!"

"Rat King?"

Looking at the figure on the low wall, Leilong's pupils shrank immediately, but he quickly controlled his panic and sneered coldly:

"Slaughter, just because of your rat skills?"

If the rats kidnapped, assassinated, or poisoned him, he might even have a headache.

But a frontal attack?

Are you sure you rats, who hide all day and only shoot hidden arrows, can stand up?

"Who said...we rats are the only ones who can do it?"

But at this time, the sarcasm on Sam's face became more intense.

As he finished speaking, more figures appeared beside him.

And every figure that appeared made Lei Long's face paler.

"Three-headed dog..."


"Trading House..."

Lei Long trembled his lips as he read out the power behind each figure, but the more he did so, the harder it became for him to believe it...

"Why... why did you join forces?"

Are you kidding me? These guys who usually want to insult each other's female relatives and hack each other to death are actually getting together, and looking like this, they are getting along extraordinarily peacefully?

Am I dreaming?

What happened overnight?

"I was still talking about why I didn't invite you Red Fire Gang. Now it seems that something is wrong."

The three-headed dog Franji came out and his eyes fell on Lei Long.

"Where's Lorenzo? Why didn't you see him? Also, are there fewer elites in your Red Fire Gang?"

"none of your business!"

Lei Long retorted angrily: "Boss Lorenzo, he just has something to do..."

"Lorenzo, he's dead."

At this time, a plain voice interrupted Leilong's roar,

"Even dozens of top elites from the Red Fire Gang are dead."

"Nonsense, boss he——"

Lei Long turned his eyes and looked at the man in a formal dress who suddenly appeared, and his rebuttal stopped abruptly.

His heart suddenly beat faster, and a faint sense of fear coiled in his heart like a poisonous snake.

Because he noticed that when this man appeared, both the gang leaders and the thugs with weapons below them all fell silent.

Just like when the wolf king howls, the entire wolf pack will remain silent. The moment this man appears, he is at the center of everyone.

And as his words fell, the thugs became more and more eager to fight, as if in their opinion, this man didn't bother to lie at all.

Even though he didn't explain it in detail, everyone accepted it as reality.

Lorenzo is dead.

"Who are you?" Unknowingly, Lei Long's tone had a hint of panic.

How come he has never heard of this person who can make so many gangs respect him so much?

Mu En did not answer.

There is no need to give the names of those who are about to die.

His eyes swept across the entire courtyard, then looked at the fires that were also burning on the docks along the ancient Rhine River not far away. Finally, he walked around half the city and looked at Leilong, who looked angry and humiliated, thinking constantly in his mind.

Sure enough, the news that he had killed dozens of elites of the Red Fire Gang was blocked.

In fact, if you think about it, you are also the son of a Duke. Killing dozens of people on the street will damage the reputation of the Duke, so the Duke's Palace will definitely try their best to cover it up.

And the Red Fire Gang will definitely not spread this matter outside.

Everything was as expected.

But the only problem is...

"It's so peaceful."

Mu En suddenly murmured in a low voice.

"It's so calm that it's just like a normal gang."

"What?" The Rat King looked over in confusion. At that moment, there was another explosion, which prevented him from hearing Mu En's words clearly.

"I said."

Mu En said:


The words fell in an understatement, and the fate of one of the largest gangs in the lower city was decided so simply.

The offensive continues.

Even if the Red Fire Gang loses Lorenzo and dozens of elites, it still has enough foundation to support its position in the lower city.

But it is impossible to resist the joint attack of several major gangs.

The thugs excitedly waved their weapons and rushed towards the enemy. The crossbow arrows from high places harvested lives. The magicians in the team quickly cracked the magic circle covering the courtyard. Secret rooms were opened one after another, and a large number of dazzling golden lights flashed. The treasure and the treasure box were quickly transported out, and anyone who stood in the way would be coldly killed.

The Red Fire Gang was retreating steadily, gradually shrinking inwards.

More and more people died. Under the unreasonably fierce resistance of the Red Fire Gang, several major gangs also began to suffer a lot of casualties.

But it was mostly within control, but this made the Rat King, who was supposed to perform well, furious. He urged his subordinates to launch more and more violent attacks.

Bodies began to pile up and blood began to flow.

Blood, flowing blood, gradually formed strange patterns on the ground, like childish graffiti, or like evil patterns summoning monsters.

But under Mu En's indifferent gaze, nothing happened.

There were only tragic wails, echoing in the night sky, accusing this demon of its actions.

"Did I guess wrong?"

Mu Enju's hand gradually tightened his grip on the cane, and he couldn't help but feel a little irritated in his heart.

But at this moment, he noticed something strange.

Under the interplay of dim night and bright firelight, the shadows of all things were like ferocious evil spirits, baring their teeth and waving their claws.

So it's hard to spot oddities.

But when you lower your eyes and look carefully, you will find that the strange and sudden blood stains on the ground are gradually fading.

But blood does not evaporate and dry up so easily.

In other words...underground?

Mu En tapped the ground with his cane and raised his head, just in time to see a figure sneaking away from the front of the Red Fire Gang who were still resisting.

Mu En's eyes flickered and she thought about it carefully.



Upon hearing the call, the Rat King immediately suppressed the anger on his face and quickly came closer.

"Are you ready for all the things I gave you?"


The Rat King responded immediately.

When he thought of the things Mu En had given him before, his heart became hotter than ever before.

At the same time, the eyes he looked at Mu En became more and more respectful.

"It's ready and can be used at any time."

"That's good."

Mu En held up his hat and turned into an erratic shadow, bypassing the fiercely fighting thugs and chasing the sneaking figure.

Only his cold words still lingered in the ears of the Rat King.

"Gather all the people and wait for my order."


In the dark night, the Rat King lowered his head and responded respectfully.

"Damn it, why, why are those gangs fighting like crazy? And they even joined forces?"

In the basement, a figure staggered forward.

His face showed deep hatred, his eyes were red, no, it should be said that only one eye was red.

The other eye was filled with flowing blood and a broken eyeball hanging outside.

——A stray arrow pierced his eye in the chaos. If the magic circle had not weakened the power of the arrow, it would have been not just one eyeball but his entire head that had been pierced.

“Damn it, damn it, and how did the news of Lorenzo’s death leak out? Is there a traitor?

No, all non-core members of the gang should have been purged. "

Countless questions echoed in Leilong's mind. Fear and anger filled his heart, making him gnash his teeth and want to kill a few people immediately to vent his anger.

It was not easy, he finally got through it, and when Lorenzo, that arrogant bastard, gave up, he took the position of gang leader.

However, before he even had time to enjoy a good day, everything about him and the entire Red Fire Gang turned into ashes. How could he not hate this?

"It's not over yet, it's not over yet!"

Lei Long punched the wall and roared angrily, "This can't end so soon!"

After the long and narrow corridor, the entire space suddenly opened up.

A large room appeared in his field of vision, and with it, there was...




The shriveled corpses, like a forest, were hung on the top of the room. With the gravity, they naturally swayed and rotated, squeaking, squeaking. Sometimes they rotated to the front, and you would see a picture of hatred and despair. The miserable face.

Some of them are still alive, with their dim pupils turning uneasily, following the living people who walk into the room, their cracked lips squirming, and emitting vague and strange whines.

But each of them had their abdomens opened, revealing the internal organs covered with dense fascia. Blood was flowing from their bodies, tick, tick.

Not only them, more blood seeped out from the ceiling, ticking, ticking, dripping into the blood pool filled with stinking blood.

The blood pool kept rolling, and there seemed to be some shadow wandering in it.

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