"Jeros, don't look at me, don't look at me!"

"I didn't kill you, I was only responsible for holding you down!"

"And Mayer, who makes you unwilling to belong to the Lord? We are all brothers who eat meat and drink together, and pursue eternal life together, isn't that good?"

"Wenlanka, you ****, don't you just have my child? How dare you threaten me? How dare you?"

Lei Long walked into this rather vast room, not daring to raise his head and look into the dim eyes that followed him.

These people include beggars on the street, abandoned prostitutes, and homeless vagrants.

But more importantly, they are the Red Fire Gang's... "companions."

Many of those who were once considered brothers, including his wife, were personally brought in by Lei Long during the recent purge.

But there is no way, there is no way!

These, these, these are necessary to lead to eternal life!

Lorenzo has failed, he has lost the favor of God, so he is qualified to obtain eternal life...

It’s me, it’s me, Leilong!

"Lord, Lord!"

Lei Long crossed the passage in the middle of the blood pool and came to the center of the room.

On the circular platform, a dark heart beat slowly.

Lei Long knelt in front of his heart and kept kowtowing.

"Lord, as you predicted, the day of destruction of the Red Fire Gang has arrived. Please, please give me eternal life and endless holy power!"

The dark heart began to squirm, and an eye appeared on the texture of the fascia, looking down at Leilong indifferently.

After a moment, a delicate and cold voice sounded.


"Thank you Lord, thank you Lord."

Lei Long was overjoyed. After kowtowing respectfully a few more times, he couldn't wait to get up and carefully picked up the heart.

The eyes on the heart have been closed, but they still look ferocious. It's still beating, as if it's alive, but the touch in the palm of your hand is cold.

"Finally, I can live forever!"

Ha, ha, ha, Lorenzo, we have been fighting for so long, but in the end, it was me who won!

Although the Red Fire Gang is gone and everything has to start from scratch, as long as there is eternal life and God's blessing, nothing is impossible!

Lei Long slowly put his heart to his mouth with trembling hands. As long as he eats it, as long as he eats this heart, he can have everything!

Have a...

"Sir, please don't eat randomly."

But at this moment, Lei Long heard some sarcastic words coming from him.

In the originally empty room, a figure wearing a black top hat suddenly appeared.


Lei Long was shocked. He should have made sure that no one was following him. Why?

"As you can see."

Mu En stood not far away, holding down her hat, raised her chin, and revealed a smile on her lips:

"I'm just an ordinary citizen passing by."

"You, it's you!"

Lei Long recognized him and recognized him as the man who made all gang leaders bow their heads.

Uneasiness spread in his heart, and without any hesitation, Lei Long stuffed the heart into his mouth.

However, it did not succeed.

In his horrified sight, his heart, along with his hands, uncontrollably moved further and further away from him, falling downwards.


Blood spurted out from the smooth wounds on his wrists, and it was only then that he realized that his hands had been chopped off at the wrist.

"Didn't you say that?"

On the side, Mu En played with a pure white short knife and whistled.

"You can't eat unhygienic things."

"You also want to prevent me from getting eternal life?"

Leilong roared angrily, and his hands were cut off. The severe pain that could make a person collapse passed through the nerves and entered his mind, but he was completely unaware of it.

He suddenly rushed towards Mu En regardless of his falling heart.

"are you crazy?"

Mu En frowned slightly, and Elizabeth turned her palm slightly.

He was about to chop off this guy's head directly to avoid having more nightmares at night, but at this moment, the death warning in his head started to sound a warning.

Although it was not strong, it was enough to make Mu En wary.

He immediately retracted his hand and ducked sideways.

A silver needle shot out of Lei Long's mouth and passed by Mu En's cheek, but it was obviously just a feint. Taking advantage of Mu En's opportunity to dodge, he suddenly turned around in a weird posture and continued to attack the heart.

"How can you eat when you have no hands?"

Mu En was puzzled, but the next moment, he also looked surprised.

Leilong's coat suddenly tore, and in his squirming flesh, a new arm suddenly grew out, grabbing at his heart.

"Damn it, has conjuring a third hand become a necessary skill for you evil believers?"

Mu En's eyes suddenly sank, and a blazing burning sensation came from behind, and a large amount of magic power was poured into the alchemy core.

Time is delayed, ten times, started...

and didn't start.

At this moment, a ferocious mouthpart suddenly emerged from the black heart, and the mouthpart roared, and the deafening sound waves spread out instantly.

All of Mu En's actions were interrupted, and she could only watch helplessly as Lei Long swallowed it into his heart.

The fist-sized heart was swallowed whole by him, and you could even see the process of his neck being stretched by the heart.

Unfortunately, he was not choked.

Under Mu En's increasingly serious gaze, Lei Long's face turned red and he cheered excitedly.

"Finally, I finally succeeded. I gained the holy power of God. I gained eternal life, forever..."

But the cheers didn't last long, and the excitement on his face stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, there was severe pain that exceeded his arm being cut off, causing his expression to change instantly.


Leilong's whole body spasmed violently, and the dark meridians spread outward from his body, instantly extending to his neck, limbs, and face.

In an instant, he became extremely ferocious, like a meat ball that was about to explode at any time.

"This is...this is..."

As if he felt something, Lei Long's eyes showed great fear.

"This is not holy power, this is not holy power, Lord, you lied to me, Lord, you lied to me..."

His last few words were gradually distorted due to elongation, because a pair of slender hands suddenly came out from his throat and opened his upper and lower jaws.

"Damn it, what big* pill?"

Seeing this scene, Mu En couldn't help but complain in shock.

But then, it is far less beautiful than in the anime.

Those hands grabbed Leilong's upper and lower jaws, and then - tore them apart with force.

Accompanied by the horrifying sound of flesh and blood being torn apart.

From the corners of the lips, to the cheeks, to the base of the ears...

Then the neck, arms, flanks.

In fear and despair, Lei Long was torn in half alive, and out of the filled blood and broken flesh and blood, an extremely enchanting woman stood tall and graceful.

She was still holding the two halves of Lei Long's body in her hands, sucking in the scattered blood, and her face with enchanting makeup was full of intoxication.

"What a fool. Even I haven't received eternal life yet, so you deserve it?"

Licking her red lips with unfinished thoughts, she threw the two halves of the body away and looked at Mu En not far away.


Are you scared, Moon Campbell, this gift I specially prepared for you...eh? Aren't you Moon Campbell? "

The banshee looked at Mu En, whose appearance had completely changed, in confusion, but soon she started to giggle:

"No, you are Moon Campbell. Those angry eyes of yours cannot be faked."


Mu En closed her eyes, calmed down her emotions, and then looked at the banshee again.

"I didn't expect you to show up here in person... No."

At this time, Mu En also discovered something strange about the banshee.

The aura on her body was much weaker than the first time they met.

"This is... a clone?"

"Oh, you're so sharp. Yes, it's a clone."

The banshee showed off her weakness indifferently, "As you can see, this clone is probably only half as strong as the original body. Even you can defeat it."

"Oh, I'm really underestimated."

Mu En laughed to herself and held Elizabeth tightly.

"There is nothing I can do. Although I really want to play with you in person, she is currently entangled by the mad dogs of the Silence Agency, so she can only send me to play with you, and..."

The banshee suddenly smiled strangely:

"I have never looked down on you. Rather, I am more afraid of you than anyone else."

"What's the meaning……"

Mu En asked subconsciously, but before he could finish his words, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He felt...a strange movement.



The figures hanging on the ceiling shook violently, and then the rope suddenly broke, and they fell into the pool of blood one after another.

The blood pool stirred up.

A hand covered in blood suddenly touched the edge of the blood pool, and then a thin figure stood up unsteadily from the blood pool.

There were more and more figures, gradually surrounding Mu En.

"This is……"

Mu En looked at the zombie-like figures around him with a solemn expression.

"It's just the remains of a sacrifice. Although it's not strong, this amount should be able to cause some trouble to you.

And...that's not all. "

The banshee suddenly snapped her fingers.

The blood pool was agitated like never before.

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