A deep figure wandered among them, and then, in the big bloody waves, his ferocious and huge body was suddenly revealed.

It was a monster that looked like a giant worm, with its twisted arms and legs intertwined under its huge body. It had numerous mouthparts all over the monster's lower abdomen, emitting an incomprehensible neighing sound.

"Moon Beast."

Mu En's face turned pale.

Moon beasts, in short, are monsters tainted by the Silent Moon.

In the original book, even the natural disaster, the sea demon Leviathan, was eroded by the Silent Moon in some unknown way, and became the most terrifying existence under him, causing countless disasters.

Although the moon beast in front of me is probably not as good as a single hair of Leviathan, judging from its aura, it has reached the level of an overlord-level monster.

As for the overlord-level monsters, they are already equivalent to the level of the late third level. Currently, it is very difficult for Mu En to deal with them one-on-one.

——But it was not over yet, because Mu En heard a clear crunching sound.

In the darkness of the room, a tall figure wearing a black raincoat slowly walked out.

He held the bloody butcher knife in one hand and the twisted shadow in the other, chewing it constantly.

Under the bloody mask, those eyes were particularly cold, like a dead person.

But he grinned and showed a cruel smile towards Mu En.


Shadow Butcher!

He has been hiding here!

This is the highlight of the highlights.


"No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a clone."

"He is the real body. Because he is stupid and is too easy to be caught by those crazy dogs, I let him leave me temporarily. It just so happens that it can be used as the last insurance to ensure that I kill you." The banshee said .

"What a scary situation."

Looking around, Mu En's eyes flashed slightly.

A banshee with half the strength of the original body.

A huge number of living corpses.

Overlord level moon beast.

And the Shadow Butcher who once caused him a lot of trouble.

No matter how you look at it, this is...

"A dead end, an absolute dead end."

The banshee curled up the corners of her mouth, opened her arms, and smiled happily:

"That's right, Moon Campbell, this is the dead end I carefully set up for you.

I know that in order to find us and find Anna Cablin, you will definitely take the lead in attacking the Red Fire Gang. After all, Lorenzo died in front of you in that way, and there was no way you would let go of this important clue.

So, the next thing to do is to wait and see, as long as you come to the door, and you live up to my expectations and really take the initiative to step into this trap. "

"I take back what I just said, you really think highly of me."

Mu En sighed.

This kind of configuration should never be used on a little second-level warrior like him.

"No way, who made me suddenly discover that you may be the biggest threat to our plan?"

"That really makes me happy."

"How to..."

"Are you begging for mercy? If you kneel down and beg for mercy, I'm in a good mood and I might spare your whole body."

Mu En held down the brim of her hat, and a hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared in the corner of her mouth again.

"That's what you're going to say next, right?"


The banshee narrowed her eyes slightly, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

Because she found that except for the initial surprise, Moon Campbell did not seem to be as frightened as she imagined.

"Do you have a way to escape?"

After thinking for a long time, the banshee could only think of this possibility.

Therefore, under her control, the moon beast and the living corpse did not rush to attack, but first blocked all Mu En's escape routes.

The Shadow Butcher also guarded the most critical position to ensure that Mu En had no way to escape.


Regarding the banshee's conjecture, Mu En was noncommittal, and did not even have the idea of ​​​​escape. She just sighed sadly:

"If it were me in the past, I might really run into your trap and die here."

With this configuration, unless the flames of the King of Blight are fully activated, there may really be no way to survive at all.

And even if he lives like that, there is a high probability that he will be found to be involved with the evil god. Facing the trial of the Silence Agency, the outcome will be the same as being killed.

Not to mention saving the senior sister.

"But, how do you say something?

As a creature like a man, the more he loses, the more he will grow.

And I happened to—"

Mu En stroked Elizabeth's pure white blade, and the scenes during this period appeared in her mind.

His eyes gradually became as cold as iron.

“A lot of things were really lost not too long ago!”

"No, kill him, kill him immediately!"

The banshee seemed to have noticed something, and she panicked and commanded the moon beast and the living corpse to rush towards Mu En.

The shadow butcher also grasped the butcher knife in an instant.

But it's too late.

Mu En's fingers tapped on the blade, and the light trembling sound echoed, past the living corpse, past the moon beast, past the ugly-faced banshee, past the cold walls and ceiling, and spread to a very far place.


In the loud explosion, the wall of the room was suddenly penetrated.

The rubble agitated, and all the "people" in the room subconsciously stopped what they were doing and looked blankly at the firelight projected in.

Smoke and dust filled the air, but it was quickly dispersed by the breeze summoned by the magician.

The gap opened by the blast was crowded with thugs, and thugs covered in blood poked their heads in.

"Fuck you, evil believer."

"Fuck, monster."

"Fuck, beauty."

Someone exclaimed, but was immediately slapped on the head by the Rat King.

"New guys have been sent to you, are you afraid?"

As he spoke, the Rat King played with the new toy in his hand, his eyes burning.

That was also a repeating crossbow, but it was not his previous magic repeating crossbow.


The fifth generation new military magic repeating crossbow, a terrifying killing weapon codenamed Mandala.

Not only are they smaller and more exquisite and easy to carry, they can even be hidden directly in the sleeves, and their power is even more terrifying. The special enchanted arrows also have a terrifying explosive tearing effect. It is said that the military once used hundreds of these to surround and kill a group of people. He is only one step away from reaching the top level of the Crowned One.

Apart from the fact that each arrow consumes tens of thousands of Emiles, it has no shortcomings.

Therefore, when this group of thugs are equipped with this weapon, they are no longer ordinary thugs, but a real army!

But this is not enough.

In the eyes of the banshee, "Are you fucking kidding me?", the even more terrifying murder weapon was pushed out by the combined efforts of several people.

Light blue magic lines roam on the cold appearance of the huge creation, and the thick and delicate metal structure reveals a ferocious beauty.

And that thick, big, protruding cylindrical tube with cold light, gradually moved down under the control of everyone, and when it was aimed at the shadow butcher just in front, even the banshee couldn't help it. The corners of his eyes were beating crazily.

——Specially made by the Royal Research Institute, the first-generation 255-caliber combined magic modified mountain-attacking magic cannon, please refer to it!

Although it is the first generation of magic cannon, it has a certain probability of exploding the barrel when fired, sending everyone to the sky without distinction. However, its power is still in line with the violent aesthetics of the Royal Research Institute, and it is enough to kill people within a hundred meters. , blast open a city wall!

As for the Shadow Butcher, who is known as the urban ghost story... Haha, kid, are you as thick-skinned as the city wall?

"What the hell..."

The banshee could no longer laugh. She stared at Mu En and screamed in disbelief, "Did you move a fucking arsenal?"

"It's just a little gift, isn't it?"

Mu En smiled nonchalantly.

In the black market, every military weapon that leaks out for unknown reasons will be scrambled by all parties.

But when it comes to military smuggling, who can be closer to the water than the Campbell family?

Don't forget, Duke Campbell is still leading hundreds of thousands of troops to confront the demons on the front line. He consumes astronomical amounts of military supplies every day.

Therefore, isn't it normal for there to be one or two "inferior products" in the military resources that are of poor quality, break down as soon as they are hit, and need to be eliminated in advance?

"That's what I say, but it's quite troublesome for the 'family' to get rid of these things 'reasonably'. An even complained to me about this for a long time."

Mu En looked at the ugly-faced banshee and many monsters, caressed her chest, bowed, and moved elegantly to show the etiquette of the opening of a grand performance.

"Therefore, although it is a pity that it is only a clone, please enjoy it, dear Miss Banshee."


Mu En said to himself in an inaudible voice that only he could hear:

"Didn't I say before that you could ask your father for me? I didn't say who would do it for me."



"Aim for me."

Mu En gave the order coldly:

"Fire, hit him hard!"


No order was needed. At this moment, all the monsters roared and rushed towards Mu En.

The shadow butcher closest to Mu En frantically pounced on Mu En's shadow, intending to drag him to hell before destruction came.

But the Shadow Butcher can no longer cut any shadows.

Because at this moment, in the loud noise.

Everything that comes into view is dazzlingly bright.

119. Lonely me and her

After the violent explosion, everything finally fell to the ground.

Under the soundproof formation arranged by the magicians in advance, the explosion that was enough to wake up half the city failed to break through the courtyard, but the diffuse smoke and dust still mixed into the light mist with the breeze by the river.

After a total of three magic cannons were bombarded with maximum power and a total of 1,350 arrows were consumed, the basement had completely turned into a huge pit. From the top of the head without any obstruction, one could see from A few dim stars were revealed in the gaps in the dark clouds.

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