The blood pool had been forcibly filled up, and in this deep pit, there was no "inhuman" thing that could stand up.

The thugs had retreated under Mu En's order, and in the extremely empty pit, Mu En stepped on the charred pieces of meat and came to the edge.

In the corner, the banshee was left with only half of her body. She no longer had the charm and beauty of the past, but instead exuded a scorched stench, making people even more reluctant to approach her than the beggars on the roadside.

But she was still alive, with half of her body struggling and twisting, her dark heart exposed and still beating, and her beautiful face with heavy makeup was almost completely burnt, and her true appearance could not be seen.

What a terrible vitality, but this is just a clone.

From this, we can deduce how terrible and difficult her original body is.

What a pity, it's not the original body.

"How do you feel, Miss Banshee, do you like my gift?"

Mu En took off his hat and asked politely.

It seemed that Mu En's indifference hurt her nerves. She cast a resentful look at Mu En, and her charred lips kept moving, as if she was cursing something.


Mu En didn't hear anything, and was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

He took out the "earplugs" that isolated the sound of the cannon from his ears, and smiled apologetically to the banshee:

"Sorry, what did you say just now? I didn't hear it..."


Seeing the banshee's eyes suddenly widened, and she wanted to eat her alive, Mu En blinked and suggested seriously:

"Or... say it again, I will listen carefully this time. "

"... I will kill you! I will definitely kill you later! "

The banshee's face was hideous and her screams were piercing, venting her unspeakable hatred.

In the place where she could barely see with her peripheral vision, the shadow butcher had been completely turned into scattered charcoal under the beam of the magic cannon. Only the half-blooded butcher knife was stuck in the messy stone pestle, looking particularly desolate.

As for the other moon beasts and zombies... I don't know where they flew to.

"So... you also feel hatred because of the death of your companions."

Mu En lowered his eyes, looked at the banshee's face, and whispered softly.

"I hate it, of course I hate it."

The banshee wailed in grief, and crystal tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"He, he is my backup food. Do you know how much harder it will be for me to be promoted if I lose him? I have been waiting, waiting for the great moon to come and devour him, merge with him, and reach a higher level..."


Mu En inserted the dagger into the remaining limbs of the banshee, and the holy light poured in. The intense burning sensation made her wail again, interrupting her words.

Mu En's face became cold again. He suppressed the disgust in his heart, and his voice was a little cold.

"I am too naive to believe that people like you will cry."

"People like me?"

Even though she was in severe pain, after listening to Mu En's words, the banshee actually laughed, as if she had heard a funny joke.

"It sounds like you hate cold and ruthless people like me, hahahaha, so good, so good."

Mu En frowned.

The banshee's smile made him feel more and more irritated, so he didn't want to delay and got straight to the point.

"Answer me, where is Senior Anna?"

"I don't know."

"Lie. "

"I have no reason to lie to you. I made a small deal with her. According to the agreement, I cannot interfere with her behavior for the time being, so she is free to go wherever she wants."

"Will you let the senior sister go so easily?"

"Let her go? What are you talking about? It makes us look like bad people who will hurt her."

"Isn't it?"

"Ha, ha, of course not. On the contrary, in this world, we are the only ones who will never hurt her, so she will eventually take the initiative to return to us."

The banshee smiled sincerely and said affectionately:

"We are her family."

"Shut up!"

The short knife was inserted into the banshee's body again, and Mu En rejected it coldly: "You are not her family."

"We are not? Haha, if we are not, then who is her family? You? Mu En Campbell, what position are you standing on here?"

The banshee's smile became more and more sarcastic.

"This kind of problem has nothing to do with you. "Moon lowered his eyes.

"Haha, it really has nothing to do with me, but I'm very curious, Moon Campbell, even if you find Anna Kaberlin, what can you do?"

"I will save her."

"Her snake disease has reached the final stage, she is already one of us, even if you don't care, do you think anyone will accept her?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

"You seem very confident, do you have a way to cure snake disease?

... No, you are not sure at all."

The banshee widened her eyes, as if she suddenly discovered something.

"Moon Campbell, you are the son of the Duke, the son of the Duke Campbell, you can easily pull out a magic cannon that is strictly controlled by the military in the urban area of ​​​​Belland. If you are willing, with the power of the Campbell family, it is not difficult to invite a crowned person to help you.

Even if you can't invite the Crowned One at this special time, you can still invite the Knights, the Guards, or even the Adventurers' Association, or the mercenaries under Mitsukoshi, but..."

The banshee raised her head and tried to get close to Muen's face, as if she wanted to break through his cold and false mask and defeat his fragile heart.

"But none of these situations happened. Instead, you spent so much effort to conceal your identity and subdue those mice to work for you. Why? Why? Why is this?

-Because you are afraid, Muen Campbell!

You know that Anna Kaberlin is already the enemy of all humans, but you are not absolutely sure to change her back, so the more you want to save her, the less you will trust anyone.

In the end, you can only be as I expected, alone, pitiful, fighting alone!

Haha, isn't it ridiculous? He obviously has a noble status, huge resources and power, but he is bound by his noble status, so he can only be so pathetic..."

The sneer stopped abruptly.

The gravel around him suddenly trembled, and the smoke and dust that had just subsided filled the air again.

Mu En grabbed the banshee's neck and slammed her to the ground.

The tip of the knife was pointed at the dark heart.

The face that did not belong to him was still expressionless, but the pair of pale blue eyes seemed to have frozen into ice.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll ask you one last time, where is the senior sister?"

"You are so stubborn, didn't I say it? I don't know."

"Really? Then you are worthless. "

The pure white blade slowly pierced into the dark heart, the foul-smelling blood flowed, and the remaining body of the banshee began to spasm violently.

Even though it was a clone, her body still seemed to have the feeling of pain, so she began to wail in pain along with the spasms.

Looking at her wail, Mu En regretted for the third time today that he did not catch the real body this time.

"White Church District!"

But at this moment, the banshee suddenly said.

"Although I don't know her exact location, the last place she disappeared was in the White Church District."


Mu En raised his eyebrows and looked at her in confusion.

This guy actually let go so easily?

Or... another trap?

"I changed my mind."

The banshee's face was distorted, she stared at Mu En, her eyes full of malice.

"Perhaps, it would be better for you to meet her. ”


“Haha, I’m really looking forward to it now. When you see her like that now, what kind of expression will you have? The feeling of hope falling from the sky to the abyss and turning into despair, haha… I’m really looking forward to it!”


The huge holy light was injected into the suddenly filthy heart. In the endless pain of the burning flames, the vitality in the eyes of the banshee gradually dissipated.

In the gaps of the dark clouds, the faint starlight fell, reflecting Mu En’s profile as cold as marble.

Mu En stared at the banshee and asked softly:

“Can you help me tell your original body a message?”

“Ha… please say it.”

“Tell her that I will kill her the next time we meet.”

Mu En lowered his head and declared seriously with a resolute, firm, and unshakable will.

“I will kill her with my own hands in the way that will make her suffer the most.”

“What a pity. "

Outside the courtyard, the Rat King looked at the magic cannon with a painful face. After firing three shots, the magic core automatically dissolved and turned into a pile of scrap metal. He was reluctant to let go.

It was so cool.

Just now, when he was operating the magic cannon to fire, he saw the dazzling beam tearing everything apart, and he actually felt a pleasure no less than **.

Unfortunately, three shots were too few.

It was not enough.

And if he had this thing in his hand, he would be the most handsome guy in the downtown area.

"Power that does not belong to you will bring you destruction."

A cold voice sounded in his ears, making the Rat King's body straighten up all of a sudden.

"Mr. Bruce." The Rat King bowed his head respectfully.

In this short night, what this man showed had made him completely surrender, and he could no longer have other thoughts.

Now, Rat King Tom is already a loyal dog under Bruce Wayne.

"If the magic cannon is discovered by the guards or the Knights, you will not have enough heads to chop off even if you have nine. "

Mu En glanced at him and said lightly.

"I... I know, I'm just thinking about it, just thinking about it."

The Rat King wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and drove away all the inappropriate thoughts in his mind.

"What else do you want, Mr. Bruce?"

"Have you found all the things I asked you to check?" Mu En asked.

"I have found it!"

The Rat King straightened his back all of a sudden, and he waved his hand, and his subordinates ran over quickly, handing over a thick stack of documents with both hands.

"Here are all the things you asked me to check."

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