"So many."

Mu En took the file and sighed.

"Of course, the things you want us to investigate are too wide-ranging." Rat King said.

Urban legends.

Legends and rumors.

People with strange behavior.

People who conceal their identities.

Abnormal flow of people.

Although it is limited to the past two days, it is in the downtown area with a large population after all. These things combined are also extremely huge information.

"Actually, I'm a little confused."


"Mr. Bruce, it's not hard to see from your request that you seem to be...looking for someone."

The Rat King stared at the large stack of documents and said puzzledly:

"But why don't you tell us in more detail? As long as you can tell us the detailed characteristics, we can definitely help you find the person you want to find."


"That's right."

The Rat King straightened his chest and said with a hint of pride on his face:

"If it was a single gang, I wouldn't dare to guarantee you, but now almost all the big gangs have united. Even if the person you're looking for can turn into a rat and hide in the sewer, as long as he's active in the lower city, he can't escape our eyes!"

"It sounds tempting, but I just can't do that."

Moon En lowered his eyes and flipped through the heavy documents in his hand.

One of Muon En's goals was to unite these gangs and build a network covering the entire lower city.

Because these gangs are made up of more than just thugs who can only fight.

Those "lower class people" who depend on the gangs for survival, who are in huge numbers, are even more terrifying.

But Mu En can't do this.

Because the consequence of mobilizing these ordinary people with a large base and a mixed bag is...

The whole city will know that someone is looking for Anna Kaberlin.

This is absolutely not possible.

Just as the banshee said.

No matter how noble his status is and how many means he has, he can't trust anyone in saving his senior sister.

No one will stand with him in this matter.

He can only walk into the darkness alone, in this huge city with millions of people, to find the equally lonely girl.

Therefore, Mu En can only settle for the second best, using the clumsy method of information screening, which is a huge workload.

"But fortunately... this time it's not all in vain."

Mu En flipped through the documents, eliminating all useless information, leaving only the content related to the "White Church District".

The scope was narrowed down a lot at once.

"So, senior sister, where will you hide?"

Mu En tapped the document with his fingers, and subconsciously began to think from the perspective of senior sister Anna.

"If it's you..."

Moon's eyes moved quickly, and he quickly identified a piece of information.

"Lokada College, abandoned campus, suspected to be the shadow of the heart-digger in urban rumors..."

120, OK

White Church District.

Moon walked on the deserted streets, looking at the familiar new buildings on both sides of the road, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

This... turned out to be the place where he and his senior sister had a date last time.

Whether it was the original owner or the current Mu En, they rarely came to places like the Lower City, so before stepping on this street, Mu En had not realized the connection between them.

"The senior sister said that she used to live on this street..."

Will she hide in a place she is familiar with?

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional.

If it was unintentional...

Moon felt a little uneasy.

However, this made Mu En speed up his pace.

The renovated commercial buildings on both sides kept retreating, and then came to a place that he had never set foot on the last date with the senior sister.

At the end of the street, the new building came to an abrupt end, as if there was a fault. The dilapidated houses and an empty space suddenly extended from the front to the distance.

"Lokada College..."

Mu En's eyes swept across the tattered wooden sign on the fence.

According to the information, this was originally a college established for poor children, but in order to make room for the planned commercial street, it was still abandoned amid the protests of many grassroots people.

Unfortunately, the construction of the commercial street did not extend to the land where the college was located due to inexplicable lack of funds.

So this college has been abandoned, along with the surrounding unfinished houses that were newly built to cater to the commercial street and have not been completed until now. In such a densely populated area in the lower city, it has strangely formed an uninhabited gloomy area.

Mu En's eyes swept across the empty space of the college and the gloomy building hidden in the dark not far away, and he wanted to pry open the rusty lock on the railing gate.

"Damn it, it's become a habit."

At this time, I still want to pick the lock. It feels like it's becoming some kind of strange occupational disease.

Moon slapped his restless hands away, held down his hat and looked around.

After confirming that there was no one, he jumped lightly, crossed the railing and entered the college.

After crossing the deserted grassland, there was a man-made forest like most colleges. Muon took out Elizabeth, cleared the dense thorns and bushes in front of him, and silently opened a path.

Behind the woods, the gloomy building was like the shadow of a demon, lurking in the deep darkness.

The lock was open.

Mu En glanced at the door of the building, his figure swayed slightly, turned into a blurry afterimage, and went into the door.

The quiet corridor was filled with dust, spider silk wove messy webs in the corners of the ceiling, and the fat rats were startled and suddenly went into the darkness along the windowsill.

It seemed that no one had set foot in it for a long time.

Mu En took out Elizabeth and touched it lightly. The invisible arc spread along the outline of the body, isolating all the breath.

He walked slowly along the corridor and scanned the classrooms from the window.

First floor.

No one.

Second floor.

No one.

Third floor.

No one.

All the way to... the highest sixth floor.

After getting here, the view is much better.

Because there are not many buildings above the sixth floor in the entire lower city, through the windows here, most of the city can be seen.

Even the bright lights of the upper city in the distance reflected here, making this floor look a lot brighter.

But it is still quiet, like a ghost cave.

Mu En was cautious, but still did not relax his vigilance. He searched the classrooms one by one along the wall.




Until the last one.

Still no one.

Not to mention people, after scaring away the mice that were active at night, the whole building was as quiet as if immersed in a vacuum universe.

"Is it really not that easy to find?"

Looking at the last classroom, a trace of loss flashed in Mu En's eyes.

This college is not big. If it can't be found here, it will be even more difficult for someone to hide elsewhere.

"Is it not here, or is the information wrong?"

But no matter what, we have to continue.

Mu En turned around and prepared to return the same way.

But at this moment, Mu En felt a clear chill, and a black shadow flashed in the corner of his eyes.


Mu En turned back suddenly.

But he didn't see the expected figure.

It was just that in the empty classroom, the curtains were blown by the breeze at night, shaking restlessly, like a ghost.

The chill was probably because of the night wind.

After carefully scanning the classroom again and making sure there was no breath of any living creature, Mu En turned back in disappointment.

Was he too nervous?

"Let's go first. We can't waste too much time here. There are still many places to investigate."

Mu En was ready to leave.

But when his eyes finally swept across the classroom, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, which suddenly made him have a flash of inspiration.


He turned back suddenly.

His eyes fell into the classroom again, but this time, he was not looking for anything.

The layout of the entire classroom came into view.

This is a much wider classroom than other classrooms, but the back half of the classroom is piled with a lot of debris, making it roughly look like the size of an ordinary classroom.

In the front half of this classroom, all the debris has been cleared, with only a lonely desk placed by the window, and the light blue curtains swaying in the breeze. Everything looks so familiar.

Although the details are very different, the layout of this classroom is obviously like... the classroom of the ancient potion club.

Mu En's heart suddenly accelerated. He didn't care who would be disturbed by these rusty doors. He pushed open the door of the classroom and walked in, then went straight to the lonely desk.

If the guess is correct, according to the senior sister's previous habits, there will most likely be some traces left on it.

But after approaching, Mu En felt a little disappointed.

Because when he touched the desk for the first time, he found that... it was cold.

It didn't feel like a living person had been there at all.

"Did I guess wrong? The layout of this classroom is just a coincidence."

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