Mu En stared at the desk, thought for a while, suddenly put his hands together, and whispered:

"I'm not a pervert, I'm not a pervert, I'm just making sure!"

After making a disclaimer that he would not teach children bad things, Mu En suddenly leaned down slowly and put his cheek... on the desk.

Don't think wrongly, he was really just making sure. the feeling of the cheek, the desk still has no temperature.

The tip of the nose moved hard, and Mu En didn't smell any special smell.

It looks like this is just an ordinary desk placed here.

But Mu En still didn't give up. He suddenly opened his eyes, a firm look on his face, and murmured seriously:

"How about...lick it and try?"


The voice was not finished.

In the silent classroom, a murderous aura suddenly burst out.

The terrifying chill rose behind Mu En in an instant.

In the shadow of the blind spot above the classroom door, a slender shadow, as if it had been ready for a long time, suddenly shot out, like a snake, attacking Mu En's back.

The air made a torn whine.

And Mu En seemed to have been alert, and suddenly turned sideways, just avoiding the sudden attack.

But he was still hit on the shoulder. Fortunately, this specially made dress was strong enough, but it still gave him a burning pain.

Mu En's eyes turned slightly, and his eyes fell on the slender shadow.

The faint light outside the window fell, reflecting the true appearance of the shadow - a long whip.

A long whip he had seen before.

But the joy in his eyes had not yet been revealed, and the long whip that stretched to the extreme suddenly... retracted!

Its sharp tip, wrapped in the shadow of death, shot forward.

The long whip seemed to have self-awareness, constantly fine-tuning its position, aiming at Mu En's face.

Mu En retreated!

Retreat again and again.

But there was no way to retreat!

In doubt, Mu En hooked his five fingers, like the claws of a beast.

The long-lost basic version of thunder!

The shock wave was surging.

The tip of the long whip that was automatically aimed was shaken away.

Mu En took this opportunity to quickly use shadow steps to open the distance.

But before he could stand firm.

Mu En heard a rapid and melodious chanting.

A large number of mysterious words were forcibly compressed into a short sentence, like a recording played ten times faster, which sounded a little funny.

But behind this funny, it implies a powerful magic that was quickly released.

Sure enough.

In the death warning that kept buzzing in his mind, Mu En heard a cold and pleasant hum.


At this moment, the air was suddenly compressed.

Then the figure hidden in the black robe in the corner was approaching quickly, and at her fingertips, there was endless light and heat bursting out!

There is probably only one person in the world who can cast explosion magic on someone's forehead, but Mu En has no time to sigh, because only when he really deals with it, will he feel the terrible pressure that the tough high priest endured.

Without any hesitation.

The magic power poured in, and the alchemy core was activated.

A burning feeling came from behind.

Ten times, time is delayed!

It was as if the image was suddenly slowed down, and everything in sight became leisurely.

Mu En could see the figure that could not hide the beautiful curve even if it was covered by a black robe, and could see the familiar and indifferent face under her hood.

The moment he saw that pretty face, countless thoughts collided in Mu En's mind, and finally understood the problem.

But there was no time to take care of these for the time being, because as long as he retracted his gaze, Mu En could see the slender jade finger that was about to give him a headshot gift package.

Quickly dodge.

But when he turned his head and turned sideways, the difference in realm and physical fitness between the two was also reflected. Even if time was delayed ten times, the finger was abnormally fast in Mu En's perspective.

Fortunately, he still dodged it.

The infinite light and heat bursting out from the slender fingertips brushed past Mu En's head, and after burning the top hat he had habitually fiddled with into ashes, it instantly engulfed the piled up debris at the back of the classroom into the sea of ​​fire.

The flow of time returned to normal.

"Huh?" The figure made a strange light exclamation, as if wondering why the attack he was sure to hit missed.

But it didn't matter.

Because the second explosion magic was already incubating.

Her fingertips moved quickly downwards, aiming at Mu En.

In the super-fast chanting, the iconic light and heat of the explosion magic condensed again.


Mu En was sweating profusely in an instant.

Without caring about anything else, he quickly raised his hands and performed a standard military salute from a certain country in his previous life.

"Senior sister, it's me!"

The figure paused.

Mu En's eyes lit up, and he quickly reached out and took off the human skin mask covering his face.

Damn it, the mask was too realistic and had flaws.

This thin, real skin-like touch almost made him forget that he was wearing someone else's face.

It would be too unfair if he was beaten to death by the senior sister because of the disguise.

Fortunately, he was discovered in time.

"Senior sister, it's me, Mu En."

A faint light shone in the palm of Mu En's hand, illuminating the surroundings, allowing the figure to see his face clearly.

Mu En let out a long breath:

"Senior sister, stop it first, we-"

The words have not yet finished.

Mu En's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because in his ears, rapid chanting sounded again!

It's just that it's different from the explosion magic just now. This chanting sound is more melodious, like a symphony with a changed tone!

The air flows, and then it forms wind, a strong wind! And then...hurricane!

The huge air flow poured into this small classroom and turned into a roaring hurricane. The burning debris was extinguished in an instant. At the moment when Mu En was still in a daze, the hurricane suddenly shrank again, like an invisible The sledgehammer hit Mu En's chest.

Mu En was suddenly pressed against the wall, and the condensed wind seemed to turn into a deep sea that submerged everything. The terrible pressure enveloped his whole body, making him unable to move.

He could only open his eyes with difficulty and look at the figure.


The figure slowly approached.

In the howling wind, the figure's wide hood was blown open, finally revealing her true appearance.

That pretty face is still so moving and beautiful.

However, there is no enchantment, no tenderness, only ice-like indifference.

And those eyes that were once so fascinating have now turned into cold...snake eyes!

Anna gradually approached Mu En, stretched out her hand, and touched Mu En's chest.

At this time, Mu En heard the slightly heavy breathing and the trace of desire revealed in Anna's cold snake eyes.

Not lust, but...appetite.

Like a traveler who is still hungry and thirsty, seeing a large table of delicious food...appetite.


Anna stared straight at Mu En and finally spoke, her voice a little hoarse.

"Your heart seems... delicious..."

Mu En's breath suddenly stagnated.

My heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly by an invisible hand, throbbing with pain.

In his mind, the banshee's words suddenly came back to him.

[Perhaps it would be better to show you what she looks like now. 】

"So, is that so?"

Mu En couldn't help clenching her fists. She finally understood why the banshee asked her senior sister to leave voluntarily.

Because from the beginning to the end, the senior sister was not out of her control.

Has snake disease evolved to this stage?

But regardless of her heartache, Mu En saw Anna holding the whip again. The sharp tip of the whip was like a snake, snaking in the air and stabbing at herself.

A chill sets in.

But Mu En was suppressed by the wind pressure and had nowhere to hide.

At this time, the only way to survive is...

Mu En twisted her wrist, her palms pressed against the wall, and then... thunder!

The shock wave surged and instantly opened several gaps in the wall.

At this moment, it was like a quilt filled with water cracked, and the wind pressure filling the entire classroom suddenly expanded.

The wall could not withstand the fierce wind pressure and shattered instantly, losing the restraint of the wall. Under the control of magic, the continuously compressed airflow finally found its outlet.

The hurricane spewed out from the broken wall, sweeping countless rubble and Mu En directly up to an altitude of nearly 100 meters.

On the way to fall, Mu En saw senior Anna standing in the gap in the classroom.

Through the firelight that still stubbornly refused to be extinguished above the debris, Mu En caught a glimpse of her tall and curved chest, which could not be concealed by her wide black robe. There was a faint glimmer of light that was so familiar.

That is……

Before she could confirm, Anna waved the whip in her hand again.

The long whip carried the wind pressure that had not completely dissipated, and shot towards Mu En who was falling, unable to avoid it.

In a hurry, Mu En took out Elizabeth and held the pure white daggers against her chest.


Gold and iron meet, and sparks fly.

The huge force came, making Mu En's hands numb.

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