However, Mu En, who was in mid-air, had no focus at all. As the more terrifying wind pressure fell, Mu En was like a fly being swatted by a fly swatter, turning into an afterimage in mid-air and flying upside down. go out.

He landed in the open space of the college, but the terrible force had not been completely removed. It pushed him along and scraped a half-meter-deep dent on the ground until even the railings on the edge of the college broke through. Stopped on the street.

Anna stood at the gap in the classroom, casting her cold gaze downwards.

The smoke and dust filled the air, covering almost half of the street, and also obscured Mu En's figure.

I can't see clearly his current state.

In the house across the street, someone seemed to be awakened by the movement here and turned on a light.

Anna stopped.

"Too far."

she says,


So he turned around.

But as soon as her footsteps fell, she didn't even have time to hear her own footsteps.

At this moment, there was a howling wind.

But her magic is over, where does the wind come from?

Anna turned back suddenly. In the deep night, the man with torn clothes and dirt all over his body, who looked a little embarrassed, suddenly jumped up like a cheetah.

There are pure white double blades in his hands. When the blades are turned over, the cold sword light cuts down!

Anna subconsciously picked up the long whip in her hand to resist.

But under the power displayed by that man at this moment, under the unstoppable weapon in his hand, the long whip in Anna's hand seemed so weak and vulnerable.

However, the expected break did not come.

Because what Mu En chopped down was the back of the sword.

Under Anna's shocked gaze, Mu En shouted: "Elizabeth!"

Then just release your hands.


Elizabeth trembled, as if she came to life. The blade of the knife automatically rotated, taking the whip away from Anna's hand, and then rolled away far away.

Just as the tip of the whip was about to raise its head, Elizabeth slapped him hard, knocking him unconscious and dragging him into a dark corner.

Without any hindrance, Mu En rushed forward smoothly, held Anna's wrist tightly, and pressed her...under him.

Lowering his head and looking at the familiar but indifferent girl, Mu En finally had time to smile and say what he had always wanted to say:

"Senior sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. I finally caught you...Eh, eh?"

Before he finished speaking, Mu En suddenly felt the huge force coming from his hand.

Before he could recover, he felt a sudden spin.

The offensive and defensive momentum is instantly interchanged.

Mu En was pinned down.

And Senior Sister Anna is on top.

Mu En's cheeks twitched, a little unbelievable.

What's going on? Isn't it obvious that my physical body has been strengthened? Why are you still being held down by women? This is unscientific!

But it was too late to discuss the scientific and unscientific issues.

Anna lowered her eyes, staring at Mu En with cold snake eyes,

"I'm going your heart."

Her voice was soft, yet full of ruthlessness.

It was as if the person beneath him was not his junior disciple, but the long-awaited delicacy.

A sudden chill.

However, looking at the girl who was as indifferent as a monster on top of him, Mu En smiled, so warmly and brilliantly.


He said,

"If you are a senior, yes."

121. Scumbag man, scumbag girl

The world suddenly darkened.

Then at the edge of darkness, a touch of pure white suddenly broke free from the shackles of the horizon.

After a brief period of darkness, the thin light was like fine sand scattered by invisible hands, spreading scattered over a small half of the sky, which was extremely beautiful.

Dawn has arrived, and the darkness gradually fades away.

The glimmer of light came straight from a distance, passed through the broken wall, and reflected on Anna's cold side face, giving her a soft halo.

Mu En stared at her, into her cold snake eyes, at this girl who seemed to have turned into a monster.

No fear.

The smile at the corner of his mouth was like the rising sun, full of warmth and warmth.

They looked at each other for a long time.

Anna suddenly sighed helplessly and closed her eyes.

At this moment, as if catering to the sun that peeked out half of her head, her expression melted with ice and snow.

Her body was no longer tense and became soft. When she opened her eyes, a young man with ecstatic eyes was reflected in her pure eyes, and the tear mole at the corner of her eye highlighted a hint of charm.

She gently pulled her hair back as usual and asked softly:

"When did you discover it?"

"Just now."

Mu En replied:

"You attacked me while I was in the air."

"Am I too gentle?" Anna tilted her head.

"No, dead again."

Mu En looked bitter:

"My chest still hurts now."


"Because it's weird."


"Senior said you wanted to eat my heart, but in the end, all your attacks just pushed me away."

Mu En raised the corners of her lips and said:

"There is also the wind magic. Senior sister rarely uses wind magic. Although it is very powerful, it is obviously much inferior in control, and compared to explosion magic, it is not fatal."

"But this may be a misjudgment after I lost my mind..."

"It is indeed possible, so what I am sure of is this..."

Mu En suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at Anna's chest.

Above the turbulent waves that even the black robe could not conceal, the crystal teardrop-shaped gems were shining slightly in the soft morning light.

Looking at that, Mu En felt that her heart became particularly bright.

"Senior sister, you are wearing it properly."

Those are the tears of true love.

It was the gemstone Tears of Love that Mu En personally gave to senior Anna.

Originally, Mu En was going to put it on his senior sister with his own hands, but due to unexpected changes, Anna finally took it away.

And now, it was hanging on Anna's chest, swaying slightly as she breathed.

This scenery is even more beautiful than the morning light in the distance.

" that so? But this is still very dangerous."

Anna fumbled with the gems and looked at Mu En seriously, with a trace of anger in her eyes:

"What if I really have lost my mind?"

"As I just said."

Mu En opened her arms and said softly with no resistance:

"If you are a senior, yes."

Okay, eat my heart out.

The words he spoke the second time were still so firm.

With a hint of astonishment, Anna stared blankly at Mu En's face.

But as if she couldn't bear the heat in Mu En's eyes, she suddenly lowered her head and looked away.

"Junior, you shouldn't have come."

"But I'm already here."

"It's dangerous here."

"I'm not afraid of danger."

"What can you do now that you're here? I won't go back with you."

"I'm here to save you."

Mu En said seriously:

"I'm here to save you, senior."

The boy's firm words flowed into the girl's ears along with the morning breeze.

This should have been a sharp blade that could break the ice, and a sweet word that could make any girl shy.

But Ana's eyelids only trembled slightly, she lowered her eyes to cover her heart, and then showed a wry smile.

"Junior, you already know what happened to me."


"Snake disease is incurable, so, junior fellow student, please come back."

She stood up from Mu En and reached out to pull the collar of the black robe. Only then did Mu En realize that several pitch black scales had appeared on the edge of Anna's neck.

It's not conspicuous in the night, but when everything is exposed to the sun, it looks a bit ferocious.

Noticing Mu En's gaze, Anna pulled her collar upwards to cover her scales, and said with a lonely expression:

"Please come back, junior, before I really turn into a monster, before I really want to eat your heart."

"I don't care, senior sister, whether you become a monster or not, I..."

"But I care."

Anna stared into Mu En's eyes, grabbed the corners of her clothes with slightly trembling hands, and said seriously:

"I care. I don't want to turn into a monster in front of you, and I don't want to eat your heart, so please leave, okay? I'm begging you."

Speaking of this, Mu En actually heard a hint of weakness that he had never noticed in her senior sister's tone.

"I won't leave."

Mu En's heart throbbed again, and she clenched her fists unconsciously.

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