"I said, I'm here to save you. I won't leave until I succeed."

"Snake disease has no solution!"

"It's not that there is no solution. I've found a way!"

Mu En slowly uttered those words:

"Tears of True Love."

Anna was stunned for a moment, but her eyes were still so dim:

"So that's it. Junior, have you read my experimental diaries?"


"I don't mean to blame you, but since you read them, you should know..."

Anna raised her head, and on her beautiful face, she showed a relieved, but heartbreaking smile:

"Those are just fake. There is no way to cure snake disease."


Mu En took a deep breath and exhaled it for a long time. He stared into Anna's eyes and said seriously:

"That's not fake. It's just that you didn't find the right method. There are so many explanations for the tears of true love. As long as you find the right method, you can..."

"That's fake!"

Anna suddenly raised her voice and interrupted Mu En.

Then, she raised her hand and stroked the gem on her chest, and said softly:

"I think the tears of true love in Aesop's writings refer to this gem."


Mu Enwei Zheng, gem? How is it possible?

"Why? Why does the senior sister think so?"

"Because I can still talk to the junior brother normally now."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then reacted,

"You mean, this gem?"

"Yes, I discovered it by chance. This gem has a very hidden ability that can suppress snake disease.

But...it's just suppression."

Anna looked at her hands.

The hands were still slender and white, like jade, but as long as she lifted her sleeves, she could see the black scales that had completely covered her arms.

Not only that, she could hear the faint whispers in her ears again at this moment, and could clearly feel that the cold will was gradually eroding her body.

But this was already the result of suppression, otherwise I'm afraid she would have really taken out Mu En's heart now.

The gem can't save her.

The so-called ancient country Aesop successfully found a way to cure snake disease two hundred years ago, which is probably just a lie...


Mu En suddenly interrupted Anna's thoughts, grabbed Anna's shoulders, and roared like an angry lion:

"That's true!"

Both teacher Mela and the black book said it was true, how could it be false?

"This gem is probably one of the messages left by Aesop. It tells the world that Aesop did master the method to reverse snake disease!

And this method is related to the tears of true love!"


Anna looked at Mu En, her cherry lips opened and closed weakly.

She wanted to refuse, wanted to refute, and wanted this boy to leave quickly.

But in the stubborn eyes of this boy, she couldn't say anything to refuse.

"But, even if it's true, I've tried everything..."

Anna grabbed her arm and clenched it tightly, but she could only feel the hard scales.

In the past few years, she has been working hard for this, constantly experimenting and experimenting, but in the end, she has failed.

"If you have read my experimental diaries, you should be able to understand."

"Of course I can understand, but it is because of reading those that I found out what you have overlooked."

"Hmm?" Anna tilted her head, a little puzzled.

"Senior, your experiments have always used tears that have nothing to do with you and contain other people's love."

Anna frowned slightly: "Is there any problem with this?"

"Of course there is! You have always been a bystander, watching other people's joys and sorrows that have nothing to do with you, but..." Mu En said seriously: "You have never accepted other people's love for you, right?"

"Accept... love?"

Anna suddenly widened her beautiful eyes.

Indeed, she has always been a bystander, because after experiencing so much "false love", she no longer believes in the so-called "true love."

In order not to hurt others, she has already closed her heart.


Mu En's words are indeed a path she has never set foot on.

"Whose love should I accept?" Anna was a little at a loss for what to do.

"Isn't this just right? Senior sister, the one in front of you is the most notorious playboy in the entire St. Mary's College!"

Mu En suddenly smiled evilly,

"Who else would be more likely to fall in love with a beautiful girl than me?"

"Junior brother, you..."

Anna wanted to say something else, but Mu En didn't give her a chance to react. He suddenly stretched out a hand to her, restrained his smile, and looked serious, as if making some kind of solemn declaration:

"So, Senior Sister Anna Kaberlin, please come... attack me."


At this moment, the morning light turned into morning light.

The sun finally completely broke free from the constraints of the horizon, making everything shrouded in a layer of blurred colors.

Anna stared at Mu En blankly, his words were still in her ears... no, echoing in her heart, constantly knocking

, knocking, her long-sealed heart.

She suddenly took a deep breath: "Junior brother, do you know what this means?"

"Of course."

Mu En smiled and shrugged nonchalantly, "It's just that I, the famous scumbag in Santa Maria, finally suffered the punishment of heaven and was deceived emotionally.

I feel pity for my senior sister, she obviously doesn’t even have a boyfriend, so she is going to be a scumbag. "

"...Geez, a scumbag... and a scumbag?"

Ana lowered her eyes and chuckled.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

She suddenly took a step forward, walked into Mu En's arms, and gently bumped her head against Mu En's chest, where her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Junior, you are always able to come up with some unexpected ideas.

In that case..."

Anna raised her head, tilted her head and stared at Mu En's slightly stunned face, showing a wicked smile like a little devil that hadn't appeared in a long time:

"I don't care what happens next."

122. Do you believe in miracles?

"Junior, I don't care what happens next."

Anna looked up at Mu En from bottom to top.

The unconcealable tallness clinging to Mu En's chest, the vaguely visible collarbone, the beautifully extending arc and the swan-like neck are particularly eye-catching from this perspective.

She tilted her head slightly, her eyes were clear and crescent-shaped, and the tear moles at the corners of her eyes exuded a different kind of charm. She had a naughty smile at the corners of her mouth, and her lips were as red and charming as ripe cherries.

Smelling the familiar aroma, Mu En's eyes fell on Anna's red lips, and her breathing suddenly became heavy.

The sun had just risen, the city had not yet woken up, and the surroundings were quiet. Even though he had just said those words, at this moment Mu En could hear her own surging heartbeat.

Anna seemed to have noticed something, but she did not leave Mu En's chest. She still raised her head and closed her trembling eyelids.

Mu En's mouth suddenly went dry, and he began to regret that he didn't take a shower before coming, didn't rinse his mouth, didn't chew a few more mints, and hung out with those mice for a long time, which made him full of smelly sweat.

But at times like this, you can’t be timid.

Mu En stretched out her hand, gently wrapped her arms around Anna's waist, and then slowly leaned over.

Just when they could smell each other's breath——


Roadside stalls along the streets are open for business, ringing gongs and drums to welcome customers.

The charming atmosphere was shattered in an instant.

Ana opened her eyes, with a hint of anger and fear in her beautiful eyes.

Mu En's movements also suddenly changed. The arms that were originally just a light hug suddenly tightened, and they suddenly hugged Anna's waist, leading her to shrink into the shadow of the sun.

Regardless of the stiffness of the girl in his arms, Mu En stuck her head out of the gap in the wall and looked at the streets not far away.

Figures in windbreakers were walking through the streets, approaching quickly.

"It's the silencing agency. They came here."

"It's so fast?"

In Mu En's arms, Anna's cheeks were slightly red.

"If I can come over, they can too, it's just a matter of time."

Mu En lowered her eyes calmly.

"Fortunately, I made preparations in advance."


Anna pinched Mu En's arm, broke free from his strong arms, and stuck her head out of the gap.

Then her beautiful eyes slowly opened wide.

The sun was rising, and there was still a light mist on the streets in front of the college's open space.

This place was originally a deserted and remote place, a gloomy place that even homeless people found unlucky, but at this moment, as if hearing a silent horn, the whole street suddenly became lively.

Beggars, prostitutes, tramps, boatmen, horsemen, hawkers... A large number of ordinary people appeared out of nowhere. Most of them were dressed in shabby clothes and looked numb, but they all set foot on this street that they had never set foot on before. .

It was bustling and flowing, just like an ordinary lively street, with cries and noises, and it was suddenly full of life.

Those figures in trench coats soon fell into the turbulent flow of people, or were stopped by enthusiastic vendors and asked if they wanted a hot breakfast, or were hugged by scantily clad prostitutes and pulled towards the dark little street. Alley.

The intimidating silent ones were actually held back by these ordinary people.

"This is……"

"A little trick should be able to hold them back for a while."

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly, "Although it's a bit despicable, isn't it?"

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