Mu En turned around, ready to face the anger that the senior sister might have.

But there was none.

He just bumped into a pair of gentle eyes.


Anna suddenly reached out and held Mu En's cheek, carefully looking at his stunned face, with a trace of heartache in her eyes.

"I didn't have time to look at you properly. You seem to have changed a lot during this time."


Mu En touched his chin, "Maybe I forgot to shave, so I look a little old."


Anna hugged Mu En's head in her arms.

She stroked Mu En's hair gently, with gentle eyebrows and eyes.


Mu En's body trembled slightly, and then he enjoyed the soft jade that was promised.

Unfortunately, time was running out.

Mu En reluctantly raised his head from the beautiful sacred plateau, "It's time to go."


Anna nodded gently, then got up first and walked out of the shadows.

She turned around, suppressed all her bad emotions, and then extended a hand to Mu En, just like Mu En had just done, inviting him.

"Let's go."

Mu En asked, "Where to?"

"Didn't my junior ask me to conquer you?"

In the soft sunlight, Senior Sister Anna's mouth curled up, with a charming smile:

"Let's go on a date."



"Master, please be kind, I haven't eaten for three days."

In the endless stream of people, the ragged beggar grabbed the corner of the middle-aged man's windbreaker, holding a broken bowl, and begged pitifully.

"Damn it!"

The middle-aged man with pale skin, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time, stared at the beggar in front of him, his forehead veins throbbing, and his fists gradually clenched.

You actually interfered with the business of the Silent Agency, you lowlifes...

The man took out a few banknotes from his pocket, stuffed them into the beggar's broken bowl, and growled impatiently, "Get lost!"

"Yes, yes."

The beggar limped and got out of here.

"I thought you would kill him directly."

A cold voice came from the side.

The middle-aged man turned his head and looked at the beautiful silver-white figure leaning against the wall, "Your Highness, you are joking. No matter how cruel the Silent Agency is, it will not kill ordinary civilians."

"Really, even if they disturbed your mission?"

"It's two different things in this situation, and our current focus is still the cultists hiding deep in Belrand, right?"

"That makes sense."

Cecilia raised her head and looked calmly at the building in the distance.

There seemed to be two familiar but unclear figures flashing by at the gap on the top floor.

"Come to think of it, I don't even know your name."

"Jinze." The middle-aged man was silent for a while and said.

"Jin Ze... What a good name, it doesn't match your temperament at all."

"Your Highness, are you praising me or mocking me?"

"Of course I'm praising you."

Cecilia turned around and continued:

"Since you've told me your name, why not be generous and tell me your Silent Agency's next plan?"


"As a temporary supervisor, am I not qualified to know?" Cecilia asked coldly.

With the tacit approval of the palace, the Silent Agency has almost unlimited power when fighting against the evil gods.

But in order to check and balance this power, every time there is a major action, the palace will send a supervisor to supervise the behavior of the Silent Agency.

As the only bystander of that meeting, Cecilia naturally became the supervisor of this meeting.

"Your Highness, you have to ask that person in person for this kind of thing." Jin Ze didn't seem to appreciate her as a supervisor.

"That person?"

Cecilia turned her head and looked at the dark carriage at the end of the street, her eyes flickering.

The supervisors do have the royal exclusive supervisory power, but in front of the old man, it seems... so dispensable.


In the carriage.

The old man, who looked like he had already stepped half a foot into the coffin and whose skin was covered with age spots, raised his old and turbid eyes and looked at Jin Ze, who was extremely respectful in front of him.

"What happened?"

"She escaped."


The old man was neither happy nor sad, and closed his eyes again, drowsy.

Jin Ze's palms kept scratching his knees, feeling uneasy.

"Is there a problem?" the old man asked.

"Sir, I can't understand. We obviously have so many opportunities to catch Anna Kaberlin, why did we deliberately let her go?

She is obviously an important figure in the evil god's plan."


After a long silence, the old man suddenly sighed.

"Jin Ze, do you believe in miracles?"


Jin Ze was stunned. He didn't expect to hear this sentence from the sword holder who was always known for his ruthlessness.

After a moment of confusion, Jin Ze replied: "I don't believe in miracles, I only believe in things that can be touched."

"...I don't really believe it either, but when people get old, they always have some irrelevant dreams."

As he spoke, the old man tapped the table lightly, and a silver sealed box half a person's height appeared in front of Jin Ze.

"This is..."

"This is your new mission. On the night of the lunar eclipse, you don't have to follow the large army to eliminate the evil believers, but..."

The old man changed to a comfortable posture and said like a dream:

"Use this to kill Anna Kablin before everything is settled."

123. old man

"here it is……"

Following Anna's footsteps, Mu En walked through the narrow and dark alleys, and finally came to the small store in front of her.

This is a very small and old shop, located at the end of an equally old street. In front of the shop, there is a big tree that is difficult for one person to hug. The leaves are withered and yellow, falling rustlingly.

The shop has no name and no customers. In fact, it is so remote that it is difficult to imagine that there are pedestrians passing by. It is even harder to imagine that there is a shop here.

"It's very remote here, so..."

Anna moved her hair in front of her forehead, looked at the old and yellowed plaque, and said softly:

"This is a place I can come back to for a while."


Mu En chewed the word.

Anna walked into the store, her eyes swept randomly, and finally landed on the old man behind the counter who seemed to have been sleeping somewhere and never moved.

The old man was very old, and his wrinkled skin was covered with age spots. He had his eyes closed, as if he was taking a nap, and he didn't notice anyone entering the store.

"I'm back." Anna said softly.


Mu En accidentally touched the wind chime above his head. He smiled apologetically and quickly stopped the inappropriate noise.

The store became quiet, and it took a long time before I heard the old man humming a word from his nasal cavity, "Yeah."

"Do you still have my room?" Anna continued to ask.

After a long time, there was another soft "hmm".


Anna turned around and smiled at Mu En,

"Junior, please wait here while I go change clothes."

"OK, all right."

Mu En wanted to reply subconsciously, but she felt something was not right, so she immediately changed her mind.

"You can take a look at it."

Anna skillfully bypassed the accumulated debris at the back of the store, then stepped on the creaking stairs and disappeared from Mu En's sight.

Mu En stretched her neck, her eyes followed Anna's back until she disappeared, and sighed helplessly.

Just change your clothes, even a gentleman should take precautions?

What about trust between people?

However, after the senior sister disappeared, Mu En suddenly noticed that the atmosphere in the shop... was stagnant.

"Why do I feel... so embarrassed?"

Mu En lowered his head and looked at the old man carefully.

The old man didn't seem to care about this stranger at all. He was still dozing without opening his eyelids.

Although there were many questions in his mind, Mu En couldn't be bothered in this situation, so he had to divert his attention and pretend to admire the products in the store.

This seems to be a grocery store.

The products in the shop were not big, but they looked weird and messy. Many of them were props or instruments that Mu En had never seen before, and there were even clay dolls with the appearance of beautiful girls.

Mu En could feel a faint magical aura from above.

"Are these actually magic tools?"

Mu En was a little surprised. These magic instruments looked very strange and did not look like standard products on the market at all.

In other words...did this old man do all this?

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