Mu En glanced at the old man carefully again. Being able to make so many magic instruments, the old man might not be simple.

However, as Mu En was not lacking in magic tools, he soon lost interest and his eyes gradually moved elsewhere.


At this time, Mu En discovered something and her eyes lit up.

He took down a book from a high shelf that was placed in a conspicuous place.

It's said to be a book, but it's actually more like a photo album, and on its cover is a very conspicuous beautiful girl.

The beautiful girl clasped her hands tightly, her face was pure and holy, she seemed to be praying, but she was wearing extremely revealing clothes, which could be vaguely seen as a modified nun's uniform.


Mu En looked at the font next to the cover, her hands almost trembled, and she threw the book away.

"Saint...saint's photo, are it so exciting?"

As the son of Duke Campbell, the original owner had seen several portraits of saints, so it could be vaguely seen that the beautiful girl on the cover was indeed very similar to a certain saint from the Church of Life.

Although I know that it is definitely not the real person, the forbidden feeling brought by the similarity at this time is enough to stimulate people's nerves.

So Mu En swallowed and subconsciously wanted to open it...

"While waiting for my girlfriend to change clothes, I secretly read the pornographic book. If she leaves you temporarily in the future, will she be in trouble?"

Mu En's hand turning over the book suddenly froze. He slowly turned his head and found that the old man had opened his turbid eyes at some point and was staring at him silently.

I don't know why, even though she didn't know this old man, Mu En felt extremely guilty at this moment, like a kitten that was caught stealing.

"No, no, I'm not looking through pornographic books. I'm just curious about the appearance of saints in the past."

Mu En smiled awkwardly and silently put the saint's photo back.

"Besides, senior sister and I don't have that kind of relationship yet. You're overthinking it."

"Really? She has never brought a man back before." The old man said expressionlessly.

"Before? Back?"

Mu En grasped these two keywords again, and the guess in his mind became more and more real. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He swallowed nervously, looked at the old man and asked:

"Could it be that you are the senior's..."

"I'm just a lonely old man."

The old man waved to Mu En, "Come here."

Thinking of the old man's possible identity, Mu En couldn't think of any resistance at all and walked over obediently.

"Stretch out your hand."

"oh oh."

Mu En stretched out his hand and let the old man put the dry palm like a branch on his wrist.

At the moment of contact, Mu En felt a strong sense of voyeurism emerge, as if everything about herself fell into the eyes of the old man.

This made Mu En's heart suddenly stop, because he realized at this moment that the old man might be a stronger person than he imagined. If he was allowed to spy like this, if he was like Teacher Meira...

Fortunately, the old man didn't seem to pry too deeply, or in other words, Teacher Meira's situation was abnormal, and he didn't notice anything unusual about Mu En.

"He is only at the late second level of the warrior realm, and his magical attainments are even pitifully low. Although his foundation is pretty good, he doesn't seem to be a match for that girl."

The old man let go of his hand, glanced at Mu En's face, and said suddenly:

"She's quite good-looking. Is that the pretty boy that girl is raising outside?"

"Not at all!"

Mu En was furious when he heard this.

He, the son of a dignified duke, has always only supported others, how could he be supported by others!

Although being taken care of by a senior sister sounds pretty good...

Ahem, no, he has to stand up. He is a man who is determined to be on top, how could he fall so easily!

"Old man, what do you want to do?" Mu En forced a smile and asked.


The old man raised his eyelids and took another deep look at Mu En.

"I just want to see what the pretty boy kept by that girl looks like."

"As I said, I'm not a novice..."

"But being able to appear here shows your courage." The old man said suddenly, "It does not slander Campbell's name."


Mu En was stunned.

Does he know my identity?

And what he meant was...

But before he could ask questions, he was full of doubts and found that the old man had closed his eyes again, looking like he was paying no attention to anyone.

"In that case, let's try to struggle..."

Only the old voice, as erratic as the wind, echoed in Mu En's ears.

"I will buy you time before the last moment comes."

124. The lonely witch


Mu En heard a soft cry.

Turning back subconsciously.

Then, in this dark and cramped little room, he seemed to feel that the world became brighter.

Anna changed into a purple knee-length skirt, with a high waistline, a high collar, and a black belt that was lightly tied, which highlighted the fullness of her waist and made her chest stand tall and majestic.

The hem of the skirt swayed like layers of petals, and the slender and round thighs, wrapped in glossy black silk, poked out from under the skirt, like flower stamens, carrying a different kind of temptation.

"Does it look good?"

Anna gently lifted the hem of her skirt, and it bloomed like a flower in an instant.

She had light makeup on her face, and her long hair was habitually splayed across her chest. She was particularly charming when she glanced at her and smiled.

"It looks good."

Mu En nodded like a peck of rice. This was not a flattery. He really felt that the slightly dressed up senior was even more attractive than before.

He was stunned.

"As long as junior brother likes it."

Anna smiled with satisfaction, it was not in vain that she had dressed herself up so seriously for the first time.

This was the first time she felt nervous before meeting someone.


In the small shop, there was an inappropriate snort from a third person.

Anna tilted her head. The old man was still lying on the rocking chair with his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping soundly.

She walked over and gently placed a bottle of magic potion next to the old man.

"This is specially made for you. When your joints hurt again in the future, just put two drops on it and it should have a relief effect."


"Don't sleep in a place like this again. It's getting colder."


"In winter, just close the store. I'll raise money to buy you a small house in the west of the city. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. It's better than staying here."


"Over at the orphanage, please help take care of it."


"Sorry, this may be the last time I come back."

In the quiet shop, Anna was always talking to herself.

The old man never said a word from beginning to end.

Anna was not annoyed either, maybe she had already guessed that the old man would react this way.

After leaving the potion and the key with the old man, Anna lowered her eyes to hide her inner emotions, and left the shop with Mu En.

Ding dong.

The breeze blew the wind chimes, making a crisp sound.

But this little shop seemed increasingly lonely.

The old man in the rocking chair finally opened his eyes, raised his hand as thin as a branch, picked up the bottle of magic potion and looked at it carefully.

"How stupid. I didn't teach you your potion?"

As he spoke, the old man opened the potion bottle and took a gentle sniff.

At this moment, for the first time, such a clear expression of emotion appeared on his old face.

"Is that so...your potion skills...have actually surpassed an old guy like me?"

"That person just now was..."

Walking side by side with her senior sister in a remote alley, Mu En still couldn't suppress her curiosity and asked.

"You can be considered my adoptive father." Anna said softly, brushing her hair that was messed up by the breeze.

"Adoptive father?"

"I once told my juniors that I grew up in an orphanage."

Anna raised her head and stared at the distant sky through the thin clouds.

"The rules of the orphanage are that after the age of eleven, you must leave the orphanage and live independently."

"Eleven years old?"

Mu En was stunned, "This is too young, what can an eleven-year-old do?"

"It's not too young. In Xiacheng District, eleven is not too young. It's old enough to survive alone."

Anna spoke this cruel reality in light words.

Mu En was silent.

He suddenly remembered that this was not the modern world in his previous life where productivity was high enough to keep everyone fed. As long as it was a peaceful country, eleven-year-old children would not be allowed to come out to join society.

Although this world has powerful magic, advanced alchemy technology, and indescribable great gods, the bottom layer of this world is still very backward.

Many people in Xiacheng District still go hungry every day.

"There is nothing we can do about it. The orphanage can only do this in order to save more people. But those years in the orphanage were the most relaxed, happy and carefree time for me. Therefore, I am very grateful to the orphans. hospital."

Anna clasped her hands behind her back, tilted her head, and said coquettishly:

"Junior, please don't speak ill of the orphanage."

"How is that possible? I should be grateful to that orphanage for raising such a beautiful senior." Mu En smiled slightly.

"Junior is still so good at talking."

Anna's beautiful eyes flashed and she continued:

"However, compared to other children, I was lucky. I was adopted by him the year I walked out of the orphanage."

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