"That old man?"

"Well, he is a weird and mysterious old man. He has never told me his name or identity. Except for a few specific customers, no one patronizes that store at all, but he doesn't care at all. Every time I When he went back, he would lie on the rocking chair and doze off as before, as if he had endless sleep.

Even now, I don't know what to call him. "

"But I always feel that the old man cares about my senior sister." Mu En sighed.


After a pause, Anna nodded slightly, "Maybe, even though I have a weird temper, I have to admit that all my skills, including potions, magic, and how to survive in this world, were all taught by him.

Without him, I wouldn't be where I am now. "

Anna turned her head and looked back at the end of the street.

That small shop was there where the dead leaves were falling, lonely and everlasting, as if it would always be open, waiting for her return.

Just like any time in the past.

"That stubborn old man, let him move into a new home...he will definitely not be willing." She murmured softly.

Looking at Anna, Mu En's eyes flickered again.



"We will definitely be able to come back again, definitely."


After passing that particularly remote street, Mu En's vision suddenly became clearer.

A wide river crosses the green wilderness, and not far away, it meets two other equally wide rivers, forming waves as majestic as the sea, and then winds to the end of the horizon amid the phosphorescence.

Belland is not near the sea, but there are three rivers flowing through the city. In addition to the most famous ancient Rhine, the other two rivers named "Yaz" and "Groi" also Each has its own unique scenery.

Along the river bank, there were scattered abandoned buildings hidden in the dark green and withered yellow. Anna and Mu En followed suit and walked leisurely forward.

"here it is……"

However, Mu En still couldn't help but wonder. Although the senior sister was the leader of this date in order to "attack him", this kind of place was still too unfamiliar to Mu En.

“This is where I used to come when I was little.”

Anna walked past those old buildings, her fingers gently brushing over the green walls and statues, with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes.

"Actually, I don't have much experience in dating. I don't know what to do. And I'm afraid I can't appear openly on the street now, so I can only bring my juniors to places like this."

Anna turned around apologetically, "Junior, don't blame me."

"how come."

Mu En smiled.

"As long as I have senior, I can go anywhere."


Anna suddenly turned around and gave Mu En an angry look.

"Should I attack you, or should you attack me, you little scumbag?"

"Of course it's the senior who attacks me."

Mu En blinked,

"Senior, tell me about your past."

"What happened to me in the past? Nothing interesting to hear."

"To deepen your understanding, isn't this a necessary part of dating?"

"Then why don't you come over, junior fellow student, if you don't tell me first?"

"my past?"

Mu En scratched his head and said awkwardly:

"Senior sister will be angry if she hears this."

After all, Moon Campbell didn’t do many good things in the past.



"Can I kick you?"

"Huh? Ah...the black stockings are so good, no, they hurt!"

"...Junior is really a pervert."

Anna retracted her long legs wrapped in black stockings and sighed sadly.

Then, she stretched out a hand towards Mu En.


While Mu En was rubbing her calf painfully, she looked doubtfully at Anna's little white hand stretched out.

"The road ahead is difficult, and..."

Anna tucked a messy strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes slanted, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

"I read in the book that you usually have to hold hands when dating, right?"

"Hand in hand."

Mu En swallowed, and her mouth felt dry.

My heart couldn't help it and started beating fiercely again.

He didn't expect that the senior sister would actually offer to hold hands.

Is this another new way of teasing?

Mu Enzai looked at the jade hand carefully, wondering if there was some hidden mechanism on it that would cause electric shock if touched. As soon as he held it, he would be electrocuted into an explosive head, and then the senior sister would laugh so hard that her branches would tremble. .

"What, junior fellow student doesn't want to?"

"Yes, of course I do!"

Without any further hesitation, Mu En took hold of it.

Even if it was really a joke, he would admit it.

Anyway, I'm afraid he won't be able to resist the teasing of his senior sister in this life, right?

But this time it was not a joke, Mu En did hold the little hand.

The senior's hand was smaller, softer, and boneless than Mu En imagined. His hand could just hold it in his palm.

Just a little cold.

"let's go."

Anna was a little shy, so she quickly turned around and pulled Mu En forward.

Next, it’s the mountain road.

The rugged stairs wind up the steep mountain, and on the green top, you can vaguely see the sharp corners.

The road was indeed difficult to walk, and it was shaky all the way.

But in fact, with the strength of these two people, there should not be any mountain road that they find difficult to walk on.

What is shaking is actually the heart.


"I used to be a very crazy girl. My favorite thing to do is to run around in such desolate and gloomy places with no one."

"Eh, you can't tell at all."

"Everyone has a time that is completely different from now."

Anna raised her head and looked at the migratory birds flying out of the forest not far away.

That may be the last batch of birds staying here. Soon, they will also fly to the south to spend this winter, and then fly back next spring when the flowers bloom.

I don't know if I can still see it.

"I discovered this place by accident. It seems to be an abandoned village. Such places are very common around Belrand. Everyone moved into the city, and the villages naturally became abandoned one by one.

At that time, I would walk through these buildings entangled with vines, imagining that they were castles, and I was a witch living in the castle, studying black magic."

"Isn't it a princess?"


Anna shook her head gently,

"The princess can only wait foolishly for the prince to save her. If the prince doesn't come, she's doomed."

Mu En was stunned.

"But witches are different. Witches don't need anyone to save them. Witches will use their knowledge and black magic to struggle with all their strength. Even if they fail, at least they can curse their fate before they die, right?"

After crossing the rugged mountain road, the two came to the top of the mountain.

An abandoned church appeared in Mu En's vision.

A small half of the church has collapsed in the erosion of time and rain, but in front of the church, the statue of Emile, the goddess of life, still stands, with her hands gently supporting it, looking down at everything in the world with compassion.

"Go up." Anna suddenly said.

"Eh? Go up? This is the statue of the goddess?"

Before Mu En finished speaking, Anna jumped up, gently touched the wrinkles on the waist of the goddess, and elegantly sat on the palm of the goddess.

Mu En's eyes were immediately straight, not only because the senior sister actually sat on the statue of the goddess, which was a disrespectful act, but also because of this perspective...

It seems that through the black silk and the hem of the skirt, you can vaguely see the holy land...

"Junior brother..."

Anna pressed down the hem of the skirt and said coquettishly:

"Come up quickly."

"... I'm coming."

Mu En was not a believer of the Church of Life, so naturally there was no psychological pressure. He jumped on the palm of the hand according to the senior sister's words.

Well, don't say it, this position is quite comfortable.

Not only is the size just right, but also because the palm is slightly tilted inward, sitting down, Mu En felt that he and the senior sister were close together, leaning side by side.

So close that they could hear each other's breathing.

At this time, Mu En discovered that the place facing the goddess statue was actually a steep cliff, below which was a vast water area with three parallel rivers, and further away...

Before he had time to look, Mu En was gently pressed down by the senior sister, looking down.

"Don't look up yet, look there."

Following the direction pointed by the senior sister, Mu En looked down.

Below the cliff, the fisherman was collecting the net, and he looked very happy, because from such a distance, Mu En could clearly see the big fish that he dragged up from the water, which looked very plump.

"Senior... do you like fish?"

"I used to like it."

"Used to?"

"Life in the orphanage was very hard. I could only eat meat once or twice a month, but fortunately I was good at swimming since I was a child, so every time I went out, I would secretly catch fish to eat.

The orphanage was very strict, so at that time I always climbed over the wall before dawn in the morning and ran to this place to play wildly. When I was hungry, I would catch fish to eat. When I was tired, I would take out the extra fish and buy books with the money I exchanged at the market. If I was not careful, I would forget the time and sneak back very late with the candies given to others. In the end, I was severely punished by the orphanage nanny without exception."

Looking at the senior sister holding her cheek and describing in detail how fierce and terrible the orphanage nanny was, Mu En couldn't help but chuckle:

"Senior sister was so naughty before?"

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