"I'm also very naughty now." Anna turned her head and winked playfully, "Didn't my junior realize it?"

Mu En couldn't help but tremble again.

"Then, when I was eleven years old, I walked out of the orphanage and was adopted by the old man. I learned potions and magic under his strict guidance. I learned very quickly, and it didn't take long for me to learn independently from him. Again A few years later, he entered the academy and founded the Ancient Potion Club in order to facilitate research. Finally...

I met you, my junior fellow student.

This is my whole life before, isn’t it boring? "

Anna tilted her head, stared into Mu En's eyes, and described her seemingly ordinary life in the plainest words.

Mu En looked back at him, but she couldn't bear it.



"Are you all alone?"


Mu En slowly raised her hand and touched Anna.

He carefully peered into her eyes, and after making sure that she was not disgusted, he gently touched her cheek with his palm and said with pity:

"In your story, from the orphanage, to being adopted, to the academy, except for a few necessary contacts, except for collecting materials for medical treatment, it seems that... no one else has ever appeared, no friends, no relatives, you Have you always been alone?"

Anna was stunned for a moment, then gently rubbed Mu En's palm, smiling nonchalantly and said:

"Junior, you know that I don't know when I will turn into a monster, so being in close contact with others will bring misfortune."


Mu En's breathing suddenly stagnated, and a huge tearing pain enveloped his heart.

He suddenly recalled the first time he visited the potions classroom with his senior sister and was about to leave. At that time, the senior sister was standing by the window alone and looking out, so lonely.

"What about me? Why does senior sister keep getting close to me?"

"At first, it was because I heard that my junior is a famous playboy and wanted to get materials from you or the people around you, but then..."

A trace of doubt also appeared on Anna's pretty face. She looked into the distance and murmured softly:

"Later on, I didn't know why. I always felt it was a bit difficult to separate from my juniors."

"That is--"

Mu En was about to say something, but Anna stretched out a finger and pressed her lips.

"Don't talk yet, you can turn around now." Anna said mysteriously with an inexplicable luster in her eyes.

"Turn around?"

Only then did Mu En realize that the senior sister had always seemed to deliberately prevent herself from looking up into the distance.

Is there anything?

With this question in mind, Mu En turned his head and looked into the distance.


A huge sunset came into view.

The crimson glow rolls like a tide and submerges everything. The majestic sun disc gently touches the vast waters. The sparkling waves are like the veil of a goddess, flowing with the romantic water waves and then being swept away by the passing waves. The sailing ship and the sound of the horn were divided into sections of misty silhouettes.

A few minutes ago, it was still an ordinary sun, but now, it seems to be ignited by the strangest magic in the world, with red fire, reflecting the green mountains and clear waves, like a brightly colored sun. The oil paintings are breathtakingly beautiful.

"This is……"

Mu En couldn't help but be stunned. As a traveler from that steel jungle, he had never seen such a beautiful scenery.

No, even in Moon Campbell's memory, this world has never been so beautiful...so thrilling.

"As you can see, my junior, the first half of my life has been boring, so I don't know what makes a perfect date, what makes a relationship, and how to impress someone's heart. .

There is no way to give away precious gems and gifts like you, my junior.


Anna hugged her legs and put her cheek on her knees. Her jewel-like eyes reflected the setting sun, clouds, and the boy's astonished face, just like the little girl who was running wildly all over the mountains and fields and encountered this stunning scenery for the first time. , said with joy and confusion:

"I can only give you the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my life."

125. Kisses and Tears

The huge sun disk sank into the water, but the afterglow became more and more spectacular. The turbulent waters burned together with the spreading sea of ​​clouds. Everything in the world was covered with a layer of bright red light, decorating the whole world as magnificent as the end of the world. .

This is a stunning scene that anyone can immerse themselves in and marvel at their own insignificance and the miraculous craftsmanship of nature.

Not to mention the words of Senior Sister Anna, it was like hitting a set of military punches in Mu En's heart, making him still agitated even now.

But in this stunning scene, Mu En suddenly turned her head and looked at Anna beside her.

"What's wrong?"

Anna asked uneasily:

"Doesn't it look good?"

"No, it's very nice."

Mu En sincerely admired.

"It's just... I seem to have found a more beautiful scenery than that sunset."

Mu En stared at Anna's pretty face seriously, her eyes burning.

When Anna heard Mu En's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then she understood something. A blush suddenly appeared on her cheeks, like a flower in bloom, which was extremely eye-catching.

Her lips trembled slightly, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

Mu En stared at Anna's lips. Her lips seemed to be coated with honey, glowing with a faint sheen, crystal clear, and so sweet that it made people want to take a bite.

Mu En's heartbeat suddenly accelerated again, and his hands naturally touched the girl's shoulders without knowing when.

At this moment, a huge silence enveloped the whole world.

The sound of the wind stopped, the sound of the waves stopped, and the sound of the fisherman's call also stopped.

All that could be heard was the slightly messy and rapid heartbeats of the boy and girl.

The boy waited anxiously but patiently, until the girl seemed unable to bear the heat in his eyes and shyly turned away.

She glanced at the beautiful sunset with her eyes flickering, and her eyes quickly moved back.

She raised her eyes and shyly glanced at the boy, then she gently closed her beautiful eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

She was reluctant to refuse but also welcomed.

Mu En no longer hesitated, leaned over, and kissed the sweet lips.

The stimulation of the mucous membrane touching instantly made Mu En's body tremble like an electric shock, and in his arms, the girl who gave her first kiss couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The lips were softer and more beautiful than Mu En had imagined. The sweet breath penetrated into his nasal cavity with his breath, and his brain instantly seemed to sink into the warm sea, rippling with the waves.

But Mu En was not satisfied. He gently pried open the girl's pearly teeth, and the tip of his tongue flexibly drilled into the warm cave, hooked the shy little snake, intertwined, entangled, and caressed each other, greedily sucking the sweet liquid.

Mu En was naturally more experienced than Anna, who was kissing for the first time. Soon everything was included in his rhythm. Anna's conscious counterattacks were easily resolved, but Mu En seized the opportunity and went deeper little by little...

Anna's beautiful eyes were half open, full of confusion.

Mu En's hands were not idle either. Taking advantage of the deepening of the invasion, he restlessly groped Anna's delicate body, and finally reached into her dress, stroking her smooth skin with his big hands, and... cold.



Mu En suddenly felt a slight pain in his arm.

Anna had woken up from her confusion without knowing when. She suddenly pressed Mu En's arm and gently pushed him away.

Their lips parted, pulling out a lewd silk thread.

"It's OK."

Anna panted softly, flicking the messy hair on her forehead stained with fragrant sweat, and whispered:

"It's not appropriate now."


Glancing at the black scales that were exposed under Anna's messy dress, the heart that had just soared could not help but feel a prickly pain.

"I was too impatient."

"This has nothing to do with my junior."

Anna suddenly stood up, still soft jade arms around Mu En's neck, and asked with a chuckle:

"So, junior, are you moved now?"

"About this question..."

Looking at the cute Anna, Mu En suddenly lowered his head and pecked her lips lightly, and then took advantage of the moment when the girl was stunned and embarrassed, grabbed her little hand and put it on his chest.

"Now, do you feel it, senior sister."

"... Yeah."

Anna's expression slightly changed.

There was no need to ask this question again, she had already got the answer.

Even though they were separated by flesh and blood and clothes, she could clearly feel how intensely the heart in Mu En's chest was beating.

At this moment, Anna suddenly smiled sweetly and gently stroked the corner of Mu En's eyes.

Then a crystal tear appeared on her scallion-like fingertips.

"The book says that when you kiss someone you like for the first time, you will cry unconsciously. I didn't expect it to be true."


Mu En only realized at this time that the corners of his eyes were actually a little wet.

However, he secretly looked at the corners of Anna's eyes, but found that there was no wet liquid except for the light eye shadow and joy.

Mu En didn't think much about it, and turned to look at Anna's palm happily.

"Try it quickly." He had not forgotten the real purpose of this date trip.


Anna nodded gently, took out the magic potion that had been prepared long ago, and was about to drop the tears into it, but was stopped by Mu En.

"What is this potion for?"

"It's a universal potion that can amplify the effect of the medicine. I think a tear may..."

"Snake disease is not an ordinary disease. If it can't be cured, it will be useless even if the effect is amplified. And if the dosage is not enough, am I not here?"

Mu En advised:

"Using the potion indiscriminately may affect the effect."

"...That's right."

Anna thought about it and took back the potion.

Then she raised her finger, stared at the crystal teardrop on her fingertips, and couldn't help asking.

"Junior, is it really okay this time?"

"It must be okay." Mu En nodded vigorously.

"Okay then."

Anna smiled with light in her eyes: "I believe in junior."

After saying that, she carefully put the teardrop into her mouth.

As if to get the best effect, Anna carefully touched her finger. This scene seemed a bit sexy to Mu En.

But now is not the time to think about those things. Mu En stared at Anna's pretty face carefully and waited for the result nervously.

Time passed by.

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