The setting sun gradually sank, and its last brilliance fell into the senior sister's eyes, making the light in her eyes brighter and brighter.

As if she noticed something, Anna suddenly rolled up her sleeves and took the initiative to reveal those ugly scales in front of Mu En for the first time.

On the white arms, the black scales revealed a hint of ferocity.

Fortunately, those scales began to fade away.

In the increasingly joyful expressions of the two people, the pitch-black scales gradually dimmed, softened, and then submerged into the flesh, inch by inch, revealing the charming whiteness again.


Seeing this scene, Mu En was ecstatic, picked up her senior sister and turned her around several times in the palm of the goddess's hand.

"Senior, we succeeded!"


Anna allowed Mu En to hold her so intimately. The worries that had run through almost her entire life were finally lifted at this moment, making her feel extremely happy at this moment...



Anna's pretty face suddenly stiffened slightly.


What is...crying?

126. Bad taste

What is...crying?

Ana reached out her hand tremblingly and touched the dry corners of her eyes.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Mu En looked at Anna nervously and noticed that something seemed wrong with her.

"It's okay, I'm okay..."

Anna murmured in a low voice, her jewel-like eyes moving around, seeming to be searching for something in terror.

Finally, her eyes fell on Mu En's face, and she stared blankly for a long time. Something gradually sank out of the depths of her heart, and then her eyes slowly moved down and landed on Mu En's heart.

At this moment, the sunset completely sank into the horizon.

The overwhelming darkness flooded the entire world, and even the light in Anna's eyes completely dimmed.

Instead, there is a certain emotion...or, desire.





Anna swallowed crazily. She looked at Mu En's chest. Everything in her field of vision turned gray, except for the heart in her chest, which was beating vividly.

So hungry.

So hungry.

So hungry.

I want to eat.

It's like eating my junior's heart.

Her belly, which had not been hungry at all, suddenly became hungry. Countless strange whispers echoed in her ears, and the cold will descended again, competing with her for control of her body.

Anna gasped violently, and she subconsciously held the gem hanging on her chest. The warmth from the gem finally made her conscious a little clearer.

This is……

Anna lowered her eyes in horror. On her white arms, pitch-black scales appeared again, and this time they appeared more rapidly, like spreading poison, quickly covering her entire arm.


Mu En also saw this scene, his expression suddenly became sluggish, and his body felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar.

"No, was it successful?"

They're obviously on a date.

They obviously all kissed.

They obviously used tears of love.

There is nothing wrong with the four words "Tears of True Love", so what is wrong is the method... or is it my own feelings?

"Wait, senior sister, we can try something else..."

Mu En subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab the senior sister.

But she dodged it deftly.

"That's enough, junior."

She skillfully hid her arms in her sleeves, lowered her head, and couldn't see her expression clearly.

"You've done enough, there's no need to do any more useless work."

"This is not a wasted effort. At least we have eliminated a wrong option, right?"

Mu En's voice began to tremble:

"For example, we are okay, okay..."

Words were swirling in his mouth, but he couldn't utter a single word.

Because after the three words "ok", there is simply... nothing.

This is already the most likely option. If this fails, what else can he do?

The most likely option…

The most likely option…

No, this is definitely not the most likely option. There is something... there is something that I have overlooked!

However, in the hints of the evil god, he could not find the correct option.

Mu En suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky with a ferocious expression.

Under the newly darkened sky, it was pure, without stars or moon.

However, Mu En seemed to see that behind the dark sky, there was a bright blue moon staring here, sneering at the ants for overestimating their abilities.

Let you see a little hope first, and then when you are ecstatic with hope, take away those hopes completely, leaving only... endless despair.

This is what Teacher Meira said, the evil god’s...evil taste!

"Sure enough, is this date something that shouldn't happen at all?"

In the coldness that gradually took away her body temperature, Anna hugged her arms tightly, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she murmured in pain:

"Sure enough, the so-called true love is something that doesn't exist at all?"

"No, no, senior sister, my feelings are..."

"That's enough, that's enough, you don't have to say anything else!"

Anna suddenly raised her head. The hair rope that tied the ends of her hair had been lost at some point. Her hair was dancing wildly in the night wind.

Her cold snake eyes stared at Mu En, as if she was a different person in an instant. All Mu En saw was indifference.

"You go."

"I won't leave, I want to save you."

"I don't need your rescue, and I don't deserve your rescue either!"

Anna said,

"Go live your life, Moon Campbell. You shouldn't be entangled with people like me. You have a happy and bright future."

"How can we talk about happiness without the future of my senior sister? I must..."

"Teck Lord, I killed him."


At Anna's sudden nonsense, Mu En's eyes widened in shock.

"I said that the earl's son, he was indeed killed by me. I killed him and ate his heart on the first night of the opening day."

"This is impossible!"

"How is it impossible? I'm a snake!"

Anna looked at Mu En's chest again, this time without hiding the appetite in her eyes.

"It is the nature of a snake person to eat the heart of the opposite sex. If it weren't for the gem, I would have dug out your heart right now."

"..." In the clear chill and killing intent, Mu En could not say anything.

"Do you understand? I am a man-eating monster and a murderous executioner. So what if you really cured my snake-like disease? Can you still cover up the crime of a woman who killed the son of an earl?

Even the son of a Duke cannot do everything! "

Anna slowly backed away step by step. Behind her, the vast body of water was like an abyss, swallowing everything.

"Besides, I am only approaching you to take advantage of you, do you understand? Now you are no longer worth using, so - get out."

After speaking, Anna glanced at Mu En coldly, and without hesitation, slowly lay down towards the cliff behind her.

The breeze blew, and the skirt swayed in the air like withered petals.


Mu En roared with red eyes and chased out in an instant.

The alchemy core is activated and time is delayed sixty times!

Small blood flowers burst out from the skin due to the overloaded action, but Mu En didn't notice it at all. She just tried her best to make herself go faster, faster.

But Anna seemed to have expected it. Before Mu En took a step, the violent airflow had already turned into a roaring hurricane, blocking Mu En's body.

No matter how many times the time is accelerated, it cannot break through the wind wall instantly.

As a result, fingertips and fingertips were so close to each other that they passed by each other.

Mu En could only look at that familiar but indifferent pretty face, becoming more and more distant.

In the darkening night, two sounds of falling water suddenly sounded in succession, waking up the boatman who had spent the night on the river.

The difference was only a second or two.

But when Mu En opened her eyes in the water, frantically trying to find the beautiful figure... nothing could be seen in the dark water.

Mu En didn't know how long he had been searching in the water until he completely lost his strength and was dragged onto the boat by the fisherman. The sky was already turning white again.

He knew that his actions were in vain. In such complex waters with three parallel rivers, it was simply a fantasy to find and catch up with a girl who was so good at water that she could catch fish since she was a child.

With three parallel rivers flowing, it is good at water properties.

"Senior sister, have you expected this result?"

Sitting on the fishing boat, looking at the vast waters, Mu En couldn't help but murmur in a low voice.

I don't know if it was because he had been soaked in water for too long, but his mind was confused.

After he casually took out a large amount of money as a thank you, scaring the fisherman unconscious who had never seen so much money in his life, Mu En walked back to the remote street step by step.

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