Wandering aimlessly, like a zombie.

Finally, I tripped over something and bumped into the fallen leaves on the ground.

"Is it going to be over so soon?"

At this time, he heard a familiar old voice.

Shaking his head and struggling to raise his head from the ground, Mu En found that he didn't know when he returned to the small shop, and the old man was lying on the rocking chair outside the door, looking at him with half-open cloudy eyes.


Before Mu En said anything, the old man's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"I see……"

The old man's deadwood-like fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the rocking chair.

In an instant!

It was like a thunder blast in Mu En's ears!

A huge force suddenly hit his chest, knocking him away and smashing several walls on the opposite side of the street before he stopped.


Mu En pulled at the pile of rubble and stood up, coughing out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Are you awake?"

In the midst of dizziness, the old man's calm voice came.

Mu En smiled bitterly: "Wake up."

"So, you failed?"


"Then you come back in such a dejected state?"

"It was the senior who escaped."

"Yes, she has her style.


The old man's eyes became cold again, staring into Mu En's eyes:

"You just gave up."

"Give up? Of course not."

Mu En lowered his head and looked at his hands that were soaked in the river water and turned white. Thinking of everything before, his heart throbbed and he smiled miserably:

"I won't give up, I just... don't know how to save someone who won't let me save her."


The old man suddenly slapped the rocking chair and said angrily:

"Are you really the playboy Moon Campbell the intelligence says you are?"


Mu En was stunned for a moment, but the old man continued:

"Do you believe what a woman says when she says it?"


Mu En's eyes lit up, "Are you saying that senior sister is lying?"

"I have no idea."

Mu En's expression froze.

"However, I know that a stupid girl like her who closes her heart and only rejects others has already turned it into an instinct to disguise her true inner thoughts."

"Like a snake, good at disguising itself." Mu En murmured in a low voice.

"this is for you."

The old man suddenly threw a piece of paper to Mu En.

"Lota Orphanage, this is..." Mu En took it and took a look and found an address recorded on the piece of paper.

"Go there and have a look."

The old man changed into a comfortable position, closed his eyes and continued to take a nap.

"Maybe you can find the truth you want."

127. The tenderness of a girl

Lotta Orphanage.

In the morning mist, Mammy poked half her head out from behind the door and looked cautiously at the man in black dress in front of her.

"This master...who are you looking for?"


Mu En took off his hat and greeted politely:

"I'm Bruce Wayne, a... philanthropist."


Mammy still looked suspicious, but when Mu En passed a gold-plated card, the suspicion and indifference on her face immediately melted away like winter snow.

There is an official certification on the card, which describes in detail how many colleges this man named Bruce has helped build and how many materials he has donated. He will even personally distribute it to the poor people in the lower city who don't have enough to eat in the winter. Food, deeply loved by the people at the bottom, is a rare and kind noble master.

Grandma immediately changed her enthusiastic attitude and respectfully welcomed Mu En in.

"Ah, sir, why don't you say hello in advance? We haven't prepared anything here yet."

"This way I can see the true appearance of this orphanage, right? This will determine the extent of my donation."

Mu En smiled and followed her mother into the orphanage.

Then his smile gradually froze.

Outside the door, his sight was blocked by a tall wall and he couldn't see.

But when he walked through the door, he realized that this orphanage... was really dilapidated.

At the end of the wide yard, a row of houses made of mud are arranged neatly, but time has left indelible marks on the houses. The walls are full of gaps, most of the glass is broken, and they are covered with newspapers. There are several large holes, which are simply covered with thatch.

Only this yard is spacious enough, with many scattered trees and simple play facilities.

Can this kind of house really survive the winter?

"Why is it so shabby?"

Mu En frowned, a little angry, "The orphanage should have funds distributed by the authorities."

"Those funds...are too small."

Grandma grabbed the worn apron and said hesitantly:

"Furthermore, funds have become less and less in recent years. The superiors feel that there is no need for our orphanage to exist at all. There are not many people to adopt orphans every year. If it were not for the donations of money from kind-hearted people over the years, this orphanage would be The hospital can no longer operate anymore.”

"No one comes to claim the orphans?"

Mu En was confused and was about to ask a question when a clear bell rang in the courtyard.

Then the whole orphanage woke up completely. A few minutes later, the children, rubbing their sleepy eyes, walked out of the house and went to a small room on the side. With the help of the maids who had been waiting there for a long time, they began to wash.

"This is..."

Mu En's heart tightened for a moment, because all the children in his sight had disabilities to varying degrees.

Missing hands.

Missing feet.



Cleft lip.


These children walked past Mu En, and he didn't see a normal, or complete person.

"Is this the reason why no one adopted them?"

Mu En suddenly realized that a group of disabled children, how could anyone adopt them?

But then his heart ached,

"These children can only stay until they are eleven years old?"

"Master, do you know?"

The maid said with bitterness and self-blame on her face, and her eyes were red:

"There is no way. It is the limit of what we can do to let them spend a childhood safely."

"Is that so."

Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

Just as the nanny said, there is only so much that can be done for this poor orphanage, and we cannot be too harsh.

This is the limitation of this era.

"Are all the children in this orphanage disabled?"

"Well, they are all children that other orphanages are unwilling to accept, and they always have some more or less physical defects."

Only accept children with disabilities that other orphanages are unwilling to accept?

Then the senior sister...

No, strictly speaking, although the senior sister has healthy limbs, she is the child with the biggest defects in this orphanage.

Next, Mu En followed the nanny to visit all the way. Those orphans with physical disabilities looked at him, a rare guest, with great curiosity. Mu En smiled slightly and took out a lot of candy, snacks and toys like a magic trick, so the whole orphanage soon rang with the laughter of children.

But in the corner of his eye, he saw a little girl hiding far away, and seemed unwilling to approach.


Later, Mu En was brought to an old lady with completely white hair. She was the director of this orphanage.

After introducing himself, Mu En directly explained his origins.

"I want to investigate someone."


"Anna Kaberlin."

"... Who are you to her?"



The dean showed a somewhat surprised expression and looked at Mu En deeply.

"It's really unexpected that the child who has always closed his heart actually has friends.

And, looking at you, it seems that it's more than just a friend."

The dean is experienced in seeing through people's hearts. As expected, he handed a stack of documents to Mu En.

"In fact, there is nothing to investigate. The child in the orphanage is just an ordinary girl who is not sociable at all, very lonely, but goes crazy when alone."

"No, what you said, dean, is already difficult to appear in an ordinary girl, okay."

Mu En smiled and took the document and read it.

The document is not thick, just a simple record of the girl.

The girl recorded here is exactly the same as the former self in the mouth of the senior sister. She will sneak out in the morning, play crazy and then come back.

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