He would buy candies with the money he earned and give them to the nuns to distribute, but he never interacted with other children in the orphanage.

There is nothing special about it, nothing can be seen from the documents alone.

"Senior... Anna, has she ever come back since she left the orphanage?" Mu En closed the file and asked softly.

"No." The dean replied resolutely.


Mu En was stunned.

This is not like the style of a senior sister.

"Not once?"

"Of course, you have neither come back nor sent money to the orphanage. As long as you leave the orphanage, it has nothing to do with us, right?"

The dean suddenly became cold.

"Mr. Bruce, even if you are Anna's friend, but since your purpose is not to donate to the orphanage, please don't waste our time. I still have a lot of things to deal with about the children."


Mu En was silent for a moment, then turned to look out the window, opening and closing and clenching her palms constantly, murmuring in a low voice.

I always feel like the dean is hiding something.

“Please let me look again, look again.

Behind the house is a large piece of farmland owned by the orphanage.

Now is the harvest season. After breakfast, these children are precocious and holding various tools to help the grandmothers harvest. Some of them look only three or four years old, some are wearing crutches, and some even have to They are groping forward, but even such a group of children who have been abandoned by fate seem to be quite happy here, with innocent smiles on their faces.

When Mu En came to the bank of the field, the children saw him and immediately waved and shouted for Mr. Bruce.

Mu En also smiled and nodded in response. It seemed that his previous candies and snacks had indeed earned him enough favor.

But Mu En was not so happy in her heart.

Because the purpose of his coming here is still unclear. Even if the old man asks him to come to the orphanage to find the possible truth, but...how to find it?

The senior sister left this orphanage ten years ago, and the director said that she had never come back and had long lost contact with the orphanage. How could there be so-called "truth" here?

No matter how you look at it, there is no connection between the incident that happened not long ago and this orphanage.

"It seems that we have to give up?"

Instead of wasting time on such nonsense, it is better to think about how to kill Yue...


Mu En, whose irritability was almost turning into murderous intent, suddenly looked under a tree next to the field.

Incompatible with the harmonious atmosphere, a little girl in black clothes was sitting under a tree by herself, concentrating on drawing something.

The people in the orphanage seemed to have long been accustomed to the little girl being unsociable, and even the nuns didn't care at all about the little girl's blatant "lazy" behavior.

"she is……"

Mu En recognized the little girl. When he handed out candies and snacks just now, the little girl was the only child who was not attracted.

"I always feel... there is an inexplicable sense of dissonance."

"What are you drawing?"

The little girl raised her head warily and looked up at the strange man beside her.

After a moment, she closed her little feet and said softly:



Mu En's eyes fell on the drawing board, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

He thought it was a millstone.

"Do you like cake?"

"Yes, I like it very much. The cake is very sweet and delicious, and blowing out the candles is also fun."


Mu En turned his hand, and a small cake filled with sweet smell appeared in Mu En's hand like magic.

Mu En shook her hand and showed the evil smile of an evil uncle who abducted a little loli.

"Want to eat?"

"So...smells so good."

The little girl held her fingers in her mouth and looked directly at the small cake, her saliva almost flowing out.

But after hesitating for a moment, the little girl still reluctantly looked back.

"My sister said you can't just eat food from strangers."

"I'm not a stranger. Look at those friends of yours. Didn't they also eat my food? There's nothing wrong with them."


The little girl began to hesitate again, and after a long time of hesitation, she finally couldn't resist the temptation of the cake. She took the small cake from Mu En's hand and ate it with big mouthfuls.

She eats very deliciously, and her cheeks bulge like a squirrel, very cute.

Looking at her, Mu En's annoyance dissipated a lot.

Taking advantage of the little girl's opportunity to eat the cake, Mu En began to look at the painting in the little girl's hand again.

Although it looks like a millstone at first glance, once you know it is a cake, you will find that it really looks like a cake.

It was colorful and dotted with brown, chocolate-like things. It was obviously a birthday cake that ordinary people in the lower city could hardly afford.



Birthday Cake?

Mu En suddenly raised his head and looked at this dilapidated orphanage...

Does this orphanage have enough money to buy cakes for the children?

But the little girl said that the cake was delicious and it was fun to blow out the candles, which meant that she had really eaten it.

She just mentioned her sister.

As if she had caught something, Mu En's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Brother, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Well..." The little girl nodded vaguely.

"How old are you."

"Ten years old."

At ten years old, she was already about to leave the orphanage. She thought that among those children, there was probably no one she could call her sister.

That is to say...

"Is the cake for your birthday this year?"


"Is it your sister who bought you the cake?"


The innocent little girl was still concentrating on tasting the cake, completely unaware that she had gradually fallen into Mu En's trap.

"Then...the sister who bought you the cake is...called Anna?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl's round eyes suddenly widened, and her cute face showed a frightened expression. The unfinished cake fell to the ground, but she could no longer care about the sweet cake. She grabbed the drawing board and wanted to run away.

But how could Mu En let her run away.

"Don't run, please, don't run."

Mu En held the little girl's shoulders and said in a trembling tone:

"I'm not a bad person, I'm your sister Anna's friend, really, I'm her friend."


The little girl's face was full of suspicion.

But just when Mu En was having a headache about how to gain the little girl's trust, she suddenly approached Mu En and sniffed Mu En's body a few times.

"Sister's smell..."

The distrust in the little girl's eyes gradually dissipated, "You smell like your sister."


Mu En was startled.

He was indeed in close contact with Anna, even at a negative distance.

But he has been in the water for so long, and he can still smell it?

"I remember senior sister... Anna's sense of smell is also very sensitive..."

Mu En suddenly remembered this small detail.

These casual words seemed to have completely gained the little girl's trust. She sat down again, blinked and said:

"You know this...are you really my sister's friend?"


Mu En nodded vigorously, and then couldn't help but reveal a mysterious smile:

"And we may be more than just friends in the future."

"More than just friends?"

The little girl blinked in confusion. With her innocent little mind, she could not understand the meaning of Mu En's words.

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Mu En returned to the topic, "Since you believe that I am your sister's friend, can you continue to answer my questions?"

The little girl thought for a while: "My sister asked me not to tell other people about these things, but since you are her friend, brother, it should be okay."

"On your birthday, it was indeed Anna who gave you cake and food, right?"


"Then when is your birthday?"

Mu En stared into the little girl's eyes and asked slightly nervously.


The little girl counted them carefully on her fingers.

"Seven days ago."

Seven days!

Mu En was shocked.

It happened to be the first day of opening day, the day Tyke Lord was killed!

"Is it night?"

"Well, because during the day, the mothers will find you."

"Did you stay long?"

"Well, a long time."

Mu En suddenly lowered his head and looked at the strange cake on the drawing board, with an expression on his face that didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh.

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