
This was also the time period when Tyke Lord was killed.

And this orphanage is completely different from the place where he was killed.

Unless the senior can fly, it would be impossible for her to travel through most of the city in such a short period of time.

But this kind of city is the royal capital after all, and flying is prohibited.

That is to say...

It is impossible for the senior sister to kill Tyke Rhodes, she has the most perfect alibi.

"But why...senpai, doesn't she tell the truth?"

When she was in the silence agency and faced with interrogation, she could have told the truth.

This kind of thing is not difficult to prove.

You must know that even if a snake-transformation patient has committed murder or not, the execution he faces is almost completely different.

The truth of this sentence is the difference between life and death to her.

But why...

"Could it be that……"


Mu En seemed to have thought of something. He raised his head again and looked at the little girl.

"Can you... stand up and spin around?"

The little girl tilted her head in confusion, but got up and turned around obediently.

The washed and shiny black skirt was flying, making her look like a dancing butterfly.

At this moment, Mu En finally understood what the previous sense of disobedience was.

——This little girl is sound.

But in this orphanage, which only accepts disabled children, being able-bodied is the biggest imperfection.

Therefore, even if she didn't lift the bandages accidentally exposed from the little girl's sleeves when she turned around, Mu En knew what it meant.

She...suffers from snake-like disease.

Like my senior sister, I suffer from snake-like disease.

That's why the senior sister didn't tell the truth.

Just like on the first date, even if she was scratched, she would bandage the wound for the kitten.

That girl who obviously likes to play tricks, tease people, and play pranks, but is gentler than anyone else, has always been protecting this little girl.

"I gotta go."

Mu En touched the little girl's head.

"So fast?"

The little girl who had been completely "degraded" by Mu En's cake offensive blinked reluctantly.

"Don't worry, you will be able to eat cake often soon, but now I can't accompany you. I still have very important things to do."

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Unknowingly, the little girl had already used this affectionate term.

"Well, let me think about what to do..."

Mu En pressed her hat and looked up through the brim of her hat at the not-so-dazzling sun.

A pleasant smile formed on the corner of his mouth:

"First kill a few bad guys, um... those shouldn't be considered human beings, and then stop the conspiracy of the evil forces. It would be best if we can kill that thing as well. If not... just find someone to kill him. .

Finally...drag a bad woman who is full of lies home and spank her so hard that she won't be able to get out of bed for several days. "

"You are not allowed to hit your sister!" The little girl bared her teeth and claws in a fierce tone.

"Haha, I won't hit her."

Mu En lowered her head and pinched the little girl's soft little face.

"But I'm determined to keep her out of bed for a few days! Even Jesus can't stop me!"

"Even the evil god can't stop him."

128. Destined destiny

Night fell and rain poured down.

It was as if all the water in the world had gathered over the city, and in just a few minutes, it created this end-of-the-world scene.

Knights riding tall horses quickly rushed to every corner of the city, trampling on the rain, conveying the emperor's supreme order.

-City-wide curfew.

Tonight, no matter whether it is in the upper city or lower city, anyone who goes out without any reason will be regarded as an enemy of the city.

Behead and make a decision.

At this moment, even the rats in the lower city would huddle obediently in the woman's arms and bed, trembling in the face of the unknown.

Mu En stood on the deserted street in front of the college, raising her head and letting the rain fall on her face.

“There’s good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

Teacher Meira's voice echoed in my ears.

"bad news."

"The night of the lunar eclipse is advanced, the moon's influence on the city is getting stronger, and Aesop's text failed to be deciphered."

"...As expected, what about the good news?"

"The moon is in a hurry!"


"I said the moon is in a hurry."

Teacher Meira seemed to be a little unusually excited. From her voice, she could tell that she was rubbing her little hands and her eyes were shining.

It's a pity that I can't see it, otherwise a white-haired lolita would look very cute.

"Anxiety will inevitably reveal flaws. I might be able to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big profit!" Teacher Meira said excitedly.

"...Is this good news for me?"

" seems to be bad news for you...after all, the crazier the moon becomes, the less sure it will be of what it will do. Naturally, I won't be affected, but you...ahem, it's hard to say, after all, there are already some things down there. Something troublesome is coming."


Mu En was a little speechless. As expected, the sorrows and joys of the world are not the same. I only think that this white-haired lolita is noisy.

"Ms. Mela, can I ask you a question?"

Mu En sighed, continued to look up at the sky, and asked.


"If I enter the academy now, can you protect my safety?"


Without looking, Mu En could imagine the look of Teacher Mela raising her eyebrows.

"You are my disciple Meladomir. As long as you are within the academy, unless the evil god puts his body over to fight me, no one can hurt you here."

The loli voice is childish, but the content is extremely domineering.

But no one thinks she can't do it.

Because she is Meladomir, the only origin-level great magician Meladomir in the world.

All existing magicians, no matter how long their beards are, have to bow respectfully and call him a mentor.

"Is that so? It's great to have a big thigh."

Mu En smiled with emotion.

Then he stared at the sky, his face gradually became indifferent.

Because above the sky, in the heavy dark clouds, there is a blue moon hanging high.

It seems to be under the clouds, and it seems to be outside the infinitely distant world. The blue moonlight and the fine rain interweave to form a mysterious and weird picture.

It seems to be sneering at Mu En.

The moonlight was shining, unusually cold.

And this picture was exactly the same as Heishu's premonition dream.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happened, tonight would be another doomed death for him, the yellow-haired villain.

However, due to the existence of Teacher Meila, this fate could be easily broken.

He only needed to turn around, walk into the academy, return to the dormitory, take a comfortable hot bath, enjoy the delicious food prepared by the academy chef that was not inferior to that of the Duke's Mansion, and sleep in the warm quilt.

When he woke up tomorrow, he could enjoy the peaceful academy life he dreamed of.

Compared with the first premonition dream that took a lot of effort to get rid of, this one was simple and laughable.


"Isn't this also a place where fate teases people?"

Mu En drew a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, put the wet hat back on his head, and walked into the deepest darkness without looking back.

"Teacher Meila, I'm going out."

"Well, be careful on the way."

Mu En walked alone, with only a vague blessing, which was shattered by the sound of rain.



"Oh, that stupid apprentice has also gone to do stupid things. The moon seems to have been crazy for a while, and now it's idle."

Mercury Well.

Sea of ​​flowers.

Teacher Meila, wearing a pink nightgown, threw the Aesop document that no longer needed to be translated casually, and lay on the sea of ​​flowers in a daze.

The document fell to the ground, and the dense annotations on another parchment also fell to the ground.

And in the annotations marked in ancient language, there was a sentence that Mu En could also recognize, which was particularly clear.

-"Snakes don't shed tears."

Teacher Meila actually lied to Mu En. Although the moon was anxious, it further proved that He had no time to be distracted. Teacher Meila also took this opportunity to forcibly pry open His hint and successfully translated a sentence.

But she didn't tell Mu En about her plan, because the first time she understood the meaning of this sentence, she realized that if she wanted to cure the so-called snake disease, the important thing was not the so-called method.

But something more important.

If there was no such thing, even if you knew the method, you would be at a loss.

"But, I think that stupid apprentice might really be able to accomplish this almost impossible feat."

Teacher Meila smiled mysteriously,

"After all, he has a certain 'excellent' quality that few people can match."

Just thinking about it, Teacher Meila suddenly raised her eyebrows and waved her hand gently.

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