The space above the sea of ​​flowers instantly distorted, and a white dove flew out of it.

"Hello, Mitsukoshi Chamber of Commerce, the goods you ordered have arrived, please sign for them."

The white pigeon spoke human words and suddenly spit out a small bag.

"finally reached."

Teacher Mela rubbed her hands together excitedly, then waved her hand and threw a shiny object to the pigeon, then mercilessly threw the pigeon that had arrived all day late.

She eagerly opened the bag, shook it gently in the palm of her hand, and the contents fell out. It turned out to be... a black seed.

Teacher Meira carefully buried the seeds in the soil, patiently watered them, fertilized them, and then...snaps her fingers.

Under the sea of ​​flowers, the sound of huge machinery was heard.

The seeds quickly germinate, grow, sprout, bloom, bear fruit, and finally... bear a big, round melon.

Teacher Meira clapped her hand, and the already ripe melon suddenly split open, revealing the bright red and attractive flesh inside.

"Oh my, it's really a beautiful thing to be able to eat such good melons in this season."

She hugged the melon and sat down comfortably. She waved her little hand again, and the space in front of her shook, and a spectacular scene of a bloody battle appeared like a movie blockbuster.

"Hit it!"

"Kick its ass! Poke its eyes!"

"Oh, why are you so cowardly? Isn't it just a natural disaster-level monster? Where's the cannon? Let's blast him!"

"That one named Dodge, this generation of Tower of Origin, how could you teach such a fool like you!"

Teacher Meira looked at the picture and waved the children's rice spoon in her hand with excitement. When she saw the anger, she just wanted to go out and fight for these idiots.


But in the end, she curled up and ate the melon obediently.

The amber pupils are slightly dim.

She was invincible within the academy, but it was still difficult for her to step out of this academy.

Ps: I went out to do errands, but I almost didn't get in. I queued for two hours to do the nucleic acid test. I was numb. I was planning on quitting, but I still coded a chapter with all my strength.

The epidemic will end soon, please.

129. bloody battle

In Teacher Meira's picture, outside the shadow city that was transformed by the evil god's authority and acted as the opposite of Belland, a silent black tide swept across. This extremely cruel "war" was about to reach its climax.

The shrill fog filled the air, and on the black ocean, hundreds of huge and ferocious moon beasts were slowly but resolutely advancing towards the steel barrier under the guidance of the blue moonlight.

In front of those behemoths, countless small monsters, as well as irrational low-level snake-men, had already charged countless times towards the barrier at the risk of their own lives, and were then attacked by the serial crossbows, magic, and demons on the wall. The guided cannon was torn into pieces, and the flowing blood and minced meat almost dyed the offshore sea red.

Under the barrier, layers of corpses were piled up, and the stench filled the sky. Black smoke almost condensed into substance and filled the air. Then, it was pushed by the breeze blowing from the ocean and drifted toward the inside of the barrier without leaving a trace.

"Hey, those brainless things can actually play tricks like this?"

On top of the steel city wall, someone blew an improper whistle, and then a strong wind came, suddenly blowing away the black smoke.

Professor Grant grabbed it casually, and a wisp of smoke was taken into his hand. He put it to his nose and sniffed lightly, raising his brows slightly.

"This a bit interesting. It has the feeling of an acquaintance in it."

His gaze crossed the dark sea and landed on a ferocious giant moon beast.

In that place shrouded in moonlight, a snake man who was obviously different from those cannon fodders sat on the head of the moon beast. He was tall and strong, and his snake tail was as thick as a bucket. He could still see the handsome man's face, and he seemed to have noticed it. Professor Grant's eyes flickered with snake eyes, casting a cold gaze.

"I remember...that's your senior brother, right?"

On the side, Professor Pu Lang also noticed the snake man at a glance, with a complicated look on his face.

"It is said that he took the initiative to throw himself into the moon in pursuit of power? Unexpectedly, he was also transformed into a snake man."

"For the sake of power, do you have to abandon your so-called humanity and even stab your own teacher in the back?"

Professor Grant calmed down his ungrateful expression, and his eyes became unusually cold.

"But I don't see how much better he is now than my unsatisfactory junior brother."

"do you need my help?"

"No, you should stay here. Neither he nor I are good at frontal combat, but that's why we all know how important each other is in a war."

Professor Grant waved his sleeves, and several crystal bottles were thrown into the pile of corpses under the city wall.

The crystal bottle shattered with a sound, and the solution inside flowed and spread in all directions.

In an instant, as if they were on fire, the corpses began to squeak.

But there was no fire, instead there was a thick white mist that rose up in an instant!

The white mist and black smoke collide, constantly eroding and contaminating each other. Any living thing that comes into contact will die quickly and painfully in a very short period of time, and then quickly decay and become part of the white mist and black smoke again.

A silent battle began here, and in just a few minutes, a dead land without any living creatures was formed outside the city wall.

"It seems I don't need to worry here anymore, it's just..."

Professor Planng raised his head, the solemnity in his eyes not fading at all.

"That Moon really took out all his family's wealth."

On the steel barrier, countless well-trained knights, magicians, and soldiers ran back and forth. New weapons from the Royal Academy were pushed out one by one, and even the nobles spared no effort to use their "collections".

Under the powerful firepower suppression, those low-level snakemen and small moon beasts could not even get close to the city wall and were crushed into a pile of minced meat.

But anyone can see that they are just cannon fodder used to attract firepower.

"No, it can't be like this."

Professor Plan's eyes flashed. It is common sense for generals to fight against generals and soldiers to fight against soldiers on the battlefield, but if you are still so inflexible at this time, you will definitely lose miserably.

He is old-fashioned, but not stupid.


There are many cannon fodders, and they are too widely distributed. It is too inefficient to take action at will. We must find a way to gather them.

But what can we do? These brainless monsters don't like beautiful women.

"Why? Why? I'm not delicious, why do you keep chasing me!"

Professor Plan was worrying when he saw a pink bear running past him.

Behind him, several moon beasts that had worked hard to break through the weak defenses actually gave up the important task of tearing through the defenses and stared at his funny butt that was twisting back and forth.

Seeing that he almost left a mark of shame on his "butt" that he thought was sexy and charming several times, the pink bear was furious and took out the mace to beat the following beasts into meat paste, but before he had time to catch his breath, he found that Professor Plan was looking at him with shining eyes.

In his hand, he was holding a huge hemp rope that he didn't know where he got from.

"Wait...what do you want to do?"

"I'm telling you, I'm your dean, your superior! Be careful or I'll deduct your salary!"

"Ya Medie, someone is molesting you!"

As the pink bear struggled in vain, he was tied tightly and hung from the city wall, swaying like a sweet bait.

In an instant, a harsh hissing sound rang out, and countless low-level snakemen and small moon beasts turned their eyes and looked at the shaking pink bear, like hungry wild wolves, with the most primitive violent desire flashing in their eyes.

Then, they rushed over regardless of everything.

Layer upon layer, trampling on the corpses and bodies of their companions, like a swarm of insects, forming a creepy tide.

Professor Plan's mouth was outlined with a smile.

He held the silver-white cane tightly and then tapped it lightly on the floor.

The dazzling crown rose up, and the huge magic structure spread out behind it, with daunting magic surging in it.

Then, destruction came!

The dazzling beam of light fell down, brushing against the twisting buttocks of the pink bear. The violent magic far exceeded the joint activation of more than ten new-generation magic cannons, and instantly crushed everything along the way into ashes!

Under the powerful firepower of a truth-level great magician and the crown-wearer, one-third of the cannon fodder surging under the city wall was instantly annihilated!

The pressure on the city wall suddenly decreased, and many people cheered excitedly.

But Professor Plan's heart suddenly became alert at this moment.

The next moment.

The diffuse smoke and dust were instantly torn apart, and the ferocious giant claws fell and slammed on the city wall!

Accompanied by a harsh sound, the barrier made of steel was instantly dented and bent!

Professor Plan flashed and appeared in the sky.

Pink Bear will be fine, so don't worry, but now...

He looked up with a serious look--

Compared to the cannon fodder, the real monsters have landed!

130, Sword of the King

Each of those huge beasts is much taller than the city wall, with stiff scales on its body, flashing cold light under the blue moonlight, and ordinary magic and weapons are difficult to penetrate.

The atmosphere on the city wall became tense again. Compared with the cannon fodder used for consumption before, the monsters that landed at this moment are the main force!

"But I'm not the main force on our side."

Professor Plan said softly.

As his voice fell, another laugh sounded.

"You are worthy of being the disciple of Master Meladomir. This joint magic matrix can be instantly released in such a short time, and it is so powerful. I really admire it."

An old man in a simple magician's robe appeared beside him, and his wide magician's hat was full of sincere admiration.

Tower of Origin

Dodge Slore.

Professor Plan nodded to him, and then said: "I am not Meladomir's disciple, but I was instructed by her when I was young, and I am far from being a disciple."


Dodge heard this, but he was not disappointed, but his eyes became more and more hot.

"Just receiving instruction, he has achieved such achievements. I am really curious. If he is a real disciple of mentor Meladomir, how excellent he must be. I really want to have a long talk with him and discuss the ultimate of magic together."


Professor Plan heard this, and his cheek twitched fiercely.

The "disciple" you are talking about can only use one trick of illumination now!

"However, now is not the time for a long talk. When I have time in the future, I will definitely go to St. Mary's College to ask for advice."

After leaving this sentence, Dodge suddenly rose from the ground and came to a higher altitude.

The whole cruel and bloody battlefield was taken in.

"It's really a suitable... hunting ground."

He whispered softly, waved his sleeves, and countless huge formations were constructed out of thin air. Before the formations were activated, a completely different aura from this place spread out.

He suddenly slapped his chest with a palm, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, then automatically divided and sank into those formations.

Dodge's breath became weak, but his eyes became more excited.

"Children, come out."

Rocky opened his arms and shouted enthusiastically.

"--Dinner is ready!"


A deafening roar sounded.

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