The same ferocious and huge monster walked out from behind the space connected by the magic circle, and the ground shook.

Flying dragon.

Mountain monster.


Flame beast.

As the top summoning magician in the world, the monsters summoned by Dodge Slor from the Abyss are naturally not mortal beings. Each one of them, placed on the continent, is enough to dominate an area!

From this, the fight between monsters begins!

"It seems we still have the advantage?"

There are still many people in the throne room who have not moved.

The Archbishop of Canterbury watched the fight between the monsters with interest and said with a smile.

There is no beauty in the fight between monsters. For these huge guys, ordinary magic has long lost its effect, so the most useful thing is the claws and teeth between each other.

However, after all, Dodge was not fighting alone here. With the powerful fire support, the monsters summoned by him quickly gained the upper hand and pushed the battle line back a lot.


As he spoke, it was the Archbishop of Canterbury who was the first to look solemn.

He looked into the black depths of the ocean.

A huge shadow quickly floated to the sea.

That huge body made the entire ocean appear darker.

There is no sea outside Belland.

Therefore, when Silent Moon was building this city of shadows, there was no need to use excess power to build a non-existent sea.

Because He did it for a reason.

And now, the reason appears.

A long, high cry rose from the sea and resounded throughout the sky.

That is……

Whale song!

The whale song is enough to shake the soul!

The natural disaster-level monster that has been hiding under the sea, the sea demon Leviathan, finally launched her first attack.

No, this isn't even an attack.

This is just the coercion she naturally exudes!

Canterbury frowned slightly and shook his head to dispel the influence from his soul. However, when he looked at the battlefield again, he found that the situation on the battlefield had changed instantly.

Under the terrifying pressure from natural disaster-level monsters, half of the monsters summoned by Dodge instantly rebelled!

How else could Teacher Mela say that he was embarrassed? He released too many monsters at once, but he ignored them. This huge number would actually make the connection between the summoned objects and him extremely weak!

The situation immediately took an earth-shaking turn. Under the unexpected rebellion of those monsters, the first line of defense, the steel barrier, was torn open several gaps.

A flood of enemies poured in, rushing toward the second line of defense formed by the elites of the Royal Knights, adventurers, elite mercenaries, and nobles.

If Professor Pu Lang and several strong men guarding the city wall hadn't taken action together to protect most of the people, huge casualties would have been caused at this moment.


On the round table, there was more than one sigh.

Several figures rose from the ground, their bright crowns rising, and they jointly faced the terrifying monster in the sea that was named "natural disaster".

An unprecedented fierce battle began, and the dazzling light illuminated the shadow city like daylight.

The Archbishop of Canterbury leaned back in his chair and remained motionless.

But he has already taken action, and the holy light spreads like a breeze. Anyone who is illuminated by the holy light will immediately recover most of their injuries, and the fear in their hearts will be gently erased inadvertently.

This move had a huge effect. Under the shroud of holy light, the pampered nobles on the second line of defense did not break up and flee. Instead, they dragged out rare objects that even he would be surprised by, time and time again. Forced back the enemy's attack.

"Your Majesty has a good trick." Seeing the situation on the field gradually stabilizing and even regaining its advantage, the Archbishop of Canterbury suddenly sighed.


Aldrich III, who had not moved his eyelids even when Leviathan appeared, finally opened his eyes, "Why did the Archbishop say this?"

"Unite all forces to resist the evil god, and drag those nobles you have long disliked to use as a human wall. After this incident, as long as the evil god's purpose is not achieved, your power will probably reach an unprecedented level.

Those nobles who are not of the same mind as you, being so weakened, will no longer be an obstacle to you. "

"Is the Archbishop unwilling to do this?"

"From the church's standpoint, it is natural that we would not like to see an empire appear on the mainland that we cannot interfere with at all.


The Archbishop of Canterbury said with a smile:

"For us, that's not a bad thing."


Aldrich III did not comment, just smiled contemptuously.

He suddenly stood up from the throne, walked towards the wall that had been demolished with his hands behind his hands, and looked down at the battlefield carefully for the first time.



"What's the calculation?"

"Something is wrong..."

Hathaway was writing and drawing with a bunch of subordinates, and her forehead was unknowingly covered with fragrant sweat.

"I always feel that Silent Moon's behavior is a little abnormal."


"Because no matter how I deduce it, I can't deduce the chance of victory for Silent Moon!"

Hathaway said excitedly:

“Indeed, if you want to fully evolve the Kingdom of God, Belland, which has a huge population, is the best choice, but——

This is Belland after all. "

As the capital of the Leopold Empire and the most prosperous city on the mainland, branches or headquarters of all forces are stationed here, and more than a dozen crown-wearers can be pulled out with just a wave of the hand on the street.

This place is so easy to break into.

And even if this city of shadows is breached, Meladomir will still be in charge at Santa Maria College.

Although she could not leave the academy, the last attack had proved that unless the evil god really stuffed his body, there would be absolutely nothing he could do to her.

Just like a nail, as long as she is still there, it is impossible for the Silent Moon to completely transform Belland into its own kingdom of God!

"In other words, it is very possible that this is a feint to conceal his true purpose?"

"Yes, but we don't rule out the possibility that Silent Moon is really crazy. After all, he is an evil god. It is difficult for us to understand his behavior." Hathaway pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses and added.

"Is that so?"

Aldrich III tapped his fingers on the hilt of the sword, thinking carefully, and seemed to have figured something out. He suddenly turned back and looked at the drowsy old man on the stone chair.

"Can I trust you?" Aldrich III asked.

The old man opened his cloudy eyes and looked at Aldrich.

After a long time, he responded:

"Of course, Your Majesty, you can always trust me."

"Then the lives of millions of people in Belland will be left to you." Aldrich said lightly.

"Your Majesty is serious."

The old man lowered his head slightly and lowered his eyes, unable to see his expression clearly, "I just do my duty, that's all."

"then you go."


The old man's figure gradually disappeared, and then everyone realized that he was just an afterimage.

"The fake is confused with the real, and even I didn't notice it. He is truly worthy of being the sword holder." The Archbishop of Canterbury sighed.


After the old man left, Aldrich III shouted softly.

"Your Majesty, what advice do you have?"

"You were wrong about something just now."


"Actually, I have no intention of weakening those nobles. I let them come just because they are Leopold and a part of Belland, so they must contribute to this country and this city, and so do you. "

Aldrich III suddenly stepped forward and stepped on the air.

At this moment, a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly erupted from the not-so-tall body of the man who had been sleeping on the throne.


The Archbishop of Canterbury's heart suddenly contracted and he looked at Aldrich III in horror.

On the emperor's head, the dazzling crown is engraved with the supreme edict, which is far more majestic than the crown inlaid with gems.

"How is it possible? How can you break through the royal curse..."

The Archbishop blurted out in disbelief.

"I don't care at all whether those nobles have the same aspirations as me, because in my eyes, they are just a bunch of clowns."

Aldrich III did not pay attention to the rude words of the archbishop and continued to move forward step by step.

He casually tore open the large, obstructive ceremonial robe and let it be swept away by the strong wind from high in the sky.

He reached out and grasped the sword at his waist.

At this moment, the whole world fell silent without a sound.

Only - the sound of the sword!

At this moment, the ultimate power gathered here. When the sword was pulled out, even the Archbishop of Canterbury couldn't help but want to kneel down.

The sword of kings.

The royal family of Leopold, an authoritative sacred object passed down through the generations.

As long as it is recognized by it, even if you don't have the power to bind a chicken, you can still burst out with powerful power that is better than ordinary people wearing the crown.

Since its birth, this is the first time that it has been used by a real crown wearer.

Aldrich swung his sword and slashed.

The black ocean was split into two in an instant.

And he didn't even look at the natural disaster that was forced out of the sea and required several crown-wearers to suppress it. He only stared at the blue moon that finally showed its full appearance as the sea surface parted.

"The Silent Moon."

Aldrich said softly, but his voice was like rolling thunder, deafening.

"As the price for invading my land, I will leave this projection of you behind."

131. Curse fate


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