Downtown area.


In the dark space, the candlelight flickered, making everything look like ghosts.

Above the circular altar, there was a faint blue moonlight shining down, and skinny fanatical believers sat around it, chanting frantic hymns like the roars of thousands of demons.

And outside the altar, a huge pool of blood rippled, corpses floated, and blood filled the air, just like the crazy aura that extinguished all the filth in the world spread like a thick fog.

The banshee stood on the edge of the blood pool, taking a deep breath, as if smelling the fragrant old wine, her face flushed and full of intoxication.

"Master Priest, this is the last batch."

Behind the banshee, a respectful figure stood with his head bowed, instructing his subordinates to dump the corpses with frightened expressions and full of despair into the pool of blood.

"Is that all there is?"

The banshee lowered her eyes and stared at the blood pool. It seemed that the amount was still a little short of the expected amount.

"The silence agency is pursuing him more and more tightly. There is really nothing we can do." The man looked ashamed.

"Really? In that case, you know what to do."


The ashamed expression suddenly turned into a frenzy, and the man suddenly took out a dagger and slit his own throat.

With blood splattering, he looked up at the bright blue moon and roared hoarsely:

"Moon - eternal life!"

"Moon - eternal life!"

More roars sounded, and those carrying the corpses slit their own throats one after another, stabbed through their hearts, and allowed the blood to flow and splash freely.

Then plop, plop, it poured into the pool of blood.

The blood pool fills up, then surges.

The patterns on the altar lit up inch by inch, and the believers' chants became more and more crazy.

But there seemed to be something missing, and this grand sacrifice could not be perfect.

The banshee didn't seem impatient at all, tapping her arms, humming an enchanted song, and waited silently.

Suddenly, she turned her head and looked into the darkness.

"You're late." The banshee said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not too late at all."

The response from the darkness was as cold as a piece of ice and emotionless.

"Yes, the sacrifice has just begun."

The banshee smiled slightly, extremely enchantingly. She stretched out her hand towards the darkness and said:

"Well, welcome home, my... family."

After a moment of silence, a hand reached out from the darkness... and held the Banshee's palm.

The purple skirt was as fluttering as a butterfly, and the loose hair was like a hanging galaxy. When that beautiful face was revealed from the darkness, even the moonlight at the moment was somewhat eclipsed.

Anna kaberlin.

But at this moment, her pretty face no longer had the familiar charm and gentleness, but an indifference that could freeze the air. Her cold snake eyes flashed without any emotion.

It's like...a completely different person.

"Hey, that's really weird."

The banshee twitched her nostrils and sniffed her body.

"You have the scent of Moon Campbell, but there is no smell of blood. With your strength and relationship with him, haven't you been able to take the opportunity to kill him?"

"He escaped."

Anna said,

"After all, he is the son of a duke. How can he be so easy to kill?"

"Yes, it's a pity."

The banshee nodded, with a trace of hatred and regret flashing in her eyes, no doubt that he was there.

At this moment, Anna has obviously been completely eroded by the snake disease and has become the most devout believer in the moon.

If she misses, it just means bad luck, or that Moon Campbell's identity is too tricky.

If he could pull a magic cannon in the city, who knows what else he could pull out.

"Well, it doesn't matter. After tonight, everything will come to an end, and Moon Campbell... is no exception."

The banshee raised her hands and shouted excitedly.

"The moon lives forever!"

A look of fanaticism also appeared on Anna's face, and she responded softly: "The moon - eternal life."

"It's so beautiful."

The succubus tilted her head and looked at the purple dress on Anna's body. The fitted dress perfectly fit the curves of her body. As she swayed, she looked incredibly beautiful.

"Did you dress up like this just for this great moment?"


Ana paused and said, "Naturally."

"Okay, okay, go, the great waiting for you."

The banshee stretched out her finger, and the surface of the blood pool suddenly froze, as calm as a red carpet.

Anna stepped on the red carpet and walked towards the altar.

The believers stopped singing hymns and knelt on the ground towards Anna with respectful and enthusiastic expressions. They wanted to kiss her toes, but were afraid of blaspheming the noble heir of God.

Anna stood in the center of the altar, raised her head, and stared at the bright blue moon above the sky, as if she was deeply immersed in the enchantment of the moonlight, and was extremely intoxicated.

"Then, let's begin." The banshee ordered.

The filthy and frenzied hymn like a demon was played again.

The believers held hands and sang wildly and desperately. Their already skinny bodies became thinner and thinner, but the light in their eyes became brighter and brighter.

The blood pool surged, and the purest blood gradually floated into the air, swept into the deep space, and was devoured by the invisible existence, feasting on it.

The moonlight becomes more and more clear.

Like the supreme Holy Spirit, he sheds his merciful light on the world.

The banshee watched this scene, as if there were countless strings playing in her heart, and she couldn't help but get excited.




This moment is coming, the great moon is about to——


At this time, among the frantic chants, the banshee heard a noise.

So insignificant, yet so... clear.

Her enthusiastic expression suddenly stiffened.

Looking down, he found that the girl who had been staring at the blue moon had lowered her head at some point. Her face was no longer filled with enthusiasm and intoxication, but with sadness... and disgust.

She has always hated the moon and it has never changed.

And with a flick of her hand, crystal clear bottles fell from her sleeves and were smashed to pieces on the altar.

The noise comes from this.

The bottles and jars burst, and colorful smoke rose into the sky, quickly filling the air and getting into the bodies of the believers who were singing hymns.

The hymn stopped abruptly.

It turned into a roar of pain.

The believers who inhaled the smoke suddenly began to convulse crazily, and stinking blood continued to spurt out from their mouths and noses. The highly toxic smoke corroded everything inside them in a short period of time.

Anna waved her hand again, and the long whip swept across, pulling the believers one by one into the all-devouring pool of blood.

"Anna Kaberlin!"

The banshee's eyes suddenly split open, and she rushed towards Anna desperately, waving the full-moon scimitar in her hand, no longer caring about her "noble status", and suddenly chopped it down.

"Why? Why can you still maintain your consciousness!"

The long whip turned and resisted the scimitar.

But the huge force of the pressure made Anna's energy and blood shake.

And those whispers and cold will that had been suppressed for a long time by the True Love Tears Gem suddenly reverberated again, constantly hitting her mental defense line.

Ana's face turned pale, she took a deep breath and said softly:

"The witch always tries to curse this fate, doesn't she?"

132. Snake transformation

"The witch always tries to curse this fate, doesn't she?"

After the words fell, a glimmer of light lit up in Anna's eyes.

This time even the chanting was omitted, and a strong magical aura gathered.

Hot light condensed on her fingertips, and the explosive magic compressed to the extreme instantly ignited the smoke mixed with flammable debris.

The flames rose, and then a strong wind roared in this semi-enclosed space, carrying fierce flames and building a wall of flames that could burn all flesh and blood into ashes.

Several believers who did not fall into the blood pool were instantly swallowed up by the flames and burned into charcoal amidst miserable wails. The stench of burning flesh and blood filled their nostrils.

"Damn it!"

The banshee was temporarily forced back by the flames, and her face suddenly became ferocious.

She still had many methods that she had not used, and she could clearly see Anna's current state at a glance, and knew that as long as she put a little more external pressure on her, her mental defenses would collapse in an instant.

However, Anna had been planning for a long time, mentally and unintentionally. No matter how many methods she had, it was difficult for her to use it. She could only let herself be pushed away by the flame wave, and then watched Anna turn her palm, magic power surged, and slapped the palm to the ground.

She actually wanted to destroy this altar!


The banshee roared, and the full-moon scimitar in her hand cut out a cold light.

But it's too late.

Anna ignored the banshee's threatening attack and allowed the sword light to brush past her cheek.

Lean over and press your palms toward the altar.

There was no time to use any magic, no time to use any martial arts, no time to use any props, just all the magic power in his body gathered in the palm of his hand and spurted out in an instant.

But that's enough.

The ground shook violently.

Cracks spread quickly like spider webs, and along with the surge of energy that assisted the fighting spirit, the altar made of unknown stone suddenly collapsed.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and Anna stood in a pile of rubble and stood up slowly.

The mysterious lines carved around the altar have all dimmed, and the blood rising in the air seems to have lost the support of its power, flowing back into the blood pool, and then the waves turn and return to calm.

The goal was achieved, but Anna didn't show any joy on her face. She just lowered her eyes and sighed softly.

"it's over."

The altar was destroyed, and the sacrificial ceremony to summon the evil god could no longer proceed.

Although they don't know their purpose, if such an important link is interrupted, the subsequent plan will definitely fall apart accordingly.

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