Even if the snake disease cannot be cured and he eventually reaches a dead end, at least... he won't let anyone die because of him, right?

This is enough.

Anna looked up, thinking that the angry attack from the banshee would have arrived, and it seemed good to be killed by her like this...

I'm just a little sorry, junior, for saying that to you...

"It's over? Are you kidding me?"

Anna's pupils shrank suddenly, and her heartbeat couldn't help but stagnate.

Because not only did the banshee not attack, but she just stood there, the anger and ferociousness on her face had dissipated, and turned into a joke as if she was just enjoying the futile struggle of ants.

"You don't think that you can stop us and the Great Moon's plan in this way, do you? Anna Kaberlin, you still underestimate yourself."

"Looking down on...me?"

Anna frowned in confusion, not understanding the meaning of the banshee's words.

But at this moment, the banshee suddenly knelt down towards her respectfully.

"Great Moon, the noble divine heir has been sent, please come."

Divine heir?

What descendant?

And Advent?

The altar for summoning the evil god was destroyed by himself, so how could he come?

Countless questions poured into Anna's mind, along with those cold whispers that couldn't be driven away, making her head hurt.

Only this beautiful moonlight could calm her agitated heart, as if she could just... sleep forever.



The ceremony has obviously ended, so where is the moonlight coming from?

Anna woke up suddenly, her beautiful eyes widened, and she raised her head suddenly.

For a moment, my body felt cold.

It was as if all the blood had been drained out, and her delicate body trembled uncontrollably.

Because above her head, a huge blue moon seemed to be inserted directly into this semi-enclosed space, almost occupying her entire field of vision.

The moon actually came.

And it's not the kind of weak power that relies on sacrifice summons.

At this moment, what appeared in Anna's eyes was at least a complete projection!

"is that so?"

Countless thoughts emerged. When Anna saw the blue moon, all the lines connected perfectly.

What is a divine heir?

What is coming.

And what is the meaning of "You are the most important part of this plan" when the banshee first forced herself to drink the evolution potion.

Pool of blood.



These are not important at all, because these are just coordinates for the location of the evil god.

It had been done long before Anna came.

What really mattered was her, Anna Kaberlin.

When she stands here, everything...will be inevitable.

After thinking about all this, a dagger appeared in Anna's hand and swiped it against her white neck without hesitation.


Sparks flew.

The dagger was not able to wipe away the fatal artery, because before that, there were dark scales covering the suet-white jade-like skin, as hard as steel.

Then, a line of sight from a higher level fell from the blue moon, looking at the girl who was still struggling indifferently.

But all the struggles are in vain.

Under the flawless moonlight, Anna's body floated uncontrollably, her purple dress spread out, and she looked as beautiful as a mermaid dancing in the deep sea.

The dagger fell to the ground.

As if she were really in the deep sea, Anna felt the endless coldness and silence.

The warmth in her blood was taken away bit by bit, her heartbeat gradually slowed down, and the cold consciousness invaded her mind, quickly tearing apart her already fragile mental defense.

And the gemstone Tears of True Love that had allowed her to persist until now, under the evil god's gaze, did not dare to show even a little bit of its brilliance.

Even emotions seemed to be being stripped away bit by bit, and in my mind, the familiar figure gradually became blurred.


Compared to the erosion of the spirit, the transformation of the body is faster. The dark scales quickly cover every inch of the skin. The carefully selected black silk that can fully highlight the beauty of the girl is torn, and a round and slender snake tail peeks out from under the skirt. Come out, swinging gently with the moonlight.

Beautiful, enchanting.

"Is this... the snake man who is about to be perfect?"

The banshee came closer on her knees and looked at the girl who was gradually changing under the moonlight. A flash of jealousy flashed in her eyes, but then it turned into extreme fanaticism.

"You should feel honored to be the vessel for the coming of the moon, to become a complete part of the moon, Anna Kaberlin."

"But, as for the real you, you will definitely not be happy. After all, you have completely turned into a pure... monster than me."

The banshee glanced at Anna's still slightly frowning brow. Her consciousness seemed to be still resisting, and she couldn't help but said regretfully:

"It's a pity that you will never wake up again, otherwise I would really like to see how you would react when you find out that you have become a complete monster."

"But now, it's not the time for me to look forward to it."

The banshee listened intently, and a hint of sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"That guy is here anyway. I really want to see his reaction when he sees you like this, but..."

The banshee bowed respectfully to the blue moon, then stood up and turned towards the depths of darkness.

"Let's continue the game that has not yet ended."

"I'm really looking forward to it, Mu En Campbell."

133. Money Power

Mu En seemed to have stepped into another world.

The night was thick, without a single light.

The whole city seemed to have been thrown into a dark abyss, and all around, there were vaguely hideous ghosts.

The rain was still falling. Thanks to the excellent sewer system of the city, no disaster has occurred so far, but the water on the streets still flooded over the ankles.

Mu En walked in this unfamiliar street, as if walking in the kingdom of the dead.

One or two explosions were heard from time to time, and occasionally there were flames in the distance, and then they were instantly extinguished in the deep night.

The Silent Agency's general attack on the evil believers was also carried out as scheduled. If the evil god had not acted suddenly in advance, those evil believers might have been caught off guard, causing all their plans to fail.

But after all, it was the evil god's plan, so it would not be so easily shattered. In fact, at the beginning, the Silent Agency suffered a loss because some of its members were eroded by the moon invisibly.

But after all, it was a special agency dedicated to dealing with the evil god. Facing the evil god's pollution, it was familiar with it. After a cruel and indifferent suppression, this violent agency that had been restrained in Belrand recently finally showed its cruel fangs.

It was raining, but Mu En seemed to be able to smell the blood clearly.

Tonight, I don't know how many bodies were thrown into the sewer of Belrand, or burned to ashes by a fire.

But Mu En no longer had time to care about the fierce battle between the Silent Agency and the evil believers. Instead, he was somewhat grateful for the chaos caused by them, which allowed him to easily penetrate into the heart of the evil believers' base camp.

The cold breath in the air became more and more intense, and the biting cold made him shiver with his current physical fitness.

"It seems that the direction is correct."

Mu En pressed down the brim of his hat and continued to walk forward quickly.

But not long after walking, his steps stopped.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy?"

At the edge of the street, the originally gentle and pleasant small bridges and flowing water have now turned into turbulent torrents under the pouring rain.

And from the turbid river, a ferocious claw suddenly stretched out, grabbed the river bank that could hardly restrain the torrent, and pressed it suddenly.

While leaving a clear scratch on the bluestone of the river bank, a monster covered with scales like a lizard slowly emerged from the water.

The monster shook its head, and its cold vertical pupils locked onto the only living person on the street. The fierce aura it exuded made people's backs cold.

Moon Beast.

It was very small, and in terms of size and strength, it was far inferior to the worm that the banshee prepared in the Red Fire Gang to kill him.


There was more than one.

As Mu En's sight shifted, more monsters slowly emerged from the darkness. Those deformed appearances, as if the Creator accidentally sneezed when creating them, did not make people feel relieved, but instead made people feel cold.

"So that's it. Is this what Teacher Meila just said, 'something that ran up from below'?"

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Mu En's eyes, and he finally understood why those evil believers could still hold on under such a powerful attack by the Silent Agency.

These moon beasts... I'm afraid it's not just the ones in front of me, this entire area has become the lair of these monsters.

No wonder the atmosphere in this area is so wrong. With these monsters here, the residents here may have...

"You really give me a problem." Mu En rubbed the space device irritably.

"I can't let you pass so easily, right?"

A sharp voice like the friction of iron sheets suddenly sounded in the streets with only the sound of rain. Mu En did not show any unexpected expression and looked at the shadow opposite.

In the darkness, a skinny figure covered in a black robe slowly walked out from a group of monsters, the lantern in his hand swayed, casting a strange blue light.

"Who are you?"

"You can call me... the beast trainer, Muen Campbell."

The figure touched his chest and bowed his head, performing a ridiculous aristocratic ceremony:

"It is an honor to have the honor to face the legendary duke's son in person."

"I thought it would be a banshee." Muen said expressionlessly.

"Such a small matter is naturally not the turn of the priest to do it personally." The beast trainer raised his head and looked at Muen, and a trace of sarcasm appeared on his ugly old face with deep eye sockets.

"It is enough for me to wait for you here."

"Oh? So confident?"

"Haha, confidence naturally comes from strength. I have studied you, Muen Campbell."

"Study?" Muen finally raised his eyelids.

"Yes, research."

The trainer opened his arms and shook the lantern in his hand. The flashing blue light was as exciting as his expression at the moment:

"Through your battle record in St. Mary's College and the skills you showed when you killed those members of the Red Fire Gang, I have a clear understanding of your strength and fighting style, which is why I am here.

-Moon Campbell, I am the one who restrains you the most in terms of ability."

"You scared me to death. I thought you would suddenly say something like I am your bastard..."

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