Mu En shrugged nonchalantly, "Restraint, what do you mean by that?"


The trainer sneered like a villain and said:

"It's very simple. Your moves and skills are all designed for 'humans', as can be seen from your two weapons.


It's me, the trainer, who is here."

The trainer shook the lantern and gave silent instructions. Before he knew it, Mu En had been surrounded by the moon beasts.

As a product of the moon's pollution, the moon beasts are basically brainless guys. .

However, this kind of monster born purely for killing will become completely different with a commander.

"So that's it. I'm really not good at fighting monsters."

This is the truth.

Because from the beginning, Mu En practiced fighting with people, from assassins to adventurers.

And his weapons are indeed not suitable for fighting huge creatures.

Not to mention, with such a large number of moon beasts, even if he is really good at fighting monsters, he will be dragged to death without surprise.

This guy called the trainer said that he was studying restraint, but in fact, he was planning to use his numbers to bully the few.

No matter how you look at it, for Mu En, who was alone, this was another dead end.


"Do you really think you can beat me?" Mu En smiled.

"Hehe, you'll know after trying it?"

The trainer licked his lips and said eagerly:

"Mu En Campbell, I will make you one of my collections. Hehe, I haven't had such a noble collection yet, it's really exciting."


The trainer was speechless.

But from behind him, a huge moon beast walked out.

On the deformed monster body that no longer knew what creature to compare it to, Mu En saw desperate faces embedded in the monster, crying miserably.

Thinking of a bad picture, Mu En's expression suddenly turned cold.

"It seems that before you came, you didn't ask your family's priest for advice?"

"Experience?" The trainer was puzzled.

"Yes, experience, because if you have experience in this area, you won't study it over and over again, but ignore the most important thing."

The corners of Mu En's mouth drew an emotionless arc.

"As the son of the Duke, would I be stupid enough to fight with you monsters?"

As he said, two round things slipped from his sleeves and rolled all the way to the front of the trainer.

The trainer lowered his head, feeling the terrifying murderous intent that was about to burst out from the two slightly trembling balls, and his confident mouth suddenly froze.

What the hell?

"What...what is this?"

"Grenade, no, according to the name of this world, it should be a clustered explosive magic instant magic missile."

Mu En weighed the other small balls and asked curiously:

"Haven't you seen it? The military's gadgets are specially made for large numbers of enemies. Although they are expensive, well, it's not difficult for me to take out a dozen or twenty."

As he said, Mu En pursed his lips and smiled jokingly:

"It's okay if you haven't seen it. Look, isn't this an eye-opener?"

Before he finished speaking, in the tamer's horrified and desperate eyes, the grenade, oh no, the clustered explosive magic instant magic missile exploded in an instant, with a loud explosion, and a blazing flame swept through, burning all the flesh and blood that came into contact with it.

Next, it was hell.

In the first wave of explosions, the tamer used his quick reaction to let the monsters around him absorb all the damage for him, and relied on the resistance of one flesh and blood body after another to finally survive the attack of the cluster explosion magic instant magic missile.

Looking at the "collection" turned into charcoal in the flames, his face suddenly became ferocious, and he vowed to make Muen Campbell suffer far more than ten times this pain.

Hehe, why not let him become a moon beast too? From a noble noble to a lowly and disgusting monster, it's exciting to think about it...

But even this fantasy has not ended in time. In the aftermath of the explosion, he has no chance to organize the remaining moon beasts to launch a counterattack... Then he saw Muen take out a new thing.


Magic scroll.

Even he knew how precious the magic scroll was, and the magic scroll that was always priceless in the market was thrown out by Muen like crazy.

Magic was activated in an instant. On this street, there was fire, strong wind, and thunder, creating a spectacular scene like the end of the world.

Just when the tamer was affected by the magic and his hands were blown off, a scroll just hit his head and instantly healed his injuries.

Muen Campbell was throwing healing scrolls around!

But it was not over yet.

Magic crossbow.

Alchemical bomb.

Disposable magic device.

Under the crazy money ability, the tamer was full of confidence, and the number of moon beasts used to surround and kill Muen was rapidly reduced.

Finally, when he took out a magic cannon that scared people to almost pee their pants, and skillfully operated it to fire three consecutive shots, almost razing half of the block to the ground, and then kicked the scrapped magic cannon into the river without any heartache...

The tamer, who was already a commander without troops, finally couldn't help but shed tears that he dared not move at all.

Your mother...has no moral principles...

134. Snake of Tears (I)

The gun smoke was dispersed by the heavy rain.

The air was filled with the stench of carbonized flesh and blood.

The disgusting remains of the monster were scattered in all directions, and there was no trace of other living creatures on the block that was almost crushed to the ground.

The animal trainer was still alive. The black robe on his body had been reduced to ashes in the fierce explosion. Only half of his body was left, struggling hard in the rain that reached his ankles.

"The vitality of you evil believers always surprises me." Mu En tilted her head and looked at him, took out Elizabeth and made gestures on him.

"How can I make you die immediately? Cut off your head? Stab through the heart?"


The animal trainer coughed up a few mouthfuls of black and foul-smelling blood and stared at Mu En, but there was not only hatred and malice in his eyes, but also a hint of pleasure.

"My...purpose...has been achieved. Without those external things...after are just an ordinary person..."

"That's it." Mu En nodded clearly,

"You are just a cannon fodder, just to consume my props? It turns out that banshees are also afraid of that kind of thing."

"Giggle...go...the priest is waiting for in her mouth..."

The trainer's eyes suddenly widened, his body twisted, and he roared fervently.

"Jie Jie... food... you will all be food... the moon will live forever... the moon will live forever -"

"The moon is going to die soon."

With an expressionless expression, Mu En inserted the pure white dagger into the heart of the beast tamer. Watching the vitality in his eyes quickly disappear, she murmured softly:

"You are no exception..."

Mu En continued to move forward, following the cold aura that was completely opposite to the heat in her body.

Just after crossing the corner in front, Mu En suddenly found that the scenery in front of her looked familiar.

The cold breath no longer points to the passable road, but to an inconspicuous family restaurant on the side of the road.

Glancing at the familiar restaurant sign, Mu En calmly opened the door and walked in.

A feeling of warmth, completely opposite to the coldness, rushed over my face.

In the narrow but warm family restaurant, soft candlelight swayed. A girl with thick braids and slightly oversized black-rimmed glasses sat at the dining table, holding her chin and softly humming a beautiful ballad.

On the dining table, there was already an exquisite meal prepared, and the girl's face was blushing and as delicate as a peach blossom, as if she was waiting for her lover's return.


The door opened and the bell rang.

The girl raised her head and looked at the young man who came in, with real joy shining in her eyes.

"Classmate Mu En, are really here."

Mu En looked at Sally's expression of joy that could not be faked and said nothing.

"You...why don't you speak? Are you shy?"

As he said this, the girl blushed first.

Just like the first date with the one she loves, she waved shyly,

"Hurry...sit down quickly, classmate Mu En."

Mu En remained speechless, just sitting obediently on the chair specially prepared for him, lowering his head, silently looking at the sumptuous dishes on the dining table.

The color is bright and the food is fragrant. Even Mu En, who is used to eating top-notch food, can't help but move his index fingers at this moment, and the idea of ​​quickly picking up a knife and feasting comes into his mind.

"How's it going? Do you like it?"

Sally stared at Mu En and asked expectantly,

"I made it just for you, do you like it?"

The candlelight flickered, reflecting the blushing cheeks, and soft music came from the corner, making the atmosphere even more ambiguous.

Mu En stared at the girl quietly.

There is no flaw in the look, movements, or details.

The person sitting in front of her looked like a really innocent and lovely girl.



What's it like?

Sally-san, isn’t she just an innocent and lovely girl?

In a trance, there seemed to be some invisible power spreading. Mu En felt as if he was really having a candlelight dinner with a lovely girl. The blood, monsters and evil believers just now were just his own fatigue. Just a big dream afterward.

Now, after waking up from the dream, why should we care about the unpleasantness in the dream?

The beautiful reality is waiting for you, why don't you hurry up and taste the feast carefully prepared by your lovely girlfriend and enjoy this leisurely time without any worries?

Mu En shook her head. In a hazy state, everything in the dream had faded away.

Yes, classmate Sally is my girlfriend. I should concentrate on enjoying a wonderful dinner with her now. What should I think about all those messy things?

After dinner, maybe there will be something better waiting for you.

Mu En moved her gaze down without leaving a trace, looking at Sally's smooth thighs hidden under her skirt. Thinking of the beauty after this, her Adam's apple twitched, and a touch of anxiety flashed through her heart... Huh? Why can't some of them heat up?

It seems like something is missing?

"What's wrong?"

Seemingly seeing Mu En's reluctance to eat, Sally clutched the corner of her skirt and bit her lip, looking pitiful.

"It's... what I did didn't suit Classmate Mu En's taste?"

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