"No, not at all."

Mu En raised her head and stared at Sally, with true fascination in her eyes.

"It's just that the food made by classmate Sally is so beautiful, I don't know where to start."

"Ah, classmate Mu En is really good at talking."

Sally covered her red face, feeling extremely shy.

Looking at Mu En's eyes, her eyes were also particularly bright.

"Okay, stop saying these annoying words and eat quickly."

Sweeping the red lips between the sari, her eyes were provocative,

"After eating, there will be a follow-up program."

"Follow up?"

Mu En's eyes lit up, "Then I have to eat faster."

However, as soon as he picked up the knife and fork, he paused again and patted his head in annoyance.

"Oh, look at me, I'm too busy looking at classmate Sally, and I've forgotten such important things."

"Something important?" Sally was a little confused, "What is it?"

"Of course I'm saying hello. How can I not say hello properly when I'm a guest at someone else's house?"

Mu En put down the tableware, narrowed his eyes, slightly outlined the corners of his mouth, and said with a faint smile:

"So, classmate Sally, is your father... okay?"

The music stopped abruptly.

The charming atmosphere was instantly destroyed.

Sally's pretty blushing face suddenly froze.

"Father...Father? He..." Sally was like a stuck doll, hesitating and unable to speak clearly.

But before she could say anything, Mu En still kept that weird smile and continued:

"Since we have said hello to your father, we have to have a heart-to-heart talk with your classmate Sally, right?"

The words fell.

It's like a video being played suddenly freezes.

A second ago, Mu En was still holding a knife and fork, ready to enjoy the food.

The next second, what Mu En held in her hand was not a knife and fork, but... a pure white short knife.

The end of the dagger was held in Mu En's palm, and the other end of the dagger was inserted right into the girl's heart.

135. The Weeping Snake (2)

The blade pierces the heart.

Sally's face was still a little confused. She lowered her head and watched her heart being pierced by her beloved. She coughed up blood and shed tears of sadness.

"Classmate Mu En... why... did I... do something wrong?"

"No, Sally-san, you didn't do anything wrong."

Mu En looked at her and sighed softly, his eyes swept over and over again on her pretty face that I felt pity for, and with his free hand, he gently touched her pale and blood-stained face.

"The only thing that's wrong is that you don't actually exist at all."

"does not exist?"

Sally still couldn't understand what Mu En said. What didn't exist? I... wasn't it just me?

But right here, Mu En's hand took the black-rimmed glasses that didn't match her thin oval face at all, and... took them off.

In an instant.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

The candle flame flickered crazily, the warmth was no longer there, and in an instant it became as cold as a will-o'-the-wisp.

The food on the table is no longer full of color, fragrance and appetite, but reveals its true appearance as if it comes from hell. Something like the entrails of a monster is placed on the dinner plate, with its ferocious mouthparts squirming, and several vicious beasts. His pupils turned restlessly.

The charming restaurant turned into a gloomy ghost in the blink of an eye.

But Mu En didn't care about that, but just stared at Sally's face.

That pretty face is still the same pretty face, and it won't change at all just because she takes off a pair of eyes. But when she takes off the glasses, her temperament is completely different from before.

All innocence and cuteness disappeared, and the pretty face without makeup revealed an extremely enchanting temperament.

And Mu En had only seen this kind of enchanting look on one person.

"Long time no see, Miss Banshee."

When he bumped into an old acquaintance, Mu En naturally greeted him eagerly.

So he twisted the short knife in his hand hard again.

"You don't look very good. Is it because you haven't slept recently?"

"...Moon Campbell."

At this moment, those loving eyes also turned cold, staring at Mu En, and asked in confusion:

"When... did you find out?"

"When? It was probably at the academy that a certain lolita teacher told me that the moon has the ability to give terrible hints to people.

Since the moon has that ability, it is not surprising that his followers have this ability. As long as you think along this line of thinking, many things that you thought were weird before can be explained.

Just like——"

Mu En took out a piece of paper, which recorded the address of a familiar banshee.

"When you invited me for the first time, all I could think about was my date with my senior sister. I'm not a popular stud, so how could I accept the address you gave me at that time? Even if you forced me It’s stuffy, but in retrospect, there are as many ways as I can think of to refuse, right?

Not to mention, on the way to a date later, I would inadvertently choose your store. What a coincidence. No matter how bad my memory is, it will never be so bad that I can’t remember your home address at that time. Bar. "

"Is that why?"

The banshee coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Not only because of this, but the first thing that made me suspicious was because of classmate Sally, was her affection for me too sudden? It was so sudden that it seemed like she was affected by something."

"You are the son of a duke. Even if a girl likes your power, isn't it normal for her to turn against you?"

"It's normal."

Mu En sighed,

"But classmate Sally's feelings are so sincere, aren't they? So sincere that... there is no trace of falsehood. How could such a level of love be produced by just meeting a few times? This is nothing. Chapter three is about making love, and chapter five is about pornographic stories.”

"That's it."

A flash of understanding flashed in the banshee's eyes,

"On the contrary, I used too much force."

"Who told you that you were a ruthless person who even gave yourself hints in order to sneak into the academy without telling everyone?"

Mu En looked at her jokingly, "If you were just acting, maybe I would really stop being deceived by you. Who knows you would actually come up with a personality that likes me? What kind of reputation does Mu En Campbell have? I am very good at it." It’s clear, how could you not let me pay more attention to your sudden backlash.

Not to mention that when you met me with your real identity later, you acted like an old acquaintance. To be honest, I only knew a few girls in the college. If you just exclude them, I would know that there is something wrong with you. "

"So you've been guarding against my hints?"

The banshee smiled hard,

"You are really completely different from the rumors, Moon Campbell."

Her face became paler, her breath became weaker, and she seemed to be dying.

"To each other, how can I let down my guard against a snake-like guy like you?"

"Ahem... I originally wanted to watch you die with a face of reluctance, but I didn't expect that I gave you a chance to make a sneak attack. It's really ugly."

"So how about you please die quickly?"

The short knife in Mu En's hand has been twisted almost once, and a large amount of holy light pours in. The smell is unpleasant. I am afraid that the banshee's heart has been broken by the blade and the holy light at this moment.

With such an injury, even the previous animal trainer would probably die ten or eight times.

But a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the banshee's mouth.

"Maybe you should chop me off..."

Before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed past.

The smile on the corner of the banshee's mouth froze, and before she could remember to say the next words, she felt her eyes spinning.

A big head rolled to the ground, with confusion and unwillingness still remaining in its eyes.

Mu En held another pure white short knife with her other hand, shook off the blood on it, and said expressionlessly:

"I've been preparing it for a long time."

After saying that, he would throw away the headless corpse whose heart had been completely crushed, step over the banshee's head, and continue moving forward.

At this time, perhaps because the false scenes around him lost their support, everything suddenly changed.

The narrow restaurant has disappeared, and it has once again turned into the gloomy streets of the lower city. The rain is pouring, and the cold atmosphere in the distance is getting closer and closer.

Mu En's heartbeat gradually accelerated, because relying on his intuition, he had a hunch that he was very close to his senior sister.

Now that the Banshee is dead, all that's left to do is...

"Really, let's let someone finish what they say, can't they?"

A gust of dark wind suddenly blew Mu En's top hat far away, but Mu En had no time to take care of the top hat. Her pupils shrank suddenly, and her accelerated heartbeat almost stopped.

He stopped and suddenly tightened his hands on Elizabeth, causing veins to pop on the back of his hands.

This voice...

How can it be?

The head was chopped off and the heart was crushed. How can any creature in this world survive such fatal injuries?


But that charming smile is still so clear.

Mu En turned around expressionlessly, watching the banshee put her head back on her neck like a normal person, and twisted it playfully.

"What a pity, Moon Campbell. If you were not so impatient and listened to what I said, you would know that what I said at that time was...

You should chop my head, not my neck. "

Words that seem similar have completely different meanings.


The banshee pointed at her head, smiled charmingly, and tore open her clothes without hesitation.

Mu En had no chance to appreciate the breathtakingly beautiful scenery, because the next moment, the banshee casually tore open her belly as if she had just taken off her clothes.

The flesh and blood cracked, and the ribs appeared, revealing...the empty inside.

Not to mention the heart, there was not a single internal organ in her belly!

The banshee giggled and said:

"Because, except for the brain I still need for thinking, everything else I have... is dedicated to the great moon."

136. The Weeping Snake (3)

"How are you, are you moved, classmate Mu En?"

The banshee giggled, with a hint of Sally's shy blush on her face:

"I'm going to do what you want and tell you some heart-wrenching words."

“I was deeply moved by such candid treatment.”

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