Looking at the witch who casually opened her abdomen, Mu En's eyes flickered, suppressing the nausea in her heart, and a seemingly nonchalant smile appeared on her face.

"But I always feel that Miss Banshee is not loyal enough to the moon?"

"Oh? Isn't this loyal enough?"

"How about offering your brain as well? Why keep that thing to disgust people?"

"Hehe, I am really happy to hear what classmate Mu En said. It seems that my failed plan is not useless."

The Banshee threw a coquettish eye at Mu En:

"It's a pity that I can't do it. I have to keep this brain for a great use."

"Indeed, it is very useful. First, you let your "father" come to give it to you, then you let your subordinates come to give it to you, and finally you took the initiative to come up and let me cut it twice to relieve my anger."

Mu En smiled slightly, "This generosity is indeed something that can warm me in this long cold night."


Although she has no heart, the Banshee seemed to be stabbed in the heart by Mu En at this moment. The previous humiliation was imprinted in her mind. Her charming face suddenly became hideous, and her enchanting temperament turned into a chilling murderous intent in an instant.

But the sudden change of emotions always brings about a short delay in reaction.

Mu En was waiting for this momentary flaw.

In an instant.

There was a loud bang in the air.

It was like a thunderbolt suddenly fell.

The falling rain was transformed into countless tiny water droplets by the shock wave, spreading into a misty fog, blocking the line of sight.

And at this moment, Mu En's body, which had already begun to accumulate strength, suddenly tensed up, and pounced out like a cheetah.

Shadow Step.

Plus ten times the time delay.

When Mu En's body crashed through the mist that blocked the line of sight, the banshee seemed to have no time to react, and her expression seemed a little sluggish under the time delay.

Mu En did not give her any chance.

Target, brain.

The sharp knife light slashed out, turned into a cold light, and gathered into this fatal blow.

The banshee seemed to have no time to dodge.


Just as Mu En saw the blade had already touched the nauseating and charming face of the banshee, he suddenly became alert!

The premonition of death that he had gained from countless deaths in the black book space played out again at the critical moment. Without any hesitation, his movements suddenly changed and he turned his head to avoid it.

Sure enough, at the moment when he turned his head, another curved scimitar also passed through the back of the banshee's head and pointed directly at Mu En's face!

Mu En was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

If he hadn't turned his head to avoid it in time, he would have been pierced into a gourd by this knife!

He focused his eyes slightly and looked behind the banshee, but found that it was...

Another banshee?

"Oh, is it strange?"

Seeing Mu En dodge in time, the other banshee showed a trace of regret on her face, and then she picked up the blade in her hand without caring.

The banshee who was pierced by her suddenly became like a deflated ball, turning into a light piece of skin.

"Shedding?" Mu En's eyes condensed, and he pulled back without hesitation.



Was it fake from the beginning?

"Snakes shed their skin, isn't it normal?"

The banshee laughed softly, and her soft and boneless body suddenly pressed down.

At this time, Mu En discovered that the banshee's lower body hidden in the dark was actually a thick and long snake tail!

Mu En then remembered that she was also a snake person, and at this moment the snake tail was coiled and bent, was it going to...

launch an attack!

The banshee suddenly turned into a sharp afterimage, like a venomous snake that suddenly attacked with power. Even with a ten-fold time delay, her speed was amazingly fast.

There was no time to dodge, so I could only block!

Mu En crossed his short swords and collided with the curved curved sword that was also a double sword!


The sound of metal colliding was deafening.

Mu En took several steps back, crushing the bluestone floor with each step. His throat felt slightly sweet, his chest was filled with agitation, and the circulation of his fighting spirit became a little chaotic.

Glancing at his trembling hands, Mu En's heart sank.

What a strong force!

I had a brief fight with the banshee last time, but she didn't give me the same sense of oppression as she does now!

Is it because she has revealed her true form that she can exert her full strength?

"Oh, classmate Mu En is really surprising me more and more."

The banshee's face was also covered with many scales, which seemed to reveal a chill. Seeing that Mu En was able to temporarily stabilize and stalemate with her, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but then turned into a sarcastic look.

"It was able to resist my attack after I turned into a snake. The strength of this body must be at least the third level. In addition, the sudden increase in speed just now, is it magic? Martial arts? Or a special prop? I didn't even see the casting action."

"It's just so-so."

Although he was suppressed, Mu En couldn't lose in momentum. He forced a smile and said:

"It's just that I can't do a second transformation like you and make myself look like a ghost. Otherwise, I might be able to blow your head off directly."

"You seem to hate me like this?"

"Of course, anyone who sees you like this will feel disgusted." Mu En said as a matter of course.

Although the face of the banshee at this moment is still enchanting and beautiful, her whole body has been wrapped in iron-colored scales. Even if she is not wearing any silk threads, it is completely unimaginable. She is similar to those enchanting snake people in the impressions of film and television animations in her previous life. The difference is huge, not to mention the aesthetics. It will probably scare the faint of heart.

"Giggle, it's good to be annoying, it's good to be annoying."

But when Mu En pointed her nose at her and scolded her, the banshee was not angry. Instead, she smiled happily. The annoyance that Mu En had just touched her heart seemed to be swept away.

"Suddenly I don't want to kill you anymore. I really want to see you carrying this idea to meet the senior sister you miss so much."

"What's the meaning?"

Mu En's eyes suddenly condensed.

"Unfortunately, at this critical moment, I can't let you disturb the moon's plan."

The banshee stretched out the forked snake letter and licked the arc blade.

"Therefore, I can only deal with you here."

"So confident?"

Mu En sneered, "Be careful of breaking your big teeth."

"Giggle, this is not confidence, this is strength."

The banshee twisted her snake tail and circled around Mu En, seeming to say leisurely:

"Do you think I'm just talking nonsense to you again? Moon Campbell."

"How to say?"

"Giggle, through the test just now, I have determined that the props you relied on have been used up. Otherwise, the safest way for you at that time was to stuff an alchemy bomb into my stomach.

And in this short confrontation, I have roughly figured out the scope of your strength, and even your special ability that can suddenly accelerate. That should be your trump card. It is not a secret in my eyes now.

Therefore, you know nothing about magic. Although your body is no weaker than a third-level warrior, you are really only a second-level warrior. You have reached this point with a little trick..."

At this moment, the banshee's long-suppressed aura exploded instantly, and then climbed steadily, until it reached a terrifying level that made Mu En's eyelids jump.

She straightened up and looked down at Mu En with her slender snake body, her eyes playful, like looking at an ant:

"How should I deal with me, a 'monster' who, with the blessing of the moon, possesses the peak strength of the third level, and has even touched the edge of the fourth level?"

137. The Weeping Snake (4)

The terrifying power emanating from the banshee made Mu En unable to help but hold her breath.

The third level peak is already a whole step higher than Mu En.

Coupled with other means, she has surpassed Mu En by a lot in terms of apparent strength.

Mu En couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The banshee is really a formidable opponent.

Her fear is not only reflected in her strength, but also in that she is too cautious.

From the Red Fire Gang's murderous plan at that time to the consumption of cannon fodder just now.

Even if she comes into direct contact with herself, the first method is to use Sally's personality to confuse herself, and then give hints, hoping to take down herself without any blood.

After these plans failed, there was a real head-on confrontation, but the initial move was also to test his own strength and moves.

Step by step, he groped carefully until he felt that he was sure to win, then he showed off all his strength to brutally ravage the enemy, treating the enemy as a lowly ant, making people wonder who is the second level that needs to be treated with caution, and who is the right one. It is the third level with much higher strength.

Under this careful calculation, some people who may have slightly more strength than her on paper will be killed by her.

It can only be said that she is a ruthless person who even gave herself hints and created a new personality in order to sneak into the academy. It is no wonder that the Silence Agency has been hunting her for so long without even catching a single hair.

It's a pity that she may never realize that there are some things about herself that cannot be calculated at all.

"I didn't expect that I would get the treatment of the protagonist... No, it seems that I was much worse off than the protagonist from the beginning to the end."

After all, the protagonist encounters enemies that he can defeat with hard work. Look at the things he has provoked, such as the Corrupted God of Cupid and the Silent Moon. Are those things that he, a little villain, should touch?

But those who try to escape fate will inevitably encounter the hostility of fate. Mu En has long understood this truth even more clearly than An's underwear size.

Mu En took a deep breath, raised her head and looked directly at this, besides those messy evil gods, this was her first life-and-death enemy since coming to this world. She restrained the emotions in her eyes, and Elizabeth touched lightly, and the alchemical field like an electric arc unfolded. Said softly:

"Come on, Banshee."

"Gee, it seems you are determined to die."

As if admiring the death struggle of an ant, the banshee who was sure that she could crush Mu En had been quietly watching Mu En's contemplation. Anyway, it was not her who was pressed for time, so she naturally did not need to be anxious.

But when Mu En clenched her two swords, she no longer hesitated and immediately launched an attack on Mu En!

Like the heavy rain with thousands of threads hanging down, it was suddenly disturbed, and the banshee was like a poisonous snake emerging from the shadows, suddenly attacking Mu En's weak point.

The two round moon scimitars are just like the newly rising crescent moon, and the cold moonlight makes Mu En's face pale.

The banshee's attack was extremely fierce. With the blessing of the third level of peak fighting spirit, even if she didn't use any martial arts, the moves that were obviously painstakingly polished were still more powerful than the previous attack.

The premonition of death like a needle prick stimulated his nerves. This time, Mu En followed his instinct and did not resist recklessly, but dodged!

His back gradually became hot, and the alchemy core was running, ten times the time, and it was turned on!

The banshee in Mu En's eyes slowed down, and in the eyes of the banshee, Mu En's speed almost increased at a double speed, and in just a moment, it turned into a residual image.

Not only did he avoid her attack, but Mu En also swung Elizabeth at the moment he leaned over, with an extremely tricky move, upward, lightly flicking!

Lightly flicking does not mean that there is no power. With the sharpness of Elizabeth, even if it is just a light scratch, it is enough to cut through the scales on the banshee's body that are as stiff as steel.

But at this moment, the banshee was not only not panicked, but the playful color in her eyes was even stronger.

I have seen your sudden acceleration move, do you think I will be unprepared?

In the darkness, there was a whistling sound of wind.

A thick snake tail, almost at the moment when Mu En raised his knife upwards, cut off the rain and air and suddenly attacked!

When Mu En launched the attack, his chest was naturally empty and he could not defend, so the snake tail hit his chest accurately.

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