Even after ten times the time delay, Mu En's expression remained unchanged as he clearly saw the incoming snake's tail, letting the snake's tail hit his chest with a huge force.

But, at this moment, his moves suddenly changed!

The purpose of just teasing without exerting any force is revealed here - this means that Mu En can suddenly change moves without any resistance!

Then a trace of fierceness flashed in Mu En's eyes, and the veins in his raised hands suddenly jumped. With a sharp cold light, he suddenly slashed down!

Blood spurts.

the banshee hissed.

Under the sharp Elizabeth, the banshee's tail was cut off directly!

The banshee, who was still looking playful, suddenly turned ferocious. Under the severe pain, she naturally fought back at all costs.

But Mu En had already used the huge force from her tail to fly backwards, and instead avoided the banshee's crazy counterattack.

"Ahem, how's it going? Do you feel good?"

Mu En stood up like a carp, coughing out blood with minced meat, with the same sarcastic smile on his face.

The red flames in his eyes flashed away. The King of Blight's flames were already repairing his body. This kind of injury that could kill ordinary people was nothing to him.

In contrast, a broken tail was nothing to the banshee, but at this moment she was so angry that she almost exploded.

She had pushed herself to such a great level and had arranged all kinds of means, but in the end she had her tail cut off by Mu En when they met her. How could she endure this humiliation?

"Kill you, I'm going to kill you, no, I'm not only going to kill you, I'm going to make you suffer the most terrible pain in the world!"

The tail end of the banshee squirmed, and she was obviously recovering quickly, but her anger made it difficult for her to wait for her tail to recover, so she fired electricity directly towards Mu En.

"Exactly, that's what I want to say."

Mu En smiled and once again concentrated on getting rid of distracting thoughts.

After a short duel, Mu En was once again convinced that he had no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation unless he directly used the flames of the King of Blight.

However, the fluctuations of the silent mechanism battle in the distance are still heard from time to time, and they are getting closer and closer. The alchemical field can cover up the breath, allowing you to use the recovery ability of the flame, but if you want to use it to burn the banshee, it is simply in the dark night. Erecting a lighthouse inside is no different than calling the Silent Man to come and hack him to death.

Therefore, this battle will ultimately involve real dagger contact. This was something Mu En had guessed from the beginning, so she had no hesitation when using those props before.

But even if it's a close fight, there's still a way.

If head-on confrontation doesn't work, then use your best field to crush your opponents!

It just so happened that the Banshee's layers of calculations had exposed her biggest flaw, which was her obvious lack of experience in fighting people head-on.

Otherwise, if it had been the maid assassin and the adventurer who often fought in Mu En's Black Book, they would definitely not have made such a mistake.

What's more, after being tortured and killed countless times by the two records in the black book, what Mu En lacks most is the experience of life and death!

138. The Weeping Snake (5)

The blades of the swords are in contact with each other, like shadows and shapes.

In the deep night, two figures intertwined with each other, and the weapons with slightly similar shapes danced smoothly and flawlessly. In a short period of time, the heavy rain could not fall on their bodies.

Except for the strange reason that there was no sound during the battle, no matter who looked at it, this was an extremely fierce and exciting battle that was difficult to distinguish.

But the more the banshee fought, the more she felt something was wrong.

Extremely intense? Hard to tell?

Should this be used to describe a battle between a third-order peak person and a late second-order person?

Are you sure you won't make others laugh if you tell me?

Looking at Moon Campbell's handsome face that showed no fear in the fierce battle, but instead gradually became fanatical and ferocious, the banshee's face gradually turned gloomy.

What a joke.

Realm, strength, power, no matter how you calculate it, you must have the upper hand.

The only thing the opponent can do is that he doesn't know what moves to use, and his speed suddenly increases several times.

However, the gap between the peak of the third level and the second level is so big. Even if your speed increases several times in a short period of time, it will only be slightly ahead of her. It is not enough to make up for the gap in strength, but it is just this slight pressure. The word '' gave her a huge headache.

The banshee felt like she was fighting a loach again.

Or a loach that seems to be able to completely see through her moves!

The man in front of him appeared to be extremely slippery in this battle. He was not greedy for the sword at all. As if he had predicted it, he nimbly dodged his own moves, and then he scratched his body a few times and continued to dodge.

Why were the two of them silent for most of the day?

Because their weapons didn't collide at all!

But after only a minute or two of fighting, the Banshee already had dozens of wounds on her body. Although these wounds were not deep, the burning pain due to Elizabeth's characteristics had already made the Banshee almost go crazy.

Evil believers are indeed tenacious, but the banshee knows that she is not immortal, but if this continues, she will have to be consumed alive!

"Why? Why can't I hit you!"

The banshee screamed, and a moonlight-like cold blue light suddenly bloomed on the scimitar. Mu En's heart tightened, and she quickly pulled away to avoid it.

The cold light cut a huge crack in the open space, which was powerful enough to shatter Mu En into pieces ten times.

But no matter how powerful the attack is, it is completely useless as long as it misses.

On the contrary, the banshee mobilized too much power and was unable to expel the remaining holy light in her body. Many wounds opened again and she became a bloody man.

"It seems that Miss Banshee is no longer as confident as she was just now."

Mu En wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned.

"Do you have a magic eye?"

"How can I have something as rare as a magic eye?"

"Can you predict the future?"

"The future is uncertain and unpredictable, and for me, an ordinary son of a duke, it is naturally impossible."

"Then why can you avoid my attack?"

The banshee was no longer as at ease as before, her eyes were full of hostility and ferocity, and she asked sternly: "Not only that, you have clearly predicted my attacks several times!"

"It's just a small trick worth mentioning."

Mu En smiled nonchalantly, and used this short time to quickly crush the magic crystal in his hand to restore the almost dry magic power.

Being able to suppress the banshee at a larger stage certainly does not rely on small means.

What I rely on most is ten times the time of the Eternal Clock.

When one's own time is extended, it is not only one's own speed that is accelerated, but also one's own thinking.

This gives Mu En more time to react and figure out the opponent's moves during the battle.

And it just so happened that the banshee couldn't learn anything well, but she wanted to imitate some science and education movies from some island countries, like fighting naked.

This allowed every movement of her muscles and every gathering of strength to be clearly seen in Mu En's eyes.

This creates the effect of predicting the future in the eyes of the banshee.

As mentioned before, the banshee's front-on combat experience has obvious shortcomings. Otherwise, if it were another third-level peak powerhouse, Mu En would not be able to gain an advantage through this trick.

For example, the adventurer in the black book records also fought naked, but Mu En never dared to judge his moves through the operation of his muscles, because for a truly strong man, the subtle movements of the body are all important. It may be a trap used to lure enemies into falling for it.

"I underestimated you, Moon Campbell."

The banshee suddenly took a deep breath, her eyes were still gloomy, but her expression gradually calmed down.

"Sometimes I wonder, are you really the pampered son of a duke? With this ruthlessness, experience, and calmness, it is no exaggeration to say that you grew up in a sea of ​​blood from a mountain of corpses."

"Haha, people often ask me this, but I think maybe some people are gifted and born that way."

Mu En smiled and said a few words casually.

But my heart gradually became anxious.

Because looking at the banshee like this...

"Originally, time was on my side, but now it seems that I can't delay it any longer, otherwise I will be scratched to death by you."

The banshee opened her arms, her hair was dancing wildly, and a strange light suddenly bloomed in her eyes.


Mu En also took a deep breath, and her muscles couldn't help but tighten.

Next, she must give full play to her advantages and use her third-level peak cultivation to unleash martial arts...


The banshee's voice was cold and eloquent.

But as these two words fell, everything seemed to become quiet, and not even the slightest sound of rain could be heard.

It was as if the whole world was waiting for her next words.

"[The great lord of the dark night, the god of lightlessness, the silent moon who controls all shadows and death in the world——]"

"[Please respond to the call of your humble servant and show your mighty power here.]"

Not martial arts, but... prayer?

At this moment, seeing the succulent red lips spitting softly, Mu En gritted her teeth and couldn't help but curse in her heart.

Damn it, can’t we afford this?

Without even trying out a few martial arts, just drag the evil god out?

There is no martial ethics at all. Is this even justified?

The third level is fighting the second level, and you still don't hesitate to call in foreign aid? How shameless!

But Mu En could no longer stop the banshee from praying at this moment. She could only watch as the banshee cast a teasing look at him, and then poured out the following eulogy clearly, word by word.

Because, Mu En already felt that she was completely unable to move.

The cold moonlight was falling, and the beauty was breathtaking, but Mu En could not feel the slightest bit of beauty, only the endless coldness, freezing his body.

Under the moonlight, Mu En's shadow was stretched very long, and then, his shadow actually moved on its own, as if it had turned into countless tentacles, wrapping around his body and pulling him to the ground.

There was a noise in my ears, as if there were countless venomous snakes, spitting snake messages around them.

The huge pressure made him feel like he was in a cold and silent deep sea, and his blood had difficulty flowing.

Forced to lie on the ground and let the heavy rain splash on his face, Mu En silently looked at the strange blue moon above the sky that cast an indifferent gaze.

Suddenly, he grinned, stretched out his barely movable middle finger, and spoke the quintessence of the Chinese nation to the aloof god.


139. The Weeping Snake (6)

Under the clear moonlight, Mu En's extended middle finger looked particularly ostentatious.

It's a pity that Silent Moon doesn't care about Mu En's rudeness at all, nor does he think deeply about the meaning of Mu En's actions and words. In fact, the banshee's prayer to pay the price in advance only made him cast his gaze for a moment. That’s all.

Silent Moon quickly moved his sight away. The blue moon in the sky was still charming, but it had lost its trembling aura.

However, the restraints imposed on Mu En were still not lifted.

After all, he was an evil god. Just a moment of gaze was enough to make Mu En, a small second-level warrior, doomed.

"Hehe, it seems that our classmate Mu En has finally become obedient."

The banshee swayed her snake tail and came slowly. She bent her waist and sat directly on Mu En's chest.

"What, can you still say those big words just now?"

"I didn't say big words, but you..."

Mu En stared at the banshee and suddenly laughed:

"I was so scared that she called the moon over directly. It was indeed a bit beyond my expectation."

"Facing an enemy like classmate Mu En who has endless trump cards, it is not too cautious."

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