The succubus smiled seductively, her eyes swept over Mu En's face, and a trace of doubt flashed across her face.

"Look at classmate Mu En, you don't look scared at all?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

"You're going to die."

"Really? How are you going to kill me."

"How to kill you, let me think about it..."

The banshee really thought seriously for a while.

Then her eyes suddenly dropped.

"It looks very sweet. It's a pity that Anna Kaberlin didn't eat it."

The banshee's eyes flashed slightly.

At this moment, the jealousy that she had hidden deep emerged again.

My heart suddenly became restless.

She leaned down, tore open Mu En's clothes, and gently brushed her fingers on his chest.

"Since there is no way to replace Anna Kablin and become the noble heir of God, then it is not a bad idea to replace her and complete her unfinished business."

The banshee stretched out the tip of her forked tongue, licked her red lips, looked down at Mu En's eyes, and said with a giggle:

"Moon Campbell, I'm going to... eat your heart."

" heart?"

Mu En murmured softly.

His eyes were a little straight, as if he was stupid.

The banshee thought it was him who finally knew what he was afraid of, so she smiled even more happily.

But Mu En was not afraid. He just looked past the banshee and looked at the sky, the clouds, the moon, and the pouring rain...

His eyes gradually moved downwards and landed on the banshee.

At this time, raindrops dripped into his eyes, making everything in the world blurry.

In his ears, noisy sounds were still echoing, and at the end of his nose was the bloody aura from the banshee and himself. The banshee was sitting on his chest, and in the blur, her slender waist was particularly enchanting.

A composition full of death appeared before Mu En's eyes, so familiar.

This is... a precognitive dream.

"Ha...haha, that's it, that's it!"

Mu En suddenly laughed heartily:

"It turns out to be here!"

"why are you laughing."

The succubus frowned in confusion.

What's so funny about death being imminent.

"I'm happy."

"What's there to be happy about?"

"The worst case scenario didn't happen. Of course I'm happy. I'll be happy even if I die."

Mu En's eyes were brighter than ever before, and her expression was full of excitement without any false pretense.

This is natural, because what Mu En is most afraid of is that the figure in the precognitive dream... is the senior sister.

It's not that he is afraid that he will really die at the hands of his senior sister, but that he is afraid that his senior sister will really eat his heart and be contaminated by this filth.

Now it seems that none of that will happen.

The person who foresees dreams is a succubus.

Although he was still in a desperate situation as if he had foreseen the scene in his dream, and his heart would be dug out and eaten by the banshee the next moment, Mu En still felt sincerely happy.

However, this sincere joy is a bit unusual in the eyes of the banshee.

Do normal people laugh before they die?

"Are you crazy?"

The succubus narrowed her eyes.

As a believer in the Silent Moon, she naturally has spiritual abilities, and Hint is one of them.

So with just a slight perception, she knew that Mu En was not crazy.

He's not crazy...why is he behaving in such a strange way?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, especially when it comes to the son of a duke who has endless trump cards!

And...he just said, it's not the worst ending...

The banshee stood up suddenly and looked around carefully.

The neighborhood shrouded in darkness was filled with silence. At this moment, even the fight between the Silent Ones and the Moon Beasts in the distance had temporarily stopped.

But this tranquility made the banshee more and more uneasy. She was always vigilant and had to make preparations for everything, but at this moment, she felt that the situation was suddenly out of her control.

She looked down at Mu En and asked sharply: "What other trump cards do you have?!"

"True card?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course I have a trump card, but do you think I will tell you?"

Not a lie.

The banshee immediately recognized that what Mu En said was not a lie.

"Foreign aid? Props? Or... is there an ambush?"

Mu En was trapped in place by Yue Yue herself, unable to move, and even less likely to break free. In other words... his trump card came from outside!

The banshee felt more and more that there was something hidden in the shadows of the streets, or that something was approaching!

"No, I won't let you succeed!"

The banshee's eyes suddenly darkened. She looked at Mu En and sneered:

"Who do you think I am? I have already made preparations. I will never let anyone disturb my meal!"

As she spoke, she suddenly spat out a small round ball and threw it to the ground casually.

In an instant, thick black mist spread out from it and gradually turned into a semicircular fog cover, covering an area of ​​ten meters in radius.

"This is……"

"This is a tool given to me by the Moon himself, a place of absolute isolation evolved from part of His authority, the Dark Moon Fog!"

The banshee said enthusiastically, "The dark fog will cover up all auras and seal off all perceptions. Those who trespass will also be lost in the fog, turning this area into a dead place where no one can enter!"

"Cover all auras? Close all perceptions?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly looked a little weird, "I would like to ask, does everything you mentioned... also include the power of gods?"


The banshee sneered, "Even if a few gods' favored ones are fighting here, the outside world won't notice at all, so you can stop asking for help."

"That's it."

Mu En's expression became even weirder, and after a moment, he suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Miss Banshee, I used to think you were a complete bad guy, but now I realize I was wrong."


"Originally, I thought about risking everything and exposing myself, but you didn't hesitate to take out such a precious treasure from the bottom of the box to prevent me from exposing myself. This true feeling really moved me." If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't move. , Mu En wanted to wipe away tears of emotion at this moment.

The succubus became more and more confused.

But at this moment, the uneasiness in her heart did not subside at all, but became stronger.

I have closed myself off internally and externally, why do I still feel this way?

"do not care!"

Banshee Yin Ya was in a hurry and decided to kill Mu En first.

But just as her hand was reaching for Mu En's heart...

The sun has risen.

140. The Weeping Snake (7)

Like a sun rising.

The blazing red flames, carrying endless heat and destructive aura, suddenly burst out from Mu En's body.

Deep in his skin, the strange fingerprint marks ignited again, like hot lava.

The rainwater flowing on the ground was evaporated in an instant, and the dark moon fog covering the place surged violently as if it had encountered a natural enemy.


The banshee subconsciously widened her eyes, her mind still unable to recover from this sudden change. Her charming face actually looked a little pale and delicate under the bright light.

At this time, a big hand broke free from the shackles of the shadow, reached out from the red flames, and grabbed her neck.

"It's very kind of you to be so cautious, Miss Banshee."

Mu En raised her head, stared at the banshee, and said sarcastically:

"No, I should say you are timid. After all the calculations, you ended up doing me a big favor. Are you happy?"

"Why...the flames of the Blight King? Moon Campbell—you?"

As a believer in the moon, Banshee immediately recognized the aura that sounded like a deadly enemy, but the more she learned about the origin of this power, the more unbelievable she became.

Moon Campbell... is actually an evil believer?

This Duke's son, who has a great reputation and has been a top-notch master since birth, is actually a follower of the King of Blight?

"Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in that big eye. This is just a transaction of extremely equal value."

Seeing through the Banshee's thoughts at a glance, Mu En showed an evil smile.

Looking at it this way, it looks more like the villain Huang Mao, bullying an innocent girl.


The banshee was stunned, and she subconsciously looked into Mu En's eyes.

At this moment, those eyes are no longer as deep and light blue as lakes, but as red as flames. In the center of the red, several vortexes like black holes are slowly rotating. Around those black holes, Layers of corona-like ripples are scattered, like thousands of intersecting rays of light, revealing the ultimate majesty.

Just by being stared at by those eyes, the banshee felt like her soul was on fire. The extreme pain even made her forget that she was being grabbed by the neck in humiliation like a chicken, and her body was shaking unconsciously. stand up.

And this almost crushing level gap finally made her realize that the power in Mu En was fundamentally different from her own.

Also from the evil god.

It is also the power obtained by trading something with the evil god.

But what Mu En has in her body is not like hers. It is a low-level power like mercy and charity obtained by dedicating everything with countless faiths and prayers.

But - God's favor!

It is a partial manifestation of the authority of the gods, and represents the walking on the ground of the gods themselves. It is like living water, endless, and the power of endless laws.

Judging from her strength, she crushed her, the priest who claims to be closest to the moon, by several levels.


Will evil gods also favor ordinary humans?

This kind of thing is unheard of in the history of mankind!

The succubus couldn't understand.

But she understood that if she continued like this, she would die.

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