"No! I can't die like this! I can't!"

The banshee suddenly struggled fiercely. She didn't know where she got the strength from, but she actually got rid of Mu En's grip, twisting, crawling, and escaping from Mu En.

"No, I haven't got the eternal life promised by the great moon yet, how can I die!"

The banshee crawled on the ground, completely ignoring the tiny red flames that had drilled into the scales of her body and began to burn her flesh and blood wantonly.

With a wow, the banshee suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood.

She lowered her head blankly and looked at herself reflected in the pool of blood.

That charming face had already been as pale as paper, and the messy hair was stained on her forehead by sweat, looking extremely embarrassed.

But what was even more terrifying was her eyes, the pair of snake pupils that could bring endless fear to people, but at this moment they were no longer cold, because the star-pointed firelight gradually lit up in her pupils, like a firefly flickering in the summer night.

Not beautiful at all, but with an unspeakable sense of extinction.

The flames were already beginning to burn her soul.

"No... No!"

Feeling the burning pain from her soul, the banshee raised her head in horror, looked up at the sky that had been covered by the black mist, and prayed devoutly.

"Moon, great moon, please save me, please give me enough strength..."

"I am your most loyal believer, I am willing to give everything for you, please save me..."

"Soul, I can also give my soul, as long as you can save me, my soul can also be sacrificed to you..."

The banshee widened her eyes in anticipation and prayed continuously.

She knew that the dark mist from the moon could not cover the moon's own sight, so as long as the moon cast its sight again, all problems would no longer be problems.

Even if Muen Campbell had the favor of the King of Withering, how could it be compared to the gods taking action personally?

So, as long as the moon can cast its gaze over here for a moment, just a moment, I can...

"It seems that you have been abandoned."

Mu En didn't know when he came to the side of the banshee, and looked at her embarrassed face leisurely.

"That moon is as timid as you, and it can't save itself at the moment, how could it save you?"


The banshee roared in anger,

"I am the sacrifice under the moon's seat, I am His most devout believer, and I was promised eternal life by Him. How could the moon abandon me, how could it--"

Before she finished her voice, the banshee's roar stopped abruptly.

She suddenly felt cold.

Incomparably cold.

It was as if something was being gradually pulled out of her body.

"This is..."

The banshee trembled and lowered her head, looking at herself.

Her enchanting and round body seemed to have lost all its moisture, becoming dry and ugly little by little. Her fair skin also began to fester at a speed visible to the naked eye, emitting a pungent stench.

The moon is taking back her power.

She had given up all her internal organs and survived by relying on the power of the evil god. After the moon took back her power, she would inevitably die.

"No... why... I..."

The banshee was extremely frightened. She raised her head again, but this time, no matter what she did, she could not find the bright moon in the sky covered by dark fog.

The moon really abandoned her.

Abandoned... so thoroughly.

"I hate... I hate it!"

Her faith completely collapsed, and tears of blood suddenly flowed from the corners of the banshee's eyes.

The more devout her belief in the moon before, the stronger her hatred was at this moment.

But, if hatred was useful, she would have been drowned by the countless wronged souls who died in her hands.

Therefore, the banshee could only watch herself rot little by little in the pain and torture of thousands of insects, and go to the end of nothing with her soul.

Born in the moon, die in the moon.

This is the most painful way to die that Mu En gave her.

141. The Weeping Snake (VIII)

"I'm in position."

In the outer area of ​​the altar carefully built by the evil believers, a thin figure was hiding in the shadows at the top of the tower, peeping at everything happening on the altar.

The Silent One, Jin Ze.

After receiving the order from the old man, he did not participate in the general attack on the evil believers tonight, but used a special ancient relic to shield his breath, passed through the layers of blockades by the evil believers and the moon beasts, and came to this core area alone.

He had only one mission, which was to kill the key figure Anna Kaberlin at the critical moment.

He thought it was a very easy task, because he had read all the information about Anna Kaberlin, understood her fighting style and strength, and with his own strength and the props he was carrying at the moment, even if Anna Kaberlin was ten times stronger, it would be easy to kill her.

But at this moment, Jin Ze's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he couldn't help but feel a little dry in the mouth.

Since he became a Silencer, he had faced countless evil gods or strange things created by evil believers, but he had never been as nervous as he was now.

Because in front of him, through a small special magic telescope, he saw a beautiful picture.

Under the blue moonlight, a girl with a snake tail was floating quietly, and her purple skirt fluttered, making her look like a mermaid sleeping soundly in the deep sea.

But at this moment, Jin Ze had no intention of appreciating beauty. Through this special telescope, he could clearly see wisps of light mist that was much deeper than the moonlight, like mist, suddenly appearing from the void and slowly sinking into the girl's body.

As the light mist sank into the girl, the girl's breath began to gradually become very terrifying.

And that kind of terror did not come from the improvement of realm. In fact, at this distance, no matter how powerful Jin Ze was, he could not feel how high the girl's realm was.

——It was more like the girl was experiencing an extreme sublimation of her life level, just like an ant insect was about to evolve into a flying bird in the sky, looking down on them, who were also ants.

"Damn it!"

Jin Ze, who always remained calm in the face of things, could not help but find it difficult to control his emotions and cursed.

As a senior executive of the Silent Agency and the most capable subordinate of the Sword Holder, how could he not see what the Silent Moon was doing at this moment.

He was actually going to use Anna Kaberlin as a vessel to come to the world!

"Is this the specialness of Anna Kaberlin? The reason why the evil believers are willing to attack the Silent Agency branch to get her? A perfect adaptor of the power of the evil god?"

"But even if the evil god creates a perfect container, it is impossible for him to descend completely. The main body of the god cannot pass through the world barrier. This is an absolute rule!"

"If only part of it descends, what's the use except weakening the power of his main body? The war of gods is about to begin. Isn't he looking for death?"

"Unless... he is not a god?"

A funny idea suddenly took shape in Jinze's mind, making him laugh out loud in such a serious occasion.

The main body of the god cannot pass through the world barrier, but the will, authority and power of the god can penetrate.

Therefore, according to logic, descending by not being a god makes sense to a certain extent.

But how is that possible? How can an evil god give up his body, give up his position, and lower himself to become a lowly and humble microorganism in the lower world that he despises?

For such a thing, even a three-year-old child would laugh at you for being whimsical and daydreaming.


No matter how low the possibility of such a fantasy is, as a qualified Silencer, he must prepare for the worst at this moment.

Jinze silently took out the silver briefcase that the old man had given him before.

After a complicated authentication process, the complex blockade matrix engraved on the box was finally released. Jinze took a deep breath and solemnly opened the box.

In the box, an arrow that looked like a crystal sculpture appeared in his sight.

The tip of the arrow was crystal clear, like a shining ruby, but the terrifying power that made Jinze's breathing stagnate was sealed in the ruby.

The Stone of Origin.

Jinze remembered the name of this ruby ​​in his mind.

This was a terrifying killing weapon made by the great magician who could not leave the academy. It was the only thing she helped in the war between Belrand and the evil god.

The only remaining origin-level great magician in the world sealed his full-strength attack, engraved the miracle called "must kill" on the gem, and then forged this "theoretically" death arrow that can kill anyone.

No matter what the moon is thinking, as long as the container he relies on disappears, everything will be out of the question.


Loading the arrows on the specially made long-range sniper crossbow, Jinze slowly aimed at the mermaid-like figure.

Through the scope, Jinze could see the fear and struggle between the girl's eyebrows, which looked pitiful, but he took a deep breath and quickly calmed his emotions.

The hand that was originally trembling slightly, at this moment, was as steady as steel.

"Heavy rain, no wind, and low visibility."

"The other party has not found my trace yet."

"The magic element is relatively stable and the observation is clear."

"There is no obstacle in the aiming direction, you can shoot."

"Please give orders."

After a series of preparations were completed, Jinze reported to the specially made small sound transmission stone in his ear.


But for a long time, there was still only a rustling noise in the small sound transmission stone.

The old man who had the final decision-making power opposite the sound transmission stone was still silent.

"Please give the order."

Jin Ze urged.

In front of him, the moon seemed to have noticed something, and gradually a thick black fog spread out, from bottom to top, slowly covering the entire altar.

That was... the dark moon fog that isolated everything.

Jin Ze couldn't help but breathe faster again. Although the origin stone was terrifying, it also needed to be hit to have an effect. If the dark moon fog covered the altar, then he could only watch the Silent Moon complete His plan.

"Please give the order!"

This time, Jin Ze was almost yelling.


Finally, the old voice came from the sound transmission stone.

"Jin Ze, tell me, which is more important, one person or millions of people?"

"Nonsense! Of course millions of people!"

In his urgency, Jin Ze didn't pay attention to his rudeness at all.

"Please give the order quickly. The Dark Moon Mist has covered one-fifth... one-third... half... and will soon block my shooting angle!"

"Is that so?"

Countless thoughts were mixed, and they could only turn into the old man's helpless bitter smile.

"That's right, maybe I'm just thinking too much... If that's the case, then..."


The old man was about to give an order, but was interrupted by Jin Ze's surprise.

"What happened?"

"How is it possible?"

Jin Ze exclaimed in disbelief,

"That person... That person is Muen Campbell, right? How did he appear here?"

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