Outside the altar, the blood pool suddenly started rolling.

One after another, skinny corpses crawled out of the blood pool, carrying endless hatred and pain, blocking Mu En's body.

"That's it..."

Mu En lowered her eyes and said nothing more.

There was no show of anger at this obvious contempt.

He just silently held Elizabeth tightly, and then... took the initiative to rush towards the raging tide of corpses!

Maybe he is just a bug in the eyes of Silent Moon.

But this aloof god probably doesn’t know.

Even bug bites hurt!

143. The Weeping Snake (10) two in one

The tide of corpses surged.

These corpses, which were originally thrown into the blood pool as sacrifices to the evil gods, still failed to get the promised rest after being drained of their essence and blood. Their last value was also drained, and the withered corpses were buried in the Silent Moon. With his will, he turned into a living corpse wandering on the edge of life and death, and launched a fearless charge towards Mu En.

Very weak.

This was Mu En's first thought when she came into contact with these living zombies. They were like zombies in TV works from previous lives. They moved slowly, were weak, and had no rules.

The only thing that can cause trouble is the terrifying number... and the wails.

"help me……"

"help me……"

"Please...save me..."

Under the evil spirit of the evil god, they still retained a trace of consciousness. Amidst the endless pain and torture, their faces were hideous, blood and tears flowed, and they instinctively sought the salvation of the only living person here.

"I will... set you free."

Mu En sighed in pity, and then...cut off the head of the living corpse blocking him.

With this kind of living corpse that even ordinary people might have a chance to escape, it was natural that it could not stop Mu En. He took the initiative to rush into the place where the corpse tide was the most turbulent. The sword light was dazzling, the cold light flickered, and countless heads gradually flew up. .

Under the erosion of the holy light released by Elizabeth, even the power of the evil god could no longer restore the living corpse that had been decapitated, thus leading to the true end.

Mu En moved forward step by step, getting closer and closer to the altar.

No matter how many living corpses there are, they are not endless after all.

Under Mu En's increasingly fierce sword skills, they gradually fell down like wheat.

But, suddenly, Mu En felt a bit of pressure.

The living corpse in front of him seemed to have suddenly become several times stronger. When it rushed over, Mu En's blade couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Mu En was stunned. He looked at the body of the living corpse in surprise.

Under the wrinkled skin like tree bark, several human faces stood out in extremely painful shapes, wailing silently.

Mu En was startled and looked around.

At this time, he discovered that among the living corpses whose heads he had chopped off, a spiritual light suddenly flashed, and then they were forcefully stuffed into the living corpses that were still standing by invisible force.

That is……


Most of the essence was taken away by the evil god, leaving only the residue of the soul.

The living corpses purified by the Holy Light cannot be used, but these souls can still be recycled by the evil god.

So all the extra souls were stuffed into the bodies of the few living corpses, turning into disgusting monsters with dozens of souls wailing together in the same body.

...It’s really environmentally friendly and economical.

Mu En laughed angrily and asked to the moon:

"Do you want me to teach you how to say 'how dare you?'"

Of course the moon will not respond.

Mu En pressed the anger against Silent Moon into the blade, and used Shadow Step and Thunder alternately, having unknowingly reached the highest level in constant combat.

At the same time, the alchemy core behind it became hot again.

Time is delayed, ten times!

Everything in the field of vision slowed down, and Mu En did not hesitate to kill the living corpses that had gradually deformed into monsters one by one.

The number of living corpses is getting smaller and smaller, but Mu En's pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

With the accumulation of soul residue, the remaining living corpses may no longer be called living corpses. Their deformed bodies have made it impossible to see their true colors. The pain that has not been redeemed for a long time has turned into bone-breaking pain. of hatred!

They roared and rushed towards Mu En, waving their twisted limbs and easily denting the bluestone ground.

The realm of every monster has been forcibly pushed to the third level. Faced with the siege of these monsters, even the most prosperous banshee will be filled with hatred.

Not to mention, Mu En had already felt very tired from the continuous fighting, and facing this kind of monster that seemed to come from hell made him unable to help but have the urge to escape.


Through the gap between the monsters, his eyes fell on the girl under the moonlight, with a slightly frowning brow.

Senior sister, are you having a nightmare?


At this moment, a long voice sounded in Mu En's ears.

It's like a beating heartbeat, or like...a bell!

ten times.

Twenty times.

Thirty times.

The alchemy core carved by the great mage Meladomir was once again operating at maximum power, frantically squeezing every ounce of magic power in Mu En's body.


...Sixty times!

Mu En seemed to have forgotten Teacher Meira's instructions and directly delayed time, pushing it to the limit that he could use at the moment.


In the scene where everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, he kept urging his body.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Just a moment.

The monsters' movements suddenly stopped.

They lowered their heads, and a trace of confusion emerged in their chaotic consciousness.

A knife mark appeared on the monster's body.

The second one.

The third one.


Countless ones.

It was as if hundreds of knives were cut on the monster's body at the same time. The bright knife light gathered, and the people who stabbed could not open their eyes. The majestic holy light poured in, and the deformed monsters did not even have time to wail before they came to an end.

Mu En appeared behind the monsters at some point, and finally... stepped on the edge of the altar.

Blood dripped in the air.

But it was not the monster's blood, but Mu En's blood.

As Teacher Meila warned, forcing full speed in the high-multiple time delay easily broke through the limit of the flesh.

But this breakthrough was not beneficial.

So when Mu En stopped, a large amount of blood gushed out from his pores and cracked skin, turning into a small blood rain.

But this time, Mu En did not fall down.

He stood on the edge of the altar, shook his body, and a fire light appeared in his eyes, constantly repairing the injuries in his body.

Then, he stepped forward, towards the girl, firmly and powerfully, and took a step.


The invisible pressure crushed down instantly, and the biting cold made Mu En feel like he was in the deep sea ten thousand meters below.

The moon high above finally lowered its indifferent gaze!

That terrifying sight made people feel their own insignificance, and couldn't help but feel the intention of kneeling down.

Hehe, or... can't hold it back?

Mu En's mouth corners were difficult to outline.

Without any hesitation, he took another step.


Mu En heard the sound of his bones breaking.

The huge pressure, like an endless black tide, submerged him and made it difficult for him to move forward.

Even standing was difficult, and he was forced to crouch down.

Under his feet, the shadow under the moonlight seemed to come alive, entangled up, like the tentacles of a demon, as if to devour him completely.

Mu En gritted his teeth.


The red flame spread, burning the shadow to ashes.

But... that was all.

The red flame, which was always invincible, was now trapped by an invisible force beside Mu En, like a candle swaying in the wind, so fragile that it would go out at any time.

This was the reason why Mu En did not use the red flame to clear the field against the miscellaneous soldiers just now. Within the range of the moonlight, the red flame would be naturally suppressed, and it would even be difficult to overflow from the body surface.

But even so, Mu En still... continued to move forward.

One more step.

Spider-web-like cracks appeared on the soles of his feet in an instant, and the sound of bones breaking and being repaired by the red flame was endless.

The intense pain made Mu En sweat coldly. In this pressure like a mountain, he had to grit his teeth to prevent himself from letting out this breath.

Mu En seemed to hear the faint sneer in his ears again.

- Even if you get rid of those lowly ants and insects, you are still a bug.

Mu En could clearly feel the disdain and sarcasm in that cold gaze. Even though he was only a few meters away from the senior sister, Silent Moon did not kill him directly, but exerted pressure bit by bit, watching him slowly die in pain and despair.

Perhaps in terms of the evil god's evil taste, Silent Moon might still spare Mu En's life, letting him watch with his own eyes as Anna became the vessel of His coming step by step.

This is the gap between man and God, which cannot be crossed.

You can even become a toy in His hands to kill boredom.


But the senior sister is right in front of me, how can I give up?

Mu En staggered, ready to continue forward, overestimating the natural chasm that was sent down by the gods themselves.



But at this moment, Mu En heard a familiar sigh.

Black Book.

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