Mu En's almost cloudy eyes lit up, he coughed out a mouthful of blood, and his consciousness sank into his body.

"As expected, you still can't sit still."

【I can't help you with anything. 】

The black book flipped, and these words quickly appeared on the pages.

Mu En Wei Zheng, then you suddenly appeared...


The pages continued to turn.

[scold him]

"Ha, scold Him?"

Mu En was stunned. From this word, he knew that the so-called "him" must refer to the Silent Moon.

But if you scold Him in this situation, is it because you don’t want to die quickly enough?

Or let me die quickly?

"I just scolded him, but it seems to be of no use." Mu En remembered her bad mouth before.

[Not just scolding]

The black book flipped.

【To anger Him】


Mu En's mind moved.

Although I don’t know the purpose of the black book, but...

"I'm very good at this."

Mu En suddenly stopped moving forward.

Under the increasingly suffocating pressure of the moon, he changed into a comfortable position and crawled on the ground, then turned over with difficulty.

Staring directly at the huge blue moon that almost filled the entire field of vision.

The moonlight is falling like a veil, and I have to say, it is really beautiful.

It was also the first time that Mu En looked at this famous evil god so carefully.

From the appearance point of view, it is no different from the ordinary moon, except that it is a little bigger and bluer.

But Mu En knew that this was not His true appearance, and even this bright moon was probably just a projection of Him coming here.

But just such a projection forced Mu En to use all his methods and almost fell into despair.

"Speaking of which, every time I go around, I have to face you damn evil gods in person."

Mu En smiled.

"So, can you go and die, you bastard evil god."

"Don't you dare? A coward?"

"Haha, that believer has been silent from beginning to end. He is obviously accumulating strength. But because you are afraid of the divine war, you not only throw projections everywhere, but you even give up your divine body and position and rely on descending to escape. That one, others say that the God of Love is a disgrace to the evil god, but I think you are even more embarrassed."

"You are so timid. Wouldn't it be better to hide in your mother's arms and drink milk?"


The moonlight was cold and motionless.

Only the gradually increasing pressure made Mu En's face slightly distorted.

"It seems like this won't work."

He is an evil god after all.

To Him, these words of his are probably no more than the whispers of ants, and he won't care at all.

You have to step up your game.


The world suddenly became quiet, and only Mu En's solemn prayer could be heard.

"[I offer my secret to the great Silent Moon in exchange for a moment of listening.]

Mu En could feel the cold gaze falling on him become more solid, as if the evil god was really interested in Mu En's strange prayer and was listening.

Seeing this, the corners of Mu En's mouth suddenly curved into a crazy arc.

This is really risking your life.

No, from the moment I stepped here, I was risking my life.

In this case, what is there to be afraid of?

"My secret is..."

Mu En stared at the moon and said slowly, word by word:

“The source that allowed the King of Blight to launch a desperate attack on Silent Moon, and the culprit that allowed the King of Blight to know the weakness of Silent Moon…

——That’s me. "

In an instant.

Blue Moon Shock!

Mu En's eyes suddenly stung.

On that huge bright moon, an overwhelming black tide suddenly spread out and quickly covered the entire moon.

Then, in the black tide, countless scarlet pupils suddenly opened and cast vicious glances at Mu En.

As an evil god, Silent Moon can naturally tell the authenticity of Mu En's words.


how dare you? !

You ant, how dare you? ! !

The death warning in Mu En's mind buzzed like a hornet's nest.

The void suddenly distorted. Different from the gentle and playful pressure just now, at this moment, a destructive blow symbolizing the endless madness and rage of an evil god suddenly descended!


The sound of pages turning was heard in Mu En's ears, and a ray of light rose up, colliding hard with the devastating blow.

It was like two water waves touching each other, without any terrible fluctuations coming out. However, like countless bubbles bursting, the space was torn apart with dark traces, and the two forces annihilated each other, eventually returning to nothingness.

The black book shook slightly, as if it had received a heavy blow. The dim light around him suddenly dimmed, then turned into a stream of light and retracted into the depths of Mu En's consciousness.


Seeing this, Mu En's mouth suddenly twitched.

"If you keep blocking, there will be no follow-up, but for Silent Moon..."

It was obviously just an ordinary blow.

Mu En didn't have time to say the next words, because the waves of destruction on the ferocious blue moon had obviously begun to gather and were about to come.

It's over.

Mu En's face turned pale. Facing an angry evil god, no matter how awesome his cheating was, there was no possibility of a comeback at this moment.

I can only wait to die...


But at this moment, in the endless silence shrouded in the moonlight, Mu En heard a crisp and soft cry.

so clear

He suddenly widened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.


No, it should be the senior's chest.

A teardrop-shaped gem that Mu En was very familiar with was slowly floating up at this moment, shining brightly.

"That is..."

The tears of true love.

At this moment, the gem called the tears of true love trembled slightly, and a series of phantoms emerged and passed in front of Mu En's eyes.

There were countless figures, vaguely wearing ancient costumes that did not belong to this era. They were looking up at something in the gradually lit firelight.

They looked up at a girl, a girl struggling painfully on the stake.

The girl's snake tail twisted, looking like a monster.

The phantom of the boy standing in the front, closest to the girl, suddenly shed tears.

He turned his head and said something to Mu En.

Mu En didn't understand his words. The words were ancient and awkward, and did not belong to any language that Mu En could understand.

The boy shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand, and pointed at Anna.

Mu En suddenly staggered, as if he was pushed by something, and instantly crossed the remaining few meters to Anna's side.

Seeing this, the boy smiled.

He suddenly looked up.

Countless phantoms also suddenly looked up.

Looking at the blue moon together, with deep hatred.


These two words appeared in Mu En's mind.

This appeared in Teacher Meila's mouth. It may be because the treatment method of snake disease was cracked, and the remote small country was destroyed by the Silent Moon.

"Is that so?"

Combined with the name of the gemstone True Love Tears, and what the senior sister said before, that the gemstone actually has the special ability to suppress snake disease, how could Mu En not react.

Two hundred years ago, the country destroyed by the evil god did not only leave behind documents on the treatment method of snake disease.

They also left behind a seed of revenge.

And at this moment, when Mu En attracted all the attention of the Silent Moon and even briefly gave up the erosion and suppression of Anna, this seed seized the opportunity and sprouted instantly.

Transformed into... a backstab from two hundred years ago!

So, countless phantoms containing hatred turned into streams of light and rushed towards the blue moon!

Silent Moon roared silently, his scarlet eyes were ferocious, but still indifferent.

What can a group of residual souls do to him?

But, I am afraid that even Silent Moon did not expect that those streams of light did not attack him.


Gathered into a barrier.

A barrier that can isolate all the power of Silent Moon.

But even this barrier that gathers the hatred of hundreds of thousands of people, under the power of the evil god, it may only last for a moment.

A moment is enough.

"I said, being bitten by a bug will hurt!"

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