Mu En laughed loudly, and as he laughed, endless flames and light burst out from his body.

The red flame that had been suppressed by the Silent Moon was no longer restrained, and it burst out from his body all at once. In this dark space without any moonlight, it was bright... like a lighthouse!

A lighthouse that can point out the direction of a certain existence in the void!

"So, it's your turn."

"The King of Withering!!!"

PS: I originally planned to write three chapters in one, but there was a sudden power outage while I was coding. Although I was lucky to find the manuscript, I didn't have time to code another chapter.

So, good night, see you tomorrow.

144. The Snake of Tears (XI)

As Mu En's roar fell, the world suddenly became quiet.

It seemed that nothing had happened.


Above that round of blue moon, in those countless scarlet and hideous pupils, a trace of extremely human fear suddenly emerged.

Of course, the moon will not be afraid of residual souls and ants.

What he feared was...


The silence was suddenly broken by the roar that sounded like the end of the world!

The infinite power from outside the world barrier, following the guidance of the lighthouse, descended here in an instant!

The void shook!

At the end of Mu En's sight, behind the blue moon, the space shattered inch by inch, forming countless dark cracks like knife cuts.

Then from the cracks, there was a scorching light rushing in.

It was like a brilliant sun rising on the other side of the space. The majesty that made people unable to look directly at it was thousands of times greater than Mu En's small lighthouse!


The void shook again.

It was like someone was using an iron fist to smash the fragile door.

More light poured into this space. Under this unspeakable light and heat, the dark moon fog that rolled like boiling water was forcibly torn into several cracks!

Relying on his adaptability to the red flame, Mu En finally opened his eyes in the endless light, and then he clearly saw that behind the crack in the space that was crushed by the majestic power, there was a huge pupil that was larger and more ferocious than the countless scarlet pupils of the Silent Moon, and it was looking at this place with excitement and passion.

It was like a long-hungry beast that finally found the delicious lamb it had coveted for a long time.

The evil god, the king of withering, is coming!

Crack, crack.

Before Mu En had time to greet this old acquaintance, he heard countless sounds like broken glass.

One after another, the skinny palms that seemed to be burned into charcoal by the fire slowly stretched out from the other end of the space crack.

Like a sea anemone that was hunting, those palms swung very regularly, gradually opening and closing, like countless tentacles, grabbing the dark blue moon.


The moon roared silently.

Countless pupils turned wildly, and the moonlight was cold and strange, blocking the approach of those skinny palms.

There was no sound, but at this moment Mu En felt as if his soul was about to be torn apart by the invisible shock wave.

Fortunately, the red flames in his body seemed to be fueled the moment the King of Withering appeared, burning more fiercely, helping him to offset most of the adverse effects.

But Mu En still grinned and gave the moon a middle finger.

"Kill him, King of Withering!"

[Hum. ]

Mu En vaguely heard a cold hum.

On those skinny and charred palms, red flames suddenly burned.

Although the flames looked no different from his own, Mu En could clearly feel that the red flames on those palms were countless times more terrifying than his own.

As the red flames burned, it was like boiling oil poured into clear water. The dark blue moonlight suddenly trembled violently, and those skinny and charred palms were getting closer and closer to the blue moon.

Without any surprise, the Withered King had an absolute upper hand.

Although this was just a projection of the Silent Moon, the Withered King was definitely not the real body.

The evil god’s real body could not descend to the mortal world. This was a decisive rule. Otherwise, Silent Night would not be forced to abandon his position and body and forcibly descend.

However, even though they were both projections, the Withered King had been constantly accumulating strength before this, and even the evil believers under him fell silent in this incident.

But Silent Moon was just the opposite. In order to find a way out, he kept making trouble and consumed an unknown amount of his own strength. How could such a person, even if he was of the same status and projection, be a match for the Withered King?

At this moment, as if to verify Mu En's idea, countless skinny hands have grabbed the blue moon itself and are constantly dragging it to the other end of the space.

Combined with the excited big eyeball on the other side of the crack, Mu En seemed to see a sturdy man, grinning and grabbing a blue-haired little loli and pulling it out.

Come on, come out and have fun with your uncle...

This picture is inexplicably a little bit raw...

Mu En twitched his mouth and suppressed this strange idea, still not daring to take it lightly.

The moon can't give up so easily.

Sure enough, in the tentacles of the King of Withering... Oh no, it was dragged by the countless skinny hands of the King of Withering, the moonlight of the Silent Moon surged, and with a sudden shock, it actually broke free from the shackles of the King of Withering for a short time.

Then, the terrifying power gathered and attacked... Mu En.

Mu En's eyes suddenly widened, and the death warning buzzed in his mind again.

He never expected that when he was about to be dragged out by the King of Wither to be literally wiped clean, the Silent Moon would not directly turn around to fight the King of Wither, but instead attack him?

What hatred and resentment!

Didn't you accidentally let the Black Book tell the King of Blight about your weaknesses, causing you to be hunted down by him?

As for?

I didn't mean it!

To blame, go find the god of love!

Mu En looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his face was pale.

But he cannot sit still and wait for death. Under the control of the King of Blight, the Silent Moon cannot unleash its divine power as unscrupulously as before. The current power is only a very small part. Therefore, if he tries his best, there may be a glimmer of hope. vitality!

Thinking of this, Mu En gritted his teeth and let the new red flames in his body burn even more fiercely.

For a moment, as long as you can resist it for a moment.

The King of Blight will definitely be able to completely seize this flaw and give Silent Moon a fatal blow!

However, just when Mu En was holding her breath and concentrating, the thin moonlight that gathered the power of the evil god, like a wisp of mist, suddenly turned a corner in mid-air.

It didn't attack Mu En, but fell towards... Anna who was on the side.

The target of Silent Moon turned out to be the senior!

Mu En's expression suddenly turned ferocious. He never expected that in such a short period of time, Silent Moon would actually learn his east-and-west attack technique and use it directly!

The murderous intent of Silent Night was so real that even the death warning had been triggered, making Mu En completely ignore this possibility.

Damn it!

Mu En turned around desperately and pounced on Anna behind him.

With the help of Aesop's shadow just now, he was right next to Anna.

But the distance of only half a meter seemed like a chasm to Mu En at this moment.

The moonlight fell, gently covering Anna, and lifted her up again.

Mu En's eyes suddenly widened, his eyes turned red, and red flames swept across him. He was actually preparing to use his flesh and blood body to take the initiative to hit the cold moonlight that contained the meaning of endless destruction.

We have already come this far, how could it be possible for you to take away my senior sister again! !

Mu En roared crazily in her heart and closed her eyes subconsciously, preparing to face the coming severe pain and even death.

However, the expected despair did not come.

In the midst of this electric light and flint, Mu En seemed to hear the sound of breaking through the sky again among countless noises.

Like a sharp weapon, tearing the air apart.


Mu En got her wish and took that delicate body that was not soft at the moment into her arms.

He looked up blankly, and then saw.

Above the huge blue moon, at the very center, there was an extremely inconspicuous... arrow.

The arrow was like a crystal cast, shining brightly under the moonlight, and was exquisitely exquisite.

But the moment it was inserted into the blue moon, tiny bloodshot lines spread out instantly with the arrow tip as the center.

Like... poisonous.

With the meaning of "must kill"... poisonous.

Under the poison, the endless cold moonlight began to gradually disintegrate!

That's...the Stone of Truth!

The countless scarlet pupils of Silent Moon suddenly turned, all looking at the crack torn open in the Dark Moon Mist by the power of the King of Blight.

Through the crack, you can see an old man with age spots, holding a crossbow in his hand, and a bright crown on his head. On the periphery of the endless mist, with the near-divine power of the wearer, the power of the sun's crown and moonlight can be penetrated. Under the influence of the enemy, shoot this arrow that is sure to hit.

"How do you feel, Moon."

The old man stared at the Silent Moon through the cracks with his cloudy eyes, and said with a smile:

"I am an old man with half a foot in the coffin. I have suppressed resentment and anger for a long time. It's enough."

145. The Weeping Snake (12)

The moonlight collapsed.

In the surging and tearing black mist, the countless scarlet pupils of Silent Moon roared ferociously, brimming with monstrous rage as they stared at the old man who raised the crossbow to shoot.


Another bug.

How dare?

How dare you bugs?

The blue moon began to oscillate crazily, and the aftermath caused the space to twist layer by layer. A blood-like color spread, and the entire bright moon turned scarlet in the blink of an eye.

But what turned the Silent Moon into scarlet was not anger, but... poison.

The death poison carefully crafted by the Origin-level Grand Mage himself is spreading rapidly on the moon wheel, constantly disintegrating the beautiful moonlight.

That is a "mortal" power that will affect even the evil god's body to a certain extent. How can it resist the erosion of this poison with just a round of projection?


The countless skinny hands of the King of Blight extended again, and this time without any hindrance, they quickly clung to the bright moon. The red flames burned, and the ferocious pupils continued to collapse in the flames.

The moon is twisted, and anyone can see the anger and madness of this aloof god at this moment.

We can also see His powerlessness.

Under the erosion of the remaining poison of death, and under the suppression and drag of the King of Blight, this evil god's projection, which was enough to turn a country into a dead place overnight, was forced to sink into the depths of nothingness bit by bit.

Only endless hatred remains.

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