What will greet him next will be the terrifying encroachment of another evil god.

Evil God, Silent Moon.

In order to avoid the divine battle with the King of Blight, in order to reverse the outcome of being devoured, he calculated everything, even to the point of abandoning his divine body and position, and with the will and authority of the evil god, he descended into the perfect snake-man with Anna Cablin as the container. body.

But in the end, the plan was shattered by the backlash of these lowly insects in His eyes.

The two projections were destroyed and all the believers were burned to the ground.

And from this starting point, the balance between the King of Blight and the Silent Moon, the two evil gods with the same status, will be completely overturned.

The so-called ending may have been determined a long time ago.

"I didn't expect that even that one would show up."

Outside the dark mist, Kanazawa had his crossbow taken away by the old man, so he could only huddle aside and watch the show with a shocked look on his face.

Although I already knew that this matter would be big, I didn't expect it to be so big.

The two evil gods rolling up their sleeves and engaging in hand-to-hand combat is truly a rare event in a century.

"It's only normal that one of them will come out. After all, this matter is actually between those two people from beginning to end. Strictly speaking, everything that happened in Belland was only affected."

The old man threw away the crossbow and took a deep breath. In an instant, he looked ten years older.

In order to make the Origin Stone hit accurately, he used all his strength for the first time in a long time, but this half-decayed body was obviously unable to hold up.

But he was still very happy.

Being able to put an arrow into the moon's face in person would be a great feeling for anyone, especially someone like him who holds a lot of resentment and hatred towards the moon.

In the past ten years, watching the girl silently fight against despair, even if he once had a heart of steel, he would inadvertently forge the steel into the sharpest blade.

"Huh? This dark mist?"

Kanazawa suddenly exclaimed.

Because the Silent Moon projection has obviously disappeared, but the Dark Moon fog still has not dissipated. Instead, the cracks torn by the King of Blight are gradually healing, isolating this place again.

"It seems that the matter is not completely over yet."

The old man sat on the ground and sighed, "However, we can't help much anymore. The cleanup work of the evil believers is almost over. Just wait here. As long as I am here, even if there is something else, It’s an accident, and it won’t cause any trouble.”


Kanazawa took the order.

But then, he didn't know what he thought of, his serious expression changed, he frowned and asked in confusion:

"Speaking of which, that one seems to have been attracted by that Moon Campbell. The power of the two evil gods just now was too confusing. I didn't see clearly the way he used it. Can you see clearly?"

"...Neither do I. The oppression of the two evil gods is too strong. Who will pay attention to that boy?"


Kanazawa sighed regretfully. Although he was wary, he didn't think much about it.

In this world, evil believers and prayers are not the only ways to attract the attention of evil gods. As the son of a Duke, it is not surprising that Moon Campbell can take out such strange props.

"But hiding items related to the evil god is also a felony. Can I arrest him later?" Kanazawa asked sternly.


The old man glanced at Kanazawa expressionlessly and said:

"You should ask Her Royal Highness the Supervisor Princess over this matter. If she is willing to turn around and not abuse her power by telling you about it, I don't care."

"Oh." Kanazawa responded and stopped talking.

Who is going?

Even if he has been obsessed with the work of the Silent Man, he has also heard that Moon Campbell is the fiancé of His Highness. Isn't this just to find some shoes for himself?

No matter how rigid he is in doing things, he would never do such stupid and irrelevant things.


Kanazawa looked at the dark moon mist, and his expression suddenly became strange.

Your Highness, your fiancé is currently alone with other girls in the most closed place in the world. No outsider will know what they are doing there.

Don't you care?

"It's not my business?"

Celecia was wearing a white dress that was very conspicuous in the night. It was raining heavily, but there was no water drop on it. She looked like an epiphyllum blooming at night, and the beauty was breathtaking.

But at this moment, she was even colder than usual, staring at the middle-aged bald man wiping sweat in front of her, as if ice had condensed in her eyes.

"Viscount Gu En, your work is difficult to carry out, what does it have to do with me?"

"Your Highness, please be more considerate of me."

The consul of Xiacheng District, Viscount Gu En, does not look like he has the demeanor to command the entire Xiacheng District. Instead, he looks like a middle-aged social beast who works overtime. The recent pressure has made his Mediterranean look and dark circles rise by more than one level.

The heavy rain had soaked his whole body, but he still kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"It's not that I'm not trying my best, it's just that His Highness is very aware of the chaotic situation in Xiacheng District. Even if we follow His Highness's orders to investigate, it's not impossible, but it will take a certain amount of time."

Viscount Gu En looked very aggrieved, "Moreover, Your Highness, you didn't urge me before, why is this sudden..."

"Of course I'm very considerate of you."

Celecia suddenly said meaningfully:

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have bypassed you and used my own methods to investigate those things."


Viscount Gu En's face suddenly turned pale.

"According to my investigation, the number of missing people in the Lower City has reached an extremely terrifying number, far exceeding the number I showed you last time.

Among the underworld gangs in the Lower City, only the Red Fire Gang is ignorant of good and evil, colluding with evil believers, secretly engaging in human smuggling and trafficking, and then using this to sacrifice to the evil god.

However, how could the Red Fire Gang alone make so many people disappear out of thin air?

So, the question is here."

Celica looked at Viscount Gu En, with a cold arc at the corner of her mouth,

"In the Lower City, besides those gangs, who else is very convenient to do this kind of thing?"

Of course, there is only one answer.

The guard team that is completely controlled by Viscount Gu En.

What else is easier than this official organization whose main purpose is to maintain peace and order in the downtown area, to make some people disappear from this world "reasonably"?


After the cold voice fell, the street with only two people was very quiet except for the sound of rain.

Viscount Gu En suddenly fell silent.

But in silence, his figure rose little by little, and his thick muscles twisted and collided like a giant python, and in a flash, his clothes burst, and he turned into a... complete monster.

"I see."

Seeing the change in Viscount Guen at this moment, Cecilia nodded in understanding, "You are the sleepless man in the urban legend."

"I didn't expect that His Highness would find out."

Viscount Guen, no, it should be said that he is the sleepless man, looked at the girl in front of him, his face instantly became ferocious, and he roared angrily:

"I didn't want to do this, but now that things have come to this, in order to hide this secret, I can only ask you to die, Your Highness!"

He rushed towards Cecilia like an angry bull, and the ground cracked wherever his footsteps passed!


But Cecilia was not panicked, but a trace of sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

She waved her slender fingers, and the dripping rain was mixed with snowflakes without knowing when.

"Who gave you the courage to say such words to me on a rainy day?"

In an instant.

The chill was chilling.

Freeze everything.



Cecilia stood in the paleness, letting the breeze blow her skirt.

The rain stopped at some point.

The dark clouds covering the entire city gradually dispersed, and the vastness and majesty of this city returned to the streets.

Only occasionally there were snowflakes falling, hanging on Cecilia's hair and eyebrows, like silver frost flowers on a winter morning.

"Your Highness."

The knight in golden armor half-knelt behind her.

"Take them back for a thorough interrogation. There should be some nobles who are related to these things. Draw up a list and give it to me as soon as possible... Forget it, let whoever should be in charge do it. I am just a student now and don't want to deal with such a headache anymore."

Cecilia glanced at the ice sculpture beside her.


The knight took the order and ordered his subordinates to take the ice sculpture away quickly.

Only Cecilia was left alone to enjoy the upcoming dawn scenery.

The sky was almost bright.

The city returned to silence again, and the Silence Agency's suppression of evil believers was basically completed.

Everything that happened that night ended as expected.


Celysia looked up and looked at the semicircular dark moon mist not far away.

"You always appear in the most eye-catching place..."

Celysia whispered softly, her silver eyelashes fluttering, her eyes lowered.

At this moment, the girl's mind was as elusive as the snowflakes that drifted randomly in the wind.

146. The Snake of Tears (Thirteen)

"Is it over?"

Moon looked at the suddenly empty space and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The Silent Moon had been dragged back to the world that belonged to them by the Withered King. In this face-to-face one-on-one situation, the ending of the Silent Moon could be speculated, so next, He could no longer spare a hand to hurt the senior sister.

His plan had completely failed.

However, Mu En looked up at the dark moon mist that had been closed, and a flash of understanding flashed through his mind.


It's not over yet.

Mu En lowered his head and looked at the girl in his arms.

The girl still closed her eyes and frowned slightly.

Dark scales covered her fair skin, and under her purple skirt, the enchanting snake tail swayed with her breathing.

The moon was about to end.

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