But the girl has not yet received the redemption she deserves.

How could Mu En approve of such an ending?


Mu En leaned down and touched the girl's forehead.

"Don't be afraid, senior sister, I'm here to save you."





"You little monster!"

In the mixed light and shadow, Anna heard someone cursing.

The voice was extremely harsh, mixed with dirty words, as if facing an enemy with a blood feud, wantonly venting their hatred.

They are...

Ah, they are my parents.

Anna thought for a long time before she found the identity of the figure from the depths of her memory.

- The biological parents who completely abandoned her when she was very young.

It has been so long that she has even forgotten what they look like.

However, even though she heard the angry curses that would make even the best-tempered old man angry, Anna was not very angry.

She lowered her head and looked at her arm.

The scales were hideous.

Yes, I am a monster, so even if I am abandoned, how can I hate it, how can I be angry?

Isn't it human nature to fear monsters?

I have long been used to it.

Anna covered her ears and continued to move forward.

The road is long.

I don't know where it leads.

Anna walked along the way, and the blurry crowds on both sides were noisy, saying the same words as her parents.



"Look, it's a monster."

Even if she covered her ears, those voices continued to pour into her mind.

It's no big deal.

There's nothing to be angry about.

They are just some strangers.

What do they say have to do with me?

As long as...


Anna's face changed slightly.

In front of her, a figure blocked her, but that face was no longer blurry.

That was... the nanny of the orphanage.

At this moment, the extremely kind face in Anna's memory has become angry and ferocious. She stared at Anna and shouted:

"Don't come over, monster!"



More faces gradually became clear.

Friends in the orphanage.

Passersby who met on the street.

Seniors after entering the academy.


that old man.

"You monster!"

The old man smashed the armrest of the rocking chair and roared with a livid face.

"Get out of here, you are not welcome here!"

"Yes, that's right, you are not welcome!"

"Get out, there is no place for monsters here!"

All the people roared, they had the faces in Anna's memory, and they said loudly what they should do.

That's right.

As they should.

Isn't it as they should that monsters are not accepted by people?

No one can be blamed for this, only themselves...bad luck.

That's all.


Anna finally got rid of countless curses and came to a black sea.

Through the sea, Anna stared at her own shadow.

The reflection of the ocean was covered with dark scales, with cold vertical pupils in her eyes and her snake tail swinging, revealing endless weird meanings.

No wonder everyone hates herself. The monster reflected in the sea is so ugly, so... disgusting.

At this moment, Anna looked at the endless sea and suddenly understood something.

"Is that so."

She laughed at herself.


Then, with her snake tail twisted, she slowly walked into the sea, allowing herself to be gradually submerged by the dark sea water.

[Senior. ]

Just at the moment when she was about to be completely submerged, Anna suddenly turned back and looked at the faces on the shore that were either blurred or clear.

"I always feel... someone is missing?"

It seems to be someone very important.

But who is that?

I can't remember.

[Senior. ]

... Forget it.

Even if I remember, it's nothing more than one more person who calls me a monster.

Anna smiled and continued to let her body sink to the bottom of the sea.

Endless darkness gradually submerged her.

That's right.

That's good.

[Senior. ]

Will not cause trouble to anyone.

Will not hurt anyone.

Will not bring destruction to the world.

Just like that, a person, alone, silently, silently,

Buried deep in the darkness.

[Senior. ]

Only I can't see the light...

[Senior. ]

Not painful at all.

Not sad at all.

Not lonely at all.

[Senior! ]

It's so noisy!

Anna suddenly looked up and looked at the voice that she had been forcibly ignoring.

"Will you let me... have a good rest?"

As her voice fell.

Infinite light penetrated the sea and descended here forcefully.

Tear apart all the darkness.

And the blond boy, with a vague but warm smile, stretched out his hand in this dazzling light.

"You finally answered me, Senior Sister, come back with me."


Anna was in a trance, but before she could say anything, the hand grabbed her.

Hold her tightly.

"This time, I won't let you escape again, Senior Sister."

The blond boy said firmly, driving the endless light, ignoring the girl's struggle, and took the girl out of the darkness.

"I am..."

On the broken altar, Anna slowly opened her eyes.

The first picture she saw was the familiar face of the blond boy.


"Senior, you finally woke up."

Looking at Anna, who was still a little confused, Mu En smiled.

He restrained the burning red flames in his eyes, couldn't help but let out a breath and said:

"Fortunately, you didn't really forget me, otherwise I would be really sad."

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