"Forgot? Junior brother, what are you talking about?"

Ana frowned slightly and subconsciously rubbed her temples.

"I seem to have had a strange dream?"

"A dream? That's fine..."

Mu En smiled, "Senior, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Uncomfortable? There's nothing uncomfortable, it's just..."

Ana was about to say something, but suddenly froze.

Because she suddenly found that she was being held tightly in Mu En's arms at this moment.

The two were so close that she could even clearly feel Mu En's body temperature and breath.

This posture, no matter how you look at it, looks very ambiguous.

147. The Weeping Snake (Final) Thanks to the Emperor of Avatarroy

The ambiguous atmosphere gradually spread, and Anna suddenly realized that she was lying in Mu En's arms, and she could even feel each other's breath.

Anna twisted unconsciously, but found that Mu En had no intention of letting go, so her cheeks turned slightly red.



"Did you save me?"

Mixed memories flowed into her mind, and Anna finally had some understanding of her current situation.

The moon and the evil believers have disappeared, and there are only myself and my juniors in this area.

Could it be that the junior student knocked the moon away? When did he become so powerful?

"All I can say is... I helped a little bit."

Mu En scratched her cheek and said sheepishly:

"With my strength, I can only defeat the evil believers. I'll use them as bait. The evil god is still far away from me."

"Bait?" Anna caught the word keenly and frowned:

"It's very dangerous."

"Well, it's nothing. It's just a small trick. It's not very dangerous."

Mu En smiled and said, "As long as senior sister is fine."

Anna's pretty face turned redder.

The space shrouded in dark mist was extremely quiet, and Anna could even hear Mu En's heartbeat and breathing.

Well, a little rushed.

Is he nervous too?

Anna felt a little nervous.

But at this time and in this kind of atmosphere, I should do that kind of thing.

Anna quietly turned around and looked around, and found that under the fog of the dark moon, this area had become an absolutely sealed space.

No one will ever bother you.

Anna couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Now I can't even find a reason to take it slow.

But...it doesn't actually feel annoying.

Ana's breathing suddenly became heavy, and she slowly... raised her head.

Mu En's body was also shaken and she lowered her head.

Obviously this was not the first time for both of them to do this kind of thing, but maybe because of the atmosphere, or maybe because of other reasons, both of them were still a little nervous.

The two are getting closer.

Anna raised her eyes and stared carefully into Mu En's eyes.

Those lake-like light blue eyes always brought her peace.

Even now, gazing into those mirror-like eyes and gazing at herself in the mirror, she also felt her heart that was cold because of the Silent Moon, and again...


Myself in the mirror?

At this moment, Anna's breathing suddenly stagnated.

As if she saw something terrible, her expression suddenly became frightened.

And Mu En is still approaching.

"do not come!"

Anna suddenly pushed Mu En away and jumped out of his arms with incredible strength.


Mu En was pushed away unprepared, rubbing her chest in pain and looking over with confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"You and I……"

Anna stared at Mu En, a trace of confusion flashed across her face.

She slowly lowered her head and looked at... herself, whom she hadn't noticed since she woke up because she had been attracted by her juniors.

She tore off her long sleeves and exposed her arms.

On her arms, pitch-black scales covered every inch of skin, opening and closing in response to her breathing, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying.

And his eyes continued downward, past the towering cliffs and the vast plains. Under the purple skirt, it was not the black silk thighs that would make any man's mouth dry, but...the twisting snake's tail. .

Like a monster... a snake tail.


Anna's delicate body trembled involuntarily. She waved her hand, and a small magic was formed in her hand, extracting moisture from the air and forming a smooth mirror.

She took several deep breaths, fear and panic kept flowing in her mind. It took her a long time to finally muster the courage to raise her head and look at the mirror.

In the mirror, the girl with a beautiful face was no longer as gorgeous as a peach blossom. The dark scales went up from her neck and covered half of her cheeks.

And those eyes that Mu En once described as gem-like eyes soaked in clear water were now cold snake eyes.

Still nothing has changed.

Extremely ugly.

"I see……"

Looking at herself in the mirror, Anna couldn't help but feel in a trance.

She remembered something, crushed the mirror to pieces, lowered her body, and murmured in pain.

"That's not a dream..."

"That wasn't a dream."

"That wasn't a dream!"

"I... am still a monster..."

"It's still a monster that can hurt people!"



Mu En suddenly growled, interrupting Anna's murmur.

He looked at the painful girl in front of him with distress, stretched out his hand, and said softly:

"It's okay, it's okay senior, the moon is almost dead, and he will no longer exert any spiritual influence on you.

So, it's okay, you're not a monster anymore. "

"The spiritual level...that is to say, the physical level cannot be changed for the time being?"

Anna looked at her hands and smiled miserably.

But then, she ignored Mu En's outstretched hand, suddenly backed away, and then took out a large black robe, covering her body in it.

"Junior, no...don't look."

"I don't care."

"No, please, don't look at me..."

Anna shook her head and hid her face in the wide hood.

"Only you...only you, junior...I don't want you to see me like this."

"I told you, I don't care..."

"That's enough, don't lie to me anymore!"

Anna rarely lost control of her emotions and shouted:

"Junior, I know you care about me, but please don't lie to me anymore. I know everything better than anyone else. Who in this world wouldn't care about a monster like me?"

That dream.

That dream was all true.

In other words, that is the reality of the future.

She will be a monster, despised by everyone, and feared by everyone.

Even if you do nothing, you will never be worthy of truly enjoying the light.

As for why there was no Mu En in the dream...

Maybe she subconsciously didn't want her ugly and ferocious appearance to be seen by this junior student who had occupied a large part of her heart at some point.

She hoped that her image in his memory would always be that beautiful senior sister.

"So, junior... don't look at me, and... forget about me."

Anna hid herself in the black robe that covered everything, turned around and left quickly.

She wants to escape from here.

She wanted to escape from her junior classmates and everyone.

Just like in a dream, a person goes to a place where no one can find him.


No one will be afraid.

No one will be bothered.

No one will feel pain.

Everyone can be happy.


Just fine.


But at this moment, a roar interrupted her lonely thoughts.

Suddenly there was wind blowing behind me.

Ana turned back subconsciously.

Mu En's face was ferocious and angry, and he flew towards her.

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