high speed.

Anna raised her hand, and majestic magic gathered at her fingertips.

"Junior, don't come here!"

But Mu En didn't listen, and still walked towards her firmly, step by step.

The magic at the fingertips turned into intense light and heat, and the instantaneous small explosion magic quickly formed and was aimed at Mu En's forehead. As long as he took another step forward, his entire head would be blown off.

But Mu En didn't hesitate at all and continued moving forward.


Anna trembled, dissipating the magic.

"Junior, why..."

"I should be the one asking this question!"

Mu En grabbed Anna's wrist and threw her to the ground brutishly.

On the flat bluestone board, Mu En stared down at Anna's eyes and said angrily:

"Senior sister, why are you always like this!

It was the same before, it was the same in the dream, and it is the same now...

Why do you always think of running away first? "

"I didn't run away, I just... didn't want to hurt..."

"Who did you hurt?"

Mu En roared,

"Teck Rhodes? The son of that earl? Senior sister, are you still trying to lie to me at this time? I have found out clearly that you have never hurt anyone at all!

Besides, how can a person like you, who can't bear to sit idly by with a stray cat in his arms, hurt others?

The Silent Moon is almost over. If you are not affected by it, who else will you hurt? me? !

If you want to do harm, do it now! My magic power is almost exhausted, I am no match for you! "

"But, I..."

"Silly woman, shut up and listen to me!"

Mu En interrupted Anna's words, her eyes seemed to be on fire:

"Senior, I'm very angry, really angry!

Whether it's in that illusory dream or in reality, whenever you become like this, you always want to run away as soon as possible, and you always want to not hurt others.

You are always so gentle, and I also like your gentleness.

But, to be honest, I hate it, very much!

You don't hesitate to hurt yourself because of this tenderness!

Senior sister, can't you think about yourself?

Can't you be a little more greedy?

What's the point of only being able to play pranks? You should also have a bad attitude towards this damn world and this damn fate!

You have the right to be even more greedy! You are qualified to pursue everything you want! "

"But I look like this..."

"What's wrong with you looking like this? You're not a monster at all!"

"No, I am, I am a monster, you know it, junior."

Anna looked at Mu En with sad eyes and said softly:

"No one in this world will accept a snake man with a body covered in scales and a snake tail, no."

"...So what, I don't care about this, I don't care about your appearance, as long as you are still a senior, senior sister, I am the son of a duke, I can help you!"


Anna murmured.

"As I said, no one cares about a monster."


Mu En suddenly became quiet and stopped roaring.

But Anna discovered that his eyes were gradually turning red and bloodshot.

Like a... beast.

"Well, it seems like it's impossible to convince you, this stubborn, stupid woman.

Then I will prove it with practical actions. "


Anna looked confused.

Mu En suddenly let go of her hands, and then... began to tear at her black robe.


Anna was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to stop Mu En's movement.

But at this moment, Mu En was really like a wild beast, his movements were terrifyingly rough, and his expression was terrifyingly fierce.

"Didn't you say you were a monster?"

"Don't you always want to hide?"

"I want to see how scary you are!"

Mu En completely ignored Anna's struggle and tore at her black robe crazily, once, again, and again.

The movement was rough, as if he was storming a solid and closed city gate.

Accompanied by the continuous sound of tearing cloth, soon, the black robe that covered the figure, and even the purple dress that once fascinated Mu En, all turned into fragments flying in the sky.

Anna's body was no longer covered, completely exposed in front of Mu En.

In Mu En's sight, Anna's whole body was covered with tiny black scales, even those two huge round ones. Her waist is still slender, and below the waist is the thick and long snake tail, which is twisting fiercely as Anna struggles.

While Mu En was tearing off her clothes, her fingers inadvertently touched her delicate body, but instead of the expected softness that belonged to a girl, it was hard and cold.

As Anna said, at this moment, she has very few things that belong to human beings, and is more like a terrifying monster.

But Mu En glanced at her carefully and said disdainfully:

"That's it, I thought you were so scary."


Anna clenched her silver teeth, protecting her important parts angrily, and shouted:

"What exactly do you want to do?"

She was a little angry.

Somewhat scared.

Even more puzzled.

But I'm afraid even she didn't notice that Mu En had done such an outrageous thing, and the only emotion in her heart was not disgust.

"What to do? Didn't I just say that? I want to prove something to you."

Mu En smiled, reached out his hand again, and grabbed Anna's wrist.

Press her hands hard, press them on her twisting and struggling snake tail, and forcefully pry her last line of defense.

"Even if everyone in the world thinks you are a monster."

"Even if everyone in the world hates you."

"Even if everyone in the world wants to kill you."

"But, senior sister."

Mu En lowered her head and stared seriously at the pair of eyes that were not beautiful at the moment. With the stubbornness and determination of a girl, she said firmly:

"I will never think you are a monster, I will never hate you, and I will always give everything I have to protect you!"

After saying that, when Anna was stunned for a moment, the boy kissed her hard.

Lips touching.

Mu En pried open Anna's silver teeth and hooked the delicate little snake.

Desperate entanglement, desperate desire.

Even if the tip of his tongue was scratched by the fangs in the unfamiliar girl's mouth, the boy could still smell the blood and exchange fluids greedily.

At this moment, Mu En hugged Anna hard, as if he wanted to rub her into his body forever.

a long time.

Parted lips.

Hooked up with a lustful thread.

Ana's cheeks were slightly red, still a little confused.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because...senpai, didn't you say that before?"

Mu En panted heavily and replied seriously:

"I'm a complete pervert."


Anna was stunned. In her chaotic thoughts, she remembered that she had teased her junior classmate like this.

But, what does this have to do with the present?

"Of course it does."

As if he had seen through Anna's thoughts, Mu En answered word by word:

"Because I'm a pervert.


Even if you really turn into a snake, senior sister.

I also……

Excited for you to see! "

Anna's delicate body trembled.

It was like being struck by a thunderbolt.

Everyone was stunned.

While Anna's eyes widened in astonishment, Mu En kissed her again.

Push harder.

In the kiss.

Anna stared blankly at the face of the young man in front of her.

So fervent, so sincere, so... indestructible.

It was like a meteorite falling from the sky, unreasonably crashing into the heart that she thought was extremely strong.

The defense line that had held her tight for twenty years was shattered in an instant... by a collision.

So, after a lot of self-blocking, her fragile heart was finally exposed, and then she was completely surrounded by the young man who fell from the sky, wrapped in endless light and heat.

So warm.

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