But he suddenly became dazed, just like a video tape, and then played it backwards, the fragment of the divine body that flew towards him actually retreated strangely.

Hezikaya was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted and roared:


"Oh my, what are you shouting, don't you know to respect the old and love the young?"

Meira didn't know when she appeared not far away, and a giant bell shadow appeared behind her. With a little hand, the fragment of the divine body automatically shrank and fell into her palm.

"You have to be more humble to the elderly, don't you think so, little guy?" Meira blinked and said cutely.

3. Falling Moon (Part 2)

"Respect the elderly is there, but love the young?!" Hezikaya blew his beard and glared.


Meira looked at him in shock, "You are more than 400 years old, and you still want to pretend to be young, are you shameless!"


Hezikaya almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Who pretends to be young?

Aren't you the one who likes to act young the most in this world?

Who is shameless!

Hezikaya was furious, but he could do nothing about it.

The thousand-year-old loli in front of him was just a projection, and he couldn't really fight her to death.

And at this time...

Hezikaya took a deep breath and stopped arguing with Mela. His eyes continued to scan, looking for an opportunity.

But just as he was about to take action on a new piece of divine body fragment, his face changed instantly.

Without bothering to choose, he directly took the nearest body fragment into his pocket, stepped into the golden door, and quickly disappeared from the spot.

The crows fled far away, and the white doves were in a panic.

The mangy mouse didn't get anything, cursed in a low voice, and also slipped away quickly, without any nostalgia.

Mela was even more decisive. She reacted first before everyone else. After throwing the fragments into the twisted space, she directly dispersed the projection.

In the void, only the King of Withering was left again, eroding the authority of the moon step by step.

But suddenly, the huge and ferocious pupil shook violently, and suddenly raised his eyes, staring into the depths of the void with anger.

The void, which was higher than the position of the Withered King, suddenly became deep, as if endless ink was splashed on the painting curtain.

There were dots of starlight on the deep background, but the starlight was inexplicably weird.

A will that was not inferior to the Withered King wandered in the starry sky like a shadow covering the void, and then... suddenly descended!

Evil God·Lord of the Stars!

As if feeling threatened, the infinite red flames of the Withered King suddenly rolled up and confronted the terrible will, like a beast baring its teeth at the uninvited guest who invaded the territory.

But the next moment, the Withered King seemed to feel something, and countless skinny palms turned to another direction.

In the void, flowers bloomed.

Blood-red flowers swayed one after another, blooming in the empty space, forming a gorgeous river of flowers.

Then came the grass.

Then came the trees.

Then came the scarlet fields.

Then came the deformed fruits and the infinitely proliferating food, showing a terrifying and magnificent vitality.

And on the river of flowers, a woman with a swaying black skirt and an unclear face walked slowly barefoot step by step.

He seemed to be lowering his head, gazing lovingly at the swaddling clothes in his arms, which were as deep as the abyss.

Evil God, Mother of Fertility!

But this is not over yet.

A golden giant tree, rooted here at some point.

The giant tree is so big that it is difficult to see its end.

An incomparably holy breath permeated from the giant tree, as if the purest Holy Spirit had been born, and the swaying branches and leaves seemed to be able to purify all filth.

But if you look through the pure golden light and peek into the body of the giant tree, you can see countless white bones hanging, countless corpses rotting, and countless souls wailing.

Evil God·Fallen Evil Holy Tree!

It turns out that those who intend to pick up the leaks are not just those human ants that he doesn't even bother to look at. At this moment, there are actually three unexpected evil gods who have descended here.

No, not just three.

The Withered King's gaze fell on the farther distance, where it seemed that white feathers were scattered, holy songs were playing, and a deformed meat ball with an indescribable shape was OB on the edge, not daring to get too close.

The Shame of the Evil God·Corrupted God of Love!

He actually came too!

The Withered King was furious, the red flames were surging, and countless skinny palms, wrapped in the phantom of red soil, suddenly... rolled back.

No longer able to enjoy it slowly, the Withered King directly tore apart the remaining body of Silent Moon, closed his skinny palms, and grabbed the extremely dazzling power core in his palms.

Then at this time, the Withered King finally found something wrong.

He worked hard and spent a lot of effort to finally kill Silent Moon and get the power core... but it was incomplete?

If the power is incomplete, it will not achieve the effect he wants.

Who the hell is it! Who did it!

The Withered King looked around... Of course it couldn't be them.

But at this moment, the Withered King had no time to investigate this issue. Under the pressure of the will of three... no, four evil gods, he definitely had no chance of fighting hard.

The Withered King grabbed the dazzling power core, and before those wills and powers came to seal this place, countless skinny palms suddenly retracted, just like closed stamens, quickly sinking into the depths of the void.

Several evil gods did not choose to chase the King of Withering.

Their authority is incompatible with Silent Moon's, because even robbing them is useless.

Therefore, what is more attractive to them than the worthless core of authority is...

This divine body!

Even if some ants took the opportunity to take something away, it was just some scraps for the huge divine body of Silent Moon.

As a result, the wills of several evil gods slowly approached, and then, as if there was a tacit understanding, they each took up different positions.

A gluttonous feast between evil gods unfolded in silence.

The golden door opened, and Hezikaya returned to the temple of the Church of Life.

But at this moment, he was obviously in a state of embarrassment. The pure white divine robe had become tattered, and the beard on his chest was burnt to a black color.

But the good thing is...

"The effort was not in vain."

Hezikaya glanced at her sleeves, her usually indifferent eyes could not help but add a touch of joy at this moment.

The fragments of the evil god's divine body are still fragments that can be studied at will. In the thousand-year history of the Life Church, it is also an unprecedented harvest.

Just thinking that she could have achieved greater gains, but because of someone... Hezikaya couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her eyes.

"But...the moon is completely gone after all."

Hezikaya thought for a moment, raised her hand and waved lightly, and the divine robe on her body became clean and holy again.

"Someone's coming."

"Here, what are your orders, Your Majesty?" Outside the main hall, a bishop was already waiting.

"Let Jishu Temple create a new moon and hang it in the sky. I don't want those bards to go crazy when they find out that the moon is missing at night."



As if remembering something, Hezikaya suddenly asked:

"I heard that the Great Magister Meladomir has accepted a new disciple?"


The bishop hesitated for a moment and said, "There are rumors in this regard, but they are only spread among a small number of people. I don't know whether they are true or not."

"The fact that few people are spreading the word means it is true."

Hezikaya curled up the corners of her mouth and said lightly:

"Send me the information about that guy. I want to see what kind of outstanding talent he is that can win the favor of Meladomir."

Santa Maria College, top of the bell tower.

Meera rarely left the sea of ​​flowers and was admiring the moon here.

Although it was already dawn and there was no more moon in the sky, Teacher Meira still stretched out her little hand and gently touched it in front of her eyes, as if she was really gently touching the bright moon.

"The moonlight is so beautiful..."

She murmured like a dirge acapella:

"It's a shame I can't see it anymore."

"Just saying..."

After mourning the end of the bright moon, Meira lowered her eyes, looked at the dark moon fog that still lingered far away, and sighed with great regret:

"Those two went to great lengths to fight for that thing, but in the end, did they end up taking advantage of that little girl who just slept for a while?"

"No, the really cheap one is probably that kid."

"Haha, now it's interesting."

4. Bright

Under the dark mist.

On the flat bluestone floor, there are already luxurious clothes spread out, randomly placed as simple bedcloths, and two naked figures are lying on it hugging each other, feeling quite free and easy as if the world is the bed.

While gently hugging the beauty in her arms, feeling the soft and fragrant nephrite with exquisite touch, Mu En lowered her head to look at the senior sister, whose delicate body was trembling slightly, her eyes were blurred, her face was like a peach blossom, and she was vomiting the fragrance of orchid. She couldn't help but feel despair in her heart. Such a satisfying feeling.

Yay, win!

Although at the beginning, it was humiliating to be pinned down by the senior sister, but at that time it was just because of the blessing of snake transformation.

Once the snake transformation is lifted, the senior sister is just an ordinary girl with a delicate body. She usually uses magic and potions to strengthen herself. How can she be like me who usually coughs up a few mouthfuls of blood and breaks a few bones just for fun? How about the ultimate macho man?

Not to mention that Chi Yan is blessed with physical strength. Otherwise, after doing so many things, let alone doing this kind of thing with his senior sister, he would have collapsed from exhaustion.

You, Crab, the King of Blight.

I'll definitely burn two beef kidneys for you later!

Mu En rubbed his senior sister's lightly fragrant hair, a flash of love and pity flashed in his eyes, but when he thought of the scene where he had turned over and made the decision, allowing his senior sister to enjoy her gracefully under him, his heart couldn't help but get hot again.

I have to say, this feels really wonderful.

Although the senior sister had a risk-taking attitude at first, after the snake-like disease was cured, she returned to the shyness of an ordinary girl who had just had her first menstruation.

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