After all, there are very few old drivers in the world who can firmly take the initiative and press him to the ground and rub him like An for the first time.

The senior sister couldn't even let go of her panting at that time.

But the contrast between the deliberate suppression and the complete release of the seal at certain times, and the undisguised gentle humming in front of the beloved, directly made Mu En change the mortar to anti-aircraft gun, and the hardness increased by ten.

Not to mention, the charming temperament on the beautiful face of the senior sister who was completely devoted to the love of fish and water was almost overflowing.

It's better to be outside than to be soul-stirring.

Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but peck Anna's forehead lightly, and his big hands began to restlessly rub back and forth on the delicate body like mutton fat jade.

Especially when he stayed at a certain convex area with perfect arc, Mu En couldn't help but touch it hard.

Sure enough, he was not wrong at first glance. Compared with the turbulent waves in front, the plateau behind, which was usually hidden under the skirt, was the most soul-stirring area of ​​the senior sister.

It's a pity that after all, it was the first time, and many postures could not be unlocked, otherwise...

"Junior brother!"

Just when Mu En was daydreaming, a coquettish voice came, and Mu En immediately felt that the soft flesh on his waist was pinched hard.


Mu En felt pain and begged for mercy:

"It hurts, it hurts, senior sister, be gentle."

"Do you know it hurts now?"

Anna finally came back to her senses from the aftereffect that almost made her soul fly away, and rolled her eyes at Mu En with a charming look, "You were so rough just now, junior brother is really bad."

"Hehe, it's the senior sister who is bad, who makes you so charming."

Mu En laughed evilly, ignoring Anna's slightly struggling body, and continued to rub the oil.

"Okay, it's time to get up. We have been in there for a long time. I don't know what's going on outside." Anna slapped the salty pig hand and said coquettishly.

"It's only two hours, it's not the end of the world, what are you afraid of."

Mu En hugged her tighter and said seriously:

"And even if the world ends, no one can stop me and my senior from being close."

"...You just use sweet words."

A strong love flashed in Anna's eyes, and she looked up and tapped the corner of Mu En's lips, "Be good, let go first, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"Oh." Mu En reluctantly let go.

Just when Anna was about to get up, she suddenly found that Mu En was still staring at her.


"What's wrong?"

Mu En blinked innocently, "I didn't do anything."

Anna's cheeks became redder, so tender that they seemed to be dripping with juice, "Junior, close your eyes first."

"I won't!"

Mu En said confidently, "It's broad daylight, why should I close my eyes? Is there something that can't be seen here?"

"Dead man."

Anna gently hit Mu En's chest, "Close your eyes first, I'm a little shy when I'm being stared at while putting on clothes."

"Haven't you seen everything you should see? What's there to be shy about?"

Mu En pretended not to understand, "How about I put it on for you, senior sister?"



"You've become bad."


"Do I have to punish you a little?"


Mu En was slightly shocked, and before he could react, he saw Anna suddenly turn over and press on him, stretching out her delicate little tongue and gently licking his chest.


Mu En was startled, and under the wonderful touch, the fire in his lower abdomen immediately tended to reignite.

But he quickly calmed down.

"Xiao, Senior Sister..."


"This is not good."

"What's wrong?"

Anna exhaled like orchids, panting lightly, obviously already in the state.

"Didn't you just say that you didn't know outside..."

"Let them wait outside."

"But... this is your first time, playing so big, it's not good for your body." Mu En's eyes glanced at the clear blood plum on the ground beside him.

"Is it?"

Anna tilted her head, "But I think it has almost recovered."

Damn, so unlike An's violent outburst, Senior Sister, are you taking the high recovery route?


Mu En was about to say something, but Anna sealed his lips with her fingers.

"Junior brother, don't you want to see it?"

Anna slowly stood up, showing all the beauty of her enchanting body to Mu En.

She licked her red lips, swayed her waist, and said teasingly:

"Now I've shown you everything, what, you don't like it?"

"Damn it!"

Mu En's eyes suddenly turned red, and he stood up straight.

"Snake demon, look, I'll defeat you!"



I don't know how long it took.

When Anna finally got up with charming eyes, rosy face, frowned, and got dressed in strange movements, Mu En, who had been drained, stared blankly at the dark fog and couldn't help crying.

With insufficient mana and the previous injuries not healed, he was defeated by this demon in the end.

Practice and become stronger, it's really urgent.

Go back and soak in the mercury well for dozens of hours!

Just thinking about it, Mu En also got up and dressed, and suddenly found that the dark moon fog covering this place was actually dissipating visibly with the naked eye.

"This is..."

"The moon is dead..."

Anna looked up at the infinitely distant sky, as if she felt something, and whispered in a low voice.

In the corners of her eyes, clear tears streaked across her face again, as if to indicate that the fate that had been weighing on her had been completely eliminated.

"Senior..." Mu En whispered worriedly.

"It's okay, this is a good thing."

Anna wiped her tears and smiled, "For many people, this is a good thing."


Mu En also smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "Then let's go, senior sister."


Anna put Rouyi into Mu En's palm and followed him into the light that filled the whole world.

5. Two carriages

"Fuck, what's going on?"

As soon as Mu En took her senior sister's hand and walked out of the darkness shrouded in the dark moon mist, she was startled by the scene in front of her.

As far as the eye can see, there are people everywhere.

On the periphery of this vast space, from the streets to the rooftops, from the shadows where the sun cannot shine, to the hidden windows of the buildings, silent people wearing windbreakers have already surrounded this place. With elite temperament and competence, he silently watched Mu En and Anna walking out.

But at this moment, Mu En felt a little awkward.

Just like the tourists watching the giant pandas at the zoo in the previous life, Mu En could even see the gossip and excitement in some of their eyes that were completely inconsistent with the pale otaku faces.

Co-author Am I That Giant Panda?

What the hell, are these silent ones so idle?

Believe it or not, I'm going to tell you that you're going to eat nothing, you bastards!

Mu En complained silently, but immediately reacted, pulling the senior sister behind him, staring at these people, and said seriously:

"What do you want to do? See clearly, the senior is no longer a snake. I also have evidence to prove that she is not the murderer of the earl's son. You have no right to hold on to the senior!"

The silent ones looked at each other and chose silence out of habit. Finally, Kanazawa came out and said:

"We don't mean to be specific, we are here just in case."

"Now that the possibility is gone, you can go."

"But someone wants to see her."

"Is there someone? Who?"

"You'll know in the past."

Everyone made a way to reveal a black carriage waiting silently in the shadows at the end of the road.

Mu En glanced at the carriage. It was the same carriage that most nobles liked to ride in when they did bad things. It was pure black without any markings. Even the horses were specially trained and were so quiet that they didn't look like living creatures.

But Mu En was even more vigilant. He was able to make the familiar senior executives of the Silent Organization in front of him be so respectful. It was very likely that a big boss of the Silent Organization was sitting in the carriage.

And if such a person wants to meet the senior sister who is inextricably linked to Silent Moon, even if the moon is dead, it is difficult to imagine that anything good will happen.

"No! Now that senior sister has nothing to do with the evil god, it is no longer your silence agency that can..."

"Okay, junior."

Just as Mu En was about to refuse, Anna gently pulled his arm from behind.

Looking at the generous figure standing in front of her, which seemed to be able to block out all the storms, Anna's eyes were immediately filled with tenderness and love.

But she still interrupted Mu En and said softly:

"Let me go see him."

"is this okay?"

Mu En turned around and frowned uneasily:

"The Silence Agency did something like that to you before, and... it is a Silence Agency after all. It is so powerful that it is difficult for the Duke's Palace to affect it."

Mu En knew that the words he just said were just meant to scare people.

Although the senior sister has been cured of her serpentine disease, just because she was once regarded as the perfect vessel for the arrival of the Silent Moon, the Silent Agency has the right to investigate and interrogate her again.

After all, this is about the evil god, so one cannot be too cautious.

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